The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

And then there are goat beards.

This is maaaaahhhh beard [emoji23][emoji238][emoji238][emoji238][emoji238]


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And the bearded emperor tamarind... ok too many contestants!!!

Who will RB choose???


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And then there are goat beards.

This is maaaaahhhh beard [emoji23][emoji238][emoji238][emoji238][emoji238]


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That's Willameena Goat...Billys Maahhhh :D

As a poor hairless Dane, I humbly concede to my hirsute human brethren, and as always to my featherfaced rivals.


Facial Hair - Why count, you know who you are
Feather Faces - Ditto
Me 0

I think we already have a winner...
Speaking of beards, let's kick the Santa Season off by opening up the Scrapbook Archives and having a nostalgic and seasonal look at THIS one! It was a Humane Society Event... 'buy a photo of your pet with Santa'...
The Rickeybird flapped around a bit, but became content to pose nicely.
As you can see, it was in 1995; the Rb was 11. It looks like he was quite impressed with Santa's beard, don't you think? Thank goodness it didn't get pooped on... now THAT would have been rough to live down.


Oh boy! That’s a treasure!!!

Kevin on the other hand would’ve taken his red butt and flown to a distant county. The red suit and beard would’ve been too festive and radioactive for my snobby guy.

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"Rickey said "hello" and "maggot"...

Hehehe..giggle!...LMFAO!!!:D;):eek:;):D :54:

Oh Rickey!!

The dude in the silly red suit has had it coming for years... maggot! :)
Speaking of beards, let's kick the Santa Season off by opening up the Scrapbook Archives and having a nostalgic and seasonal look at THIS one! It was a Humane Society Event... 'buy a photo of your pet with Santa'...
The Rickeybird flapped around a bit, but became content to pose nicely.
As you can see, it was in 1995; the Rb was 11. It looks like he was quite impressed with Santa's beard, don't you think? Thank goodness it didn't get pooped on... now THAT would have been rough to live down.


I had been the Bird's "rival" for a year or so at this point. As I recall, this photo with the Bearded One cost me five bucks. Five bucks.
Speaking of beards, let's kick the Santa Season off by opening up the Scrapbook Archives and having a nostalgic and seasonal look at THIS one! It was a Humane Society Event... 'buy a photo of your pet with Santa'...
The Rickeybird flapped around a bit, but became content to pose nicely.
As you can see, it was in 1995; the Rb was 11. It looks like he was quite impressed with Santa's beard, don't you think? Thank goodness it didn't get pooped on... now THAT would have been rough to live down.


I had been the Bird's "rival" for a year or so at this point. As I recall, this photo with the Bearded One cost me five bucks. Five bucks.

Well worth every penny!

Apparently you have the love of a very nice and lovely lady and it has not faded over the years. Even though the RB has decided you're unworthy....kind of like the father in law and the brothers. It's just something else to deal with.

And let's be is more interesting if you have to fight for and prove that love everyday.:07:

Heck Mr. T Richard Bird could possibly be doing you a favor.:rolleyes:
Major TOM, you are clearly a man of insight, temperance, maturity and... meritorious facial hair. I am honored that you have added yourself to the Scrapbook Beardwatchers Meme.
Major TOM, you are clearly a man of insight, temperance, maturity and... meritorious facial hair. I am honored that you have added yourself to the Scrapbook Beardwatchers Meme.

Well the beard gets whacked sometime after the first of the year usually.

Although I am honored to be added to the Scrapbook Beardwatchers Meme.

I have to come clean like ChristaNL as I am a omnivore. However I haven't hunted any kind of bird in many years. I still feed the game birds and even plant food plots and cover for them. I just prefer to watch them and the way they act as a flock or covey. Especially quail as they have a very definite hierarchy which appears to try and protect the hens. I would be happy to spend the rest of my life watching quail coveys and turkey flocks interact with their own. Unfortunately I'm to old to go back to school and then go to work for Texas Parks and Wildlife.:(

This weekend I'm taking my father (90ish) deer hunting. I take him usually twice a year. Of course I do all the work but it means I get to spend time with him apart from Mom who is two years older. It is also his gift for the 6 tons of corn he gives us to feed the deer every year. Yes, my parents are still farming at their age. I very seldom hunt anymore, I tell him I am going to another blind and I just sit and watch the deer, turkey, and quail or go back to the cabin and drink to much coffee. Hogs I will shoot as they are a blight on this state(and they taste good, lean meat).

I'm full of BS but what I wrote to the Rival was meant from the heart. Even though I know he is well aware and mindful of everything I said.;)

Sorry for the long wind, yes I have had an adult beverage this evening:eek:
I'm ok with deer hunting, they are a prey animal, without the mountain lions, wolves, coyotes keeping em check.....I couldn't of course. Sounds like a wonderful time with Dad, and you did say some sweet stuff to Gail and only sweet stuff was Neptune spending some time telling me he loves me and asking for kisses.. come to think of it that's much more than my ex did ;) know you get busy with life n trying to keep your head above water, and yet we set aside time to bond with our Fids, guess in my next life I'll remember to make the significant other and I set aside time to bond ;) ;) ;) ;) I wonder how much looking into each other's eyes and saying I love you give me a kiss a guy could really take before being mushed out lol , am laughing just thinking of it!
Well... taking what all of you are saying very seriously... and speaking of stepping back and remembering what's important...

There was some excitement at the Rb's house today, and I will tell the tale in hopes it may sound a worthwhile alarm (pun intended - read on!).
Out of nowhere, one of our Carbon Monoxide detectors sounded off. That often happens when the battery is low, so Kirby replaced/reset it. A little while later, a SECOND alarm went off. Oh, it was soooooooooooooo tempting to ignore it, but... when we couldn't reach our plumbing/heating guys for a CO level check, we called the Fire Department and they came over, detected a very high CO level, and set all kinds of stuff in motion. The Rb quickly found himself in our neighbor's driveway while the mystery was sorted out. Fireplace vent issue, now fixed.
The lessons...

Rb in the car in the neighbor's driveway, Cavalry to the rescue.

Men doing mystrious things with guages and stuff; the squad took our vitals.

We're okay, gas company did something to something in the fireplace. Everything's okay. Here's the Fire Chief signing papers that say so.

The Rb rings the "all clear" bell (his favorite trick for visitors), much to the firemen's amusement. He was back in his cage after all CO levels were back to normal. They really had fun with him... had never seen a parrot up close, had no idea they lived so long, and the squad had fun telling me the canary-in-the-coal-mine story. They were surprised that he was alright. I was just GRATEFUL!

Take care, everybody!
WOW! Thank God you had those CO detectors... and thank YOU for paying attention to them. I'm so glad you are all fine. :)

Thanks for the warning!
I guess I better put the batteries back in mine:eek:

I'm really glad that it was an easy fix and everyone is alright, and yes that includes Mr. T. Richard Bird.;)
So glad everyone is ok!!! Especially the little guy with the bug spirit!!! I had co2 detector installed, and they kept going off at night, had do go through a big house test, ends up house was too air tight and at night co2 levels would rise as no one was opening doors and what not. Had to have a new air intake thing installed! So yes get a co2 monitor if you don't have one! Thanks for the story!!!!! So glad all is ok. Ricky Bird the parrot ambassador!!

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