The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I am speechless in my rapture. I have no reply worthy of that tour de force... I will channel the Rickeybird in hopes that he will rise to the occasion... back at ya!
Rickeybird that happy beard of yours leaves Mr LK Senior's whiskers in the shade! It'd be great to see those 3 Amigos in a lineup.

Meanwhile I've found some performers I'd like to recommend as a potential headline act at the GentleRoosters Hot Henz Niteclub, the tune they're performing here certainly seems to cover all the most popular topics :)

The Muppet Show-Cigarettes & Whiskey feat Peter Sellers - YouTube

Thank You, Thank You

I finally know what is wrong with me due to your contribution:o
I'm addicted to all three:eek:

This is why I absolutely love it here. Doesn't matter the question someone has the answer:D
Thank you Gail and Dave, I find the Muppets hold the answers to most of life’s greatest philosophical mysteries:) Or it may be that I watched WAY too much telly as a kid. Jim Henson was a genius taken far too soon.

Personally I have no problem with the cigareets or whiskey, but if I can paraphrase Brother John Barleycorn by way of confession:

“Red wine and birdies and online shopping, they drive me crazy they drive me insane!”

Hallelujah brothers and sisters, Lord help me they do!
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Thank you, Major Tom and LaM! This is a special, special moment.


I promised to channel the Rb. Here we go.

"Am passing COLLECTION PLATE for Easter Services.
All proseeds goes to Patagonian Orphanszszsz Societyy
which meets right cheer at my house,
so send money, of folding type only.
Thank you,
The Reverend Rickeybird, Church of Me, PoBox Clevelan OhHiOh.
P.S. Later we go to church, I hear they got wine there."

Oh, Rickeybird!
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All this Easterness Holidayness made us miss big important occasion...
Lookie here this announcement!!!!!!!!!!


Must sellebrate!
Send all leftover Easterness dollars an chiles an toys to mee, which am the Rickeybird,
Okay theN, you forgiven but put on calendar for nexxxxxxt yearrrr!!!!"

And there you have it.
Why do you think RB is so crazed over the bowl?
My Luna sees her reflection in the SS bowl and she will attack it.
Do you think it's the reflection that gets him started?
How does the RB react to seeing himself in a mirror?

If i may make a suggestion, these good people have already thought of the perfect combination of chiles and chockies ... no good for birdies but maybe once the Rb is tucked safely in bed the adults can indulge :)

Mr. Tex... the Rb is pretty much like that with any toy, especially ones that can be attacked and ejected from cage-top. As for mirrors/reflections/etc., he doesn't seem to register any interest or awareness. When he sees the two of us in a mirror, he looks at me, passingly. Dunno!

LaM... I have HAD that chocolate, and it is devilishly delicious. Amazon has great deals on it... delivered to your house in discreet brown packages. It's nobody's business but your own.
If i may make a suggestion, these good people have already thought of the perfect combination of chiles and chockies ... no good for birdies but maybe once the Rb is tucked safely in bed the adults can indulge :)


I'm not a chocoholic like the BOSS is but that sounds delicious:D
I am a chocoholic and I am soooooo ignoring these last posts.
(drooling all over the keyboard sets a bad example for the birds)

ROFL@ Gail with the " ... delivered to your house in discreet brown packages. It's nobody's business but your own. "
You naughty, naughty woman! :D

I love this thread!

This resemblance to Rb’s ancestors is striking and I know if you asked Valentino the budgie for his opinion he’d say Lilly the Tiny Terrorsaur is every bit as bad if not worse! Mind you he did stand up for himself a little more yesterday so she’s been treating him a bit more respectfully, but she’ll be back!

As for the chocoholics among you - I’m “trying” to abstain from anything but the high quality stuff which is pretty difficult at Easter time!! Trying but failing unfortunately, gone up another dress size, which leads to more shopping, it’s a vicious cycle, I need chocoholics/shopaholics anonymous STAT!!
Chocolate... raptors... cryptic discoveries... private indulgences... fellowship...

Rarely does life reveal itself so meaningfully.

Friends... life is beautiful.

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Indeed cryptic surprises [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


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And I am WAYYYY worse than most of you gal's when it come to chocolate! :p...and it really BITES when you are diabetic also! :eek: ;) :p Bring it on people! :32:

I channeled the Rb for this important NOTICE!

"This here today is National Pet Parent Day!
For Forums I calling it National PARRONT Day!
So celebrate already and behave yerself an give your fids some treats, in particular me which am The Rickeybird,
preferring green chiles and hott heenzes' phone numbers. Okay then."

National Pet Parents Day is observed annually on the last Sunday in April.
There is a very special connection, a unique bond, between a pet and its owner. This unique relationship, which can often last for many years, is often a vital part of the ‘pet parents’ life. Their loved pets are considered to be a member of the family.
National Pet Parents Day was created to honor all dedicated pet parents across the nation with a special day of their own.
Use #NationalPetParentsDay to post on social media.

The Kommandant of Luft Stalag 16, namely HRH Crown Princess Lilly Pilly, has not previously heard of National Pet Parent Day, but now that she has, she's going to make sure its cancelled - she's never heard of anything SO RIDICULOUS and is having none of it!! Looks like a handful of rice and some rat meat for us inmates again... she sure does run a tight ship!


(Lilly looking less than impressed - "Back to work you 'orrible lot!")

"WOWWWWW!!!!! Danggggg right! The very idea of silly Parront Day makes it sound like the other days of the year NOT parront days, and humans can slack offf, whaaaat???? So the other 300seventyeleven days of year NOT serious parront days? Is 'nuther try of humans to get over on poor ole birdsez.
You pretty smart, Kommandantie an you got purty legz, lets get married!"
Hey Rickeybird I ran your proposal of marriage past Her Royal Haughtiness La Principessa and her response was “We are not amused!” Sorry to let you down Big Guy, looks like those cute little demon cyber-spawn we hoped for will have to wait!

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