The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

There once was a conure names Rickey
Who let the hens play with his

Oh wait. This is a family show. [emoji16][emoji16]

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Lord Jim used to know Toni Basil,
And never is one to get frazzled,
He quotes on the Forum
With proper decorum,
And drumming skills certain to dazzle! :)
Lord Jim used to know Toni Basil,
And never is one to get frazzled,
He quotes on the Forum
With proper decorum,
And drumming skills certain to dazzle! :)


There once was a conure names Rickey
Who let the hens play with his

Oh wait. This is a family show. [emoji16][emoji16]

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Someone needs to tell Rickeybird [emoji23]

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hahahahaha, oh nice one LeakP (very sharp!)
Inger... once upon a time, the Rb chewed off the "R" on my laptop... all I could type was "ickeybird". Swear to God. Hilarious that you channeled that!

Lea... somebody DOES need to tell the Rickeybird about the G-rated thing.

LaManuka... it was a poetic pleasure to assist in busting Lord Jim, YOLO Dude Extraordinaire. It had to be done.

Christa... with proprietary fulfillment, I note that the Human Hens are establishing real ramparts of solidarity in the ol' Scrapbook!. We rock.


"Pro-priiii-uhhh... PROPRIETARY... Tary? Oh TERRY, Terry57 yeah she a real fine modderater human hen what nose how to party im pretty sure, and FULFILLMENT , yeah like some y'all hens IS full of it but I loves ya, an y'all's RAMPARTS for sure be rammin' an jammin', an y'all welcome any time in my Scrapbbok, SOLIDARITY SOLID AIR, I got yer solid righthere, I do y'all HUMAN HENS a SOLID any time, thass right!"

Oh, Rickeybird!
Ickeybird! Hahaha! That’s a very good nickname for our little friend.

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Happy Veterans' Day from the Rickeybird's Household to all of yours! I offer my love and gratitude and respect to each and every veteran, AND to their families and supporters.

Gail I congratulate you in serving the Rickeybird. What a testament to patience and loving a creature just as they are and enjoying it! Love this thread btw.

I join with you saluting veterans, what an honor to have them represent us all.

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Lea, thank you! You're a blessing here, and, I'm sure, a blessing everywhere you go.

Happy DAY-AFTER Veterans' Day, Vets, and thank you for your service, yesterday, now, tomorrow, and always!
Happy DAY-AFTER Veterans' Day, Vets, and thank you for your service, yesterday, now, tomorrow, and always!

This can't be said often enough.

I would also like to thank the families of our men and women veterans and current service personnel. They also sacrifice for our country.:40:
Gail? Rickey? Rival? Where is everyone???

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Well I didn’t wanna say anything but I’m wondering too...
Me too!!! I saw this back on active topics and was like she's back! Then i saw it was you guys thinking the same thing....
Our Lady of the bright day (Sunshine) has been under the weather (a bit cloudy if you will) but will be returning shortly. I am sure she will be happy to know everyone noticed.
Our Lady of the bright day (Sunshine) has been under the weather (a bit cloudy if you will) but will be returning shortly. I am sure she will be happy to know everyone noticed.

Thank you, Mr. Boats. I was getting rather worried.

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Our Lady of the bright day (Sunshine) has been under the weather (a bit cloudy if you will) but will be returning shortly. I am sure she will be happy to know everyone noticed.

Thank you, Mr. Boats. I was getting rather worried.

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Yes Steven I was also concerned. I was about to PM her when I saw Inger had posted. Thank you for the update my friend!:D

Yes thanx Mr Boats she has been conspicuous by her absence! Please pass on our best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery and return to her fine and sparkling form!❤️

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