The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Awesome story and pictures Ms Gail.. Did RB alert you to a problem beforehand with any unusual noises or was it just that dang (but well worth it) CO detector sounding off?
At any rate,glad to hear everything/everyone is okey-dokey and the firemen were doing their job (and groovin' on Rickey :D)

What a great save, Gail. You had a swift evacuation plan and exercised it. Glad you are all OK. And yes, believe the "science" of detectors, or at least assume the worst until proven wrong.
Are we sure this whole thing wasn’t just an attempt by a certain Rickeybird to remove a certain Rival once and for all? I’m just sayin’ what everyone else is thinkin’...
Oh my...Gail!!
Glad you are all right (and thanks for the pictures, one happy Rickybird!)

LOL Lamanuka- yup you've said it ;) (Rb probably planned it, but could not slam the door in time.)

Laurasea: After the initial shock wears off and they are over the suspicious-what-are-you-planning-to-with-that?-phase a lot of men & women love scritches too!

Human skin is a lot less sensitive than a birds of course, even between males (blunt blokes) and females (hypersensitive) there is a huge gap -> one of the reasons you have to teach each other to scritch 'just right': guys will usually use waay to much force and females wil just cause irritation by 'tickling' instead of scritching.
Someone told me once the sensitivity-ratio male skin : female skin is about 1:20!!

I am guilty of even giving my friends scritches by accident/ habit for years and now they don't mind it al all ;)
(unfortunately they have also started to greet me with WRAAAAAAAAAH WRAAAAAAH, so not sure if one causes the other...)
Further proof (as if any more was needed) that ABBA were/are the greatest band in the history of history itself.... EVER!!!!

They predicted in 1974 the rising of a superstar called Rickey and accordingly wrote a song about him, almost as though they had a premonition... I have found the link to the archival recording (and i cannot believe I didn't point this out earlier, very slack on my part!)

So please sit back, relax, and enjoy the utter magnificence that is... "Ricky Rock'N'Roller" by ABBA (cue the wild cheering & applause ... everyone's an ABBA fan it's just not everyone is prepared to admit it :) )

"Oooh wish I could be like you Rickey Rock'n'Roller!!!!"
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ABBA! geez that blond Angatha(sp) is sooo hot! :D

NOW we're in the holiday spirit!
Carbon Monoxide got nuthin' on US!

And the Rickeybird says...

"Hit that REPEAT button, play thoz hot Swedish chicks AGAIN!"
Hahahahaha, that rooster is going to wear out the replay-button!!

(Japie ate my remote a few weeks ago ... he is not the pushing-button-type at all, he went fullout 'search and destroy'.)

Gail: The men in your life have a really good taste! ;)
this is a masterpiece amazing!

Jim and Amsterdam you are men of fine distinction and obvious good taste. Let’s not however rehash the old “blonde versus redhead” debate, those two girls were both gorgeous as well as supremely talented and could out-do any of the wannabe pop princesses of today and not even break a sweat:)

I read somewhere that ABBA recorded “Ricky Rock’n’Roller” in a drained indoor swimming pool because of the acoustics in there. Bjorn reportedly said they played it so loud that some of the tiles fell off. So I think that’s the volume you should aim for when playing it now, LOOOUUUDDD!!!!!
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That is exact right good
oh yeahhhh, for holiday spirit, aim for that
that is GOOOOOD
like that right there, gooood
and that there is Patagonian holiday spirit type of
right there!

Hey this is not a test, this is ROCK AND ROLLLLL!!!!!”

Hello, dear members!

I need to make an announcement that is both sad and happy. I am stepping down as Moderator, and that's SAD for me, because I enjoyed it so much, but it's also HAPPY in that it's the right thing for me to do at this time, given some personal life issues.

Many, many, many thanks to the Moderation Team (and Administration) for making my time on the team a joy, and my departure as easy as possible. They're a great bunch of people who do absolute wonders towards facilitating this site, supporting members and helping birds. Special hugs to Terry57 for finishing out my POTM contest this month.

See y'all around. Hey, you better not forget that there's still this Scrapbook, Galeria Pet Portraits, and all my favorite Active Threads!!

I love this place.
Gail Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

Who is going to look after me, keep me out of trouble?:16:

I'll be banned in no time at all.:(
Wow Gail, without throwing a retirementparty?

Thats a shocker!!
Say it isn’t so!!!

We are very sorry indeed to hear this news but you must of course take care of you and yours first - and I’m sure a certain bird takes up a lot of your time!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us as a moderator and it’s good to know you’ll still be around because we love you and can’t imagine the Forum without you!!
I'm at a loss for words here..:confused: :o I pray everything works out in a positive way Ms Gail..

Oh !!! I noticed you hadn't been having your say, but figured you were still recovering from the pneumonia! I hope you are ok! Take care of you and family. I hope we keep getting to hear from you... Much love!!
Thinking of you these days, thank you for being a moderator and for all you do here. Will keep my eyes out for RB and his antics here!

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Thank you Gail, allong with all our mederators. I hope you the Rival will still be around to spice things up.

Al & Salty

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