The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

The blame/ praise/ inspiration really lies in this thread. :D

We were just playing around with it for half an hour and decided to share.
(getting rid of -most of- the typoos was the hardest part)

Just for fun & giggles (we will depart to the irish pub for yeasty bubbles in a few hours)
Have a great Saint Paddies everyone!!
Happy (almost) St. Patty's Day!
We need a good drinking song.

Lukas came over and insisted the RB should have another song in his honour, but since he also sympathizes with Rival...we ended up with this:

The wild RB

I've kept a wild parrot for many a year
kept buying transfusions and bandaids and beer
but now I got bitten, right down to my core
I am bleeding and crying, can't take anymore

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went to a petshop I used to frequent
and showed the wise owner the blood on my hand
I asked for some stitches, she answered me nay
with a bird just like yours you'll need those every day

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I reached in my pocket and took out my phone
to show her that cute side he once showed at home
It was ten years ago I remember it well
so .. I bought him some gifts that the lady did sell!

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went home to my parrot and gave him a toy
and I told my tormentor he is such a good boy
He reached for my fingers, he went for my nose!
I heard the beak snap and oh boy it was close!

and it's no, nay, never
no nay never no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more
Rival, we toast to you: SLAINTE!

And just so that readers may appreciate the true epic genius of this parody...
The Wild Rover(No Nay Never) The Dubliners Lyrics - YouTube

I am in awe.
Just... wow.
And thank you!


I have rarely laughed this hard here. Well done, ladies, WELL DONE!
Happy St. Patagonianrick's Day, everybody.
A lovely ending for St. Patagonian's... St. Patarickeybird's... St. Patagonianrick's... uhhh...
Anyway... thanks for all the fun!
It's said that everybody's Irish on St. Pat's Day, so...
Tomorrow (21) is budgie-day (or so a certain british petshop tells me)...
that means more spicey pictures of the little relatives for the RB?
Wrong on so any levels.
LEVEL 1 , LEVEL 2, LEVEL 3.........up through......... LEVEL Infinity. All wrong. If I think of a level on which it is not wrong, I will happily identify it.
Meanwhile, just....................... wrong.
Rival out. :29:
Speaking of WRONG...

I feel duty-bound to touch on butt-feathering every now and then... it is such an important concept.
The Rickeybird buttfeathered me again, just now.

LeaKP created and added a word to the Forums Lexicon while contributing to the Rickeybird Scrapbook. I love it.
Submitted for your consideration.

Performed by a perching parrot, the act of turning the back and hoisting the tail, thus exposing the nether-feathers in a display of defiance, mockery, or mischief.
Buttfeather, buttfeathers, buttfeathering, buttfeathered
"The bird would often buttfeather his owner when feeling ignored."
Synonym: "moon" (slang, obsolete)
Illustration (using the now obsolete term "mooning")

The original thread...
I love it lol

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I love it lol
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Buttfeathering produces only laughter and adoration in humans, whatever the intended effect, though, so...
I guess you could say it kinda...
Conditions precluding buttfeathering:

You don’t feed the right chop.
You don’t scratch the right spot.
You interrupt important moments of destruction.
You interrupt mid screech.
When you basically do most anything. Especially if you’re serving a grey, they think it is a necessary daily occurrence.


See my buttfeathers? Look at them, they are beautiful!

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Admirationlevel: maximum!
Speaking of WRONG...

I feel duty-bound to touch on butt-feathering every now and then... it is such an important concept.
The Rickeybird buttfeathered me again, just now.

LeaKP created and added a word to the Forums Lexicon while contributing to the Rickeybird Scrapbook. I love it.
Submitted for your consideration.

Performed by a perching parrot, the act of turning the back and hoisting the tail, thus exposing the nether-feathers in a display of defiance, mockery, or mischief.
Buttfeather, buttfeathers, buttfeathering, buttfeathered
"The bird would often buttfeather his owner when feeling ignored."
Synonym: "moon" (slang, obsolete)
Illustration (using the now obsolete term "mooning")

The original thread...

Okay, what we have here with this Grey is an unprecedented variant on regular buttfeathering, and I for one am stunned. This bird can't be bothered even to stand while delivering the insult. He lies on his back in a disturbing display of disregard and disrespect. Astonishing!
I hadn't even registered the sophistication of the above insult! WELL!

But wait... here are two wild Rickeybirds who have invented a
This provides for the delivery of "ordnance"!

I hadn't even registered the sophistication of the above insult! WELL!

But wait... here are two wild Rickeybirds who have invented a


This provides for the delivery of "ordnance"!


The fear this strikes in the hearts of the innocent!

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I hadn't even registered the sophistication of the above insult! WELL!

But wait... here are two wild Rickeybirds who have invented a


This provides for the delivery of "ordnance"!


The fear this strikes in the hearts of the innocent!

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I really don't care what y'all think..I say those are two very pretty butt's :59: The biggest insult to that photographer would be if he got booned apon while taking this shot! :18:


"Mr. Jim, I likes yer style. You respeck the boon!"

Jim, thank you for another nice nod to the Rickeybird Scrapbook Glossary.
For those of you are new, there was a time when poop was playfully called "boon" by (I HOPE I'm giving credit where it's due) Kentuckienne, Lea, and Jim (and more) in acknowledgment of the great fascination and humility with which most of us receive it!
Let there be boon!


a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
"the poop will be a boon to students of parrot welfare and status"
synonyms: dooty, poo, poop, droppings

a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
"the poop will be a boon to students of parrot welfare and status"
synonyms: dooty, poo, poop, droppings

To this we should add a standard conjugation guide for parrots who may have subject-verb-agreement problems. etc.

I buttfeather
You buttfeather
He/She buttfeathers
We buttfeather
You (pl.) buttfeather_
They buttfeather
Simple past: buttfeathered
Present continuous: am/are/is/are buttfeathering
Present perfect: have buttfeathered_
Past Imperfect: was/were buttfeathering
Happy conjugating, birds.

Edit: for the Rickeybird...................... conure-gating.....................
a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
"the poop will be a boon to students of parrot welfare and status"
synonyms: dooty, poo, poop, droppings

To this we should add a standard conjugation guide for parrots who may have subject-verb-agreement problems. etc.

I buttfeather
You buttfeather
He/She buttfeathers
We buttfeather
You (pl.) buttfeather_
They buttfeather
Simple past: buttfeathered
Present continuous: am/are/is/are buttfeathering
Present perfect: have buttfeathered_
Past Imperfect: was/were buttfeathering
Happy conjugating, birds.

Edit: for the Rickeybird...................... conure-gating.....................

Thank you Rival I always need help in remembering how to conure-gate my past imperfect impersonal participles ... and as for that majestic formation fly-past by the Royal Patagonian Flying Corps, I say “boons away!” .. oh and “look out below!!”
I am inexplicably proud to note that this page ranges from the vulgar to the fine... that is... from BIRDS' BUTTS to COMPLEX CONJUGATION, and with absolutely seamless association and transition.
And we're all reading it as if it makes complete sense in our lives, which of course it does.
I'm glad we all have a place to come and relate.

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