The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


Oh, Rickeybird!
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... thanks for the good wishes, all. Yeah, I had pneumonia. My advice --- avoid it at all costs! I'm back, more or less, and looking forward to catching up.


Dear Rickybird: No hen will treat you like the one you've already got. Stay where you are.

Gail: So glad you're back! It sounds like you had a hospital stay??? Yikes! BUT, in my superstitious way, I think that's three hospital stays for super-active members so everything is done now. Thanks for taking one for the team.

I missed you!
Ohhh newmonia is baaad stuff! Welcome back get rested!

I’m sure RB has much to say when he gets the chance.

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Oh no, I whish you a speedy recorvery!
Gail thank goodness you’re back - it must have been very serious to have kept you off the air for so long! I hope you will be back to full fitness real soon!

Meanwhile Rickeybird has telepathically transmitted me a haiku of how things were going on between him and Rival in your absence...

“You never fed me,
Perhaps I’ll sleep on your face,
That'll sure show you!”

by Mr Rickey T Bird :)
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Hahahahahaha, oh yea they are back again.
WB Gail and family.

RickyBird: shame on you- the moment your devoted henperson is a bit under the weather you are ready to trade her in for another model?
I will have to report you to the Bond Of Devoted Patagonians, you will be hearing from them!
Inger, thank you so much. I like your math and so... what the heck. You're welcome!

Lea, this pa-moan- ya *IS* something else. Regarding the whole Thanksgiving scene, I was just joking with somebody that pneumonia is a lot like my Great Aunt Isabela, may she rest. After a big Thanksgiving meal, she'd plop down someplace and you KNEW she was't going ANYWHERE for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time...

Laura, Rozalka, many thanks, my darlings.

True, LaManuka. I was in and out of Club Med (aka Cleveland Clinic) for close to five days. The Haiku was of course brilliant and precisely revelatory. It perfectly captured the dear Rb's existential struggle to balance loyalty with, uhh... well, pure evil, basically.

Christa, the Rb has settled down. The sting of rejection and abuse was miraculously eased by extra green chiles... *sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*.

GOOD GLORY, I'm grateful for my little patch of time and space... just in general, but especially here with you all, and all your fids, and our adventures.

Sooo happy to see your smiling face again Ms Gail :D That newmoania chit can be nasty! Please take it easy the next few days. Welcome back and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and RB and Rival and of course to everyone here!

Jim,Amy,and The Beebs
Dearest Gail, in honour of your glorious return (we missed you and were all very worried about you!) I give you a photo of my beautiful long-suffering hubby and the gorgeous Fang which is guaranteed to either give you a good laugh or have you reaching for the oxygen bottle (hopefully not the latter!) The story is the more senior coppers here were tasked with growing a moustache for a men's health charity called "Movember" and this was the result.... so I will allow you to judge who is the prettier boy!

So glad youre back and feeling better and that Rickeybird's suffering at the hands of Rival is at an end!


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Dearest Gail, in honour of your glorious return (we missed you and were all very worried about you!) I give you a photo of my beautiful long-suffering hubby and the gorgeous Fang which is guaranteed to either give you a good laugh or have you reaching for the oxygen bottle (hopefully not the latter!) The story is the more senior coppers here were tasked with growing a moustache for a men's health charity called "Movember" and this was the result.... so I will allow you to judge who is the prettier boy!

So glad youre back and feeling better and that Rickeybird's suffering at the hands of Rival is at an end!

I see the resemblance! :D

Thanx Jim, Fang gets his cuteness from his daddy’s side of the family:)
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lawwwwwwwwwwwwwdy...

Fangie, you're a sweetheart, but... ain't even close.

If anyone else would care to share photos of human male facial hair vs. parrot feather-face, I can promise that they will be stored safely and discretely in the HUMAN MALE FACIAL-HAIR VS. PARROT ROOSTER FEATHER-FACE Attractiveness Gallery, and reviewed (extensively and discretely, by the head researcher, which would be yours truly) as needed for ongoing research.

So far...

Facial Hair 1
Feather Face 0
Are you just judging facial hair or does the rest of the human count as well?

(The human male has more bodyhair than an adult gorilla, we are 1:1 with chimpanzees.)
Tee hee!! Unfortunately the charity month is (almost!) over and as hubby has taken some days off work the facial fungus is coming off today cos it’s driving him crazy! But not before we went to see “Bohemian Rhapsody” yesterday and some folks thought it was a tribute to Freddie... lotsa very suspect looking ‘taches around Briz Vegas right now! But never fear hubby is from very hirsute stock & there’s plenty more hair where that came from! (I hope it gave you a smile :) )
Here’s the closest I can get in short notice: Bird nibbling human facial hair.


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As a poor hairless Dane, I humbly concede to my hirsute human brethren, and as always to my featherfaced rivals.


Facial Hair - Why count, you know who you are
Feather Faces - Ditto
Me 0
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I am overcome with pride and excitement
as I observe yet another

Be ye rooster, human, dragon, canine, or...???...


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