The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates



And now the buttfeather boon formation. This is a complex verb/noun integration describing the express purpose of the double insult of a boon buttfeather or buttfeather boon. Formations can be singular or circular. Singular formations requiring a single flyover buttfeather booning for common offenses. If one is unfortunate enough to have offended enough for the circular formation, continuous buttfeather booning will occur until the flock feels the offender has received adequate punishment that’s fit for the offense.

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Alfred Hitchcock got nuthin' on that right there!

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SPECIAL ARCHIVE FEATURE - inspired by all the recent singing in this thread.......................................
I think I have outdone myself this time. Your humble Scrapbook Archivist will not be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future. Booyah. I apologize for putting you all through this, but I have a marriage to maintain.

(Patagonian Song Stylings)

"Aria" (Opera style)

"Ode to Green Chiles" (Country/Western style)

"Midnight Love" (R&B style)

"Booty" (J-Lo style)

The Members React
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No couch for you, my love!
I have no idea why all those people are covering their ears.
Ah, but of course... they are overcome by the majestic tones of the Patagonian song-stylist...
If you thought all of THAT was bad...
Here's the Patagonian Community Theater performing their version of "A Chorus Line".
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Yikes! Loud!
We are all under the spell of the Patagonian serenade...uhhh

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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd... moving along to current events...


Sponsored by Dr. Evil IRS Collection Services (OHIO DIVISION)

[ame=""]Dr Evil - One Million Dollars - YouTube[/ame]

The Rb's stuff is a joke, but the real IRS... nope!
I would much rather submit to the R Bird than to the IRS.

Lets make taxation theft again.

Sorry was that too political?
The Rickeybird, Count Rickula, Rickeybird the GangStar, Rickey Rock’n’Roller, any and all aliases and stunt doubles can be contacted via his legally appointed representative at the Yellow-Nape Amazon Legal Service. Please enclose your service fee of $1,000,000 in small non-consecutive bills to Madam Lash’s Whoopee Parlour and Bird Emporium, Midway Island, Birdsville or send your money order to! - and if that doesn’t wet your whistle I got a nice bridge in Brooklyn you may might just be interested in :) All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential and burned in triplicate in accordance with the due processes, laws and policies of the Sovereign Nation of Upper Golfball-awayo.

Yours eccentrically,
Rickey T. Bird
(Faster, Higher, Zanier!)
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As the temporarily appointed representative of Señor Ricardo T Bird on tax related matters I would like to say on behalf of my client “show me the money, show meeee the moneeeeeeyyy!!”
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And, yet another series of Stunning Achievements:

The Rickeybird Scrapbook has achieved... over 165,600 views, 3000 permalinks (Posts) and 300 pages of Rickeyisms!

LaM, I secretly battle (and indulge!) the fantasy that you are the Queen of the Underworld/Overworld or maybe just the Marvel Comics Matriarch of all that is graphic and novel-ish and somewhat unholy. In any event, you are revered on Planet Rb.

Mr. LK... I am sure the Rb appreciates the money-show-me offers, but as account holder and ultimate channeler of the Rb, I still say... SHOW ME THE CHEST HAIR. Much respect. Just sayin'.

Mr. Boats! There's no accounting for taste, is there (?), or at least that is the Rival's stance. My friend, I thank you for your Moderatorly indulgence and ongoing support.

Apologies for recent ramblings Gail, but it was cocktail hour here in Briz Vegas (when is it not??) and the, shall we say, inspiration was flowing freely!

As far as the chest hair thingy goes, please find attached a recent shot of Mr LK and his dad, who is the wellspring from whence he gets his good looks, charm and hirsuteness. Needless to say the apple didn't fall far from the tree :)


Happy Easter to all, and to all a good night!
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Ahhhhhhhhh... understood!

Geez, what a handsome pair!

My ol' man is still pouting from the last round of hirsuteness-envy, but the Rickeybird is confident that he can be the third amigo in the Ruffy Rooster Club...
If it wasn't for varying degrees of alcohol induced posting I might not do any posting at all:eek::D
Rickeybird that happy beard of yours leaves Mr LK Senior's whiskers in the shade! It'd be great to see those 3 Amigos in a lineup.

Meanwhile I've found some performers I'd like to recommend as a potential headline act at the GentleRoosters Hot Henz Niteclub, the tune they're performing here certainly seems to cover all the most popular topics :)

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