The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Some of you are familiar with "A Day in the Life of the Rickeybird".
These next videos aren't new, but I regrouped them into...

"A Night in the Life of the Rickeybird".

Lights (OUT)... Camera... ACTION!
Here are our tender moments as bedtime approaches...
[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]dpv6TTiONeg[/MEDIA]"]rickeybirdproductions: Bedtime - YouTube[/ame]​
And here is the occasional surprise midnight serenade...
[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]wZ4f2cNRU_g[/MEDIA]"]rickeybirdproductions: Midnight Serenade - YouTube[/ame]​
And here is the Rickeybird ringing his morning wakeup bell at the crack of dawn.
[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]oVm9NTINO8A[/MEDIA]"]rickeybirdproductions: WAKE UP, WORLD! Rb and his bell! - YouTube[/ame]​
Life is good!
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It’s all about what happens at night with RB i understand.

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We interrupt this thread to say "rest in peace, Douglas the Parrot"...

The Rb and I just ran across this. Douglas was a film star in 1970, and went on to have some real adventures! I was in middle school when he made his debut. The Rb was still 14 years before hatching!
Ohnoes, not another one :(

(thanks for the heads-up Gail)
Ms Gail...I think Rickey and Salty should meet via Skype! They could form a band..Rickey on bells and Salts on piano! I see a world-wide tour in the horizon :D

Oh, my darling Jim... Salty and the Rb HAVE met on Skype, on the occasion of Salty's first birthday party! The Rb was just horrific, and poor Salty just stared in shock. The Rb screamed and flapped and snapped for a good half hour. Al and I finally gave up trying to have a conversation.

This actually resulted in a family meme. I told this story to everybody, none of whom were surprised that the Rb shamed himself. Thereafter, anytime there is mention of a party with family or friends, somebody quickly quips "The Rickeybird is not invited!"

If nobody else says it, I DO!

Here's a photo of the occasion.

Gail, I thought you were trying to keep RB from the internet considering his raucous ways...
Gail, I thought you were trying to keep RB from the internet considering his raucous ways...

TRYING is the operative word when it comes to the RB.:eek:

He controls my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
I must do as he bidzszszszszszszszszs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesssssssssss, Rb, yesssssss, MasssssssterrrRrRrrrrrRrr...


Don’t look into his eyezzzzzzz i felt it!!!

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Is there such a thing as patagonian guiness?
(of course drinking enough of any beer wil makes you want to sing out loud at night anyway ;) )
Happy (almost) St. Patty's Day!
We need a good drinking song.
A singing Patagonian could certainly DRIVE me to DRINK. And I'll drink to THAT!
A round of Guinness for everybody, and it's on me.
Lukas came over and insisted the RB should have another song in his honour, but since he also sympathizes with Rival...we ended up with this:

The wild RB

I've kept a wild parrot for many a year
kept buying transfusions and bandaids and beer
but now I got bitten, right down to my core
I am bleeding and crying, can't take anymore

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went to a petshop I used to frequent
and showed the wise owner the blood on my hand
I asked for some stitches, she answered me nay
with a bird just like yours you'll need those every day

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I reached in my pocket and took out my phone
to show her that cute side he once showed at home
It was ten years ago I remember it well
so .. I bought him some gifts that the lady did sell!

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went home to my parrot and gave him a toy
and I told my tormentor he is such a good boy
He reached for my fingers, he went for my nose!
I heard the beak snap and oh boy it was close!

and it's no, nay, never
no nay never no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

and it's no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more


Rival, we toast to you: SLAINTE!
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Lukas came over and insisted the RB should have another song in his honour, but since he also sympathizes with Rival...we ended up with this:

The wild RB

I've kept a wild parrot for many a year
kept buying transfusions and bandaids and beer
but now I got bitten, right down to my core
I am bleeding and crying, can't take anymore

and its no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went to a petshop I used to frequent
and showed the wise owner the blood on my hand
I asked for some stitches, she answered me nay
with a bird just like yours you'll need those every day

and its no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I reached in my pocket and took out my phone
to show her that cute side he once showed at home
It was ten years ago I remember it well
so .. I bought him some gifts that the lady did sell!

and its no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

I went home to my parrot and gave him a toy
and I told my tormentor he is such a good boy
He reached for my fingers, he went for my nose!
I heard the beak snap and oh boy it was close!

and its no, nay, never
no nay never no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more

and its no, nay, never
no, nay, never, no more
will I keep a wild parrot
no never no more


Rival, we toast to you: SLAINTE!


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And just so that readers may appreciate the true epic genius of this parody...

I am in awe.
Just... wow.
And thank you!

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Yup, totes respect to Christa and her crew for another work of pure Guinness... erm... genius, possibly the former inspired the latter!

Happy St. PatagonianO’PatrickO’Shenanigans Day to the lot of you!

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