The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Major TOM... I can kick your butt just fine when I need to! Don't make me come over there! You're too priceless to be banned. I shall deal with you as needed.

Christa... that's a great idea! I'll get the Rb on it, right away! He loves parties, or at least, THROWING things!

LaManuka... you can't possibly adore me any more than I adore you, my dear. Yeah, the Rb is his usual example of temperance and selflessness. He sensed I was sad and has tried to attack my ears at every opportunity.

Jim... my sweetheart... you are ALWAYS part of my SOLUTION. xoxoxo

Laura... you're always so observant and caring. Yeah, I'm on my way back to better days. Much love RIGHT BACK at ya.

Lea... we've been through our TIMES together, haven't we just? I thank YOUUUU and the K-dude for all that you do for our Active Topics and for me and the community.
Mr. Goodwrench!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!
I shall ensure that the Rb rings your bell REGULARLY.
He loves that bell. You and I go wayyyyy back.
Abs, I know you're doing what's right for you... what's best for you. But you will be so very missed in the Mod sub-forum!

Every mod brings their own style and personality to the job. And you were no different. There is a good reason that you so swiftly earned the nickname "Sunshine". You bring so much heart and positivity to everything that you do, no matter how daunting the circumstances you find before you. And that is something that I deeply admire and respect about you, my friend.

Thank you for all of the Sunshine, love, hope and positivity that you've brought to the Mod Team... and that you will continue to bring to the forum as a whole. It's been a great year, and I loved every minute of it. Let the RB know he should be proud. (Though unlike Rival, he will likely be loathe to show it.)
Stephen said it beautifully! All I can add is thank you for all the hard work you have done in the last year, and all the birds and parronts you have helped. Your sense of humor and dedication will definitely be missed as a Mod, but I know you are doing what is best for you, and that is the most important thing.
Sending you much love and hugs, and I look forward to seeing what mischief The Rb will get into next.
Gracious Gail, you are our inspiration,
But today heralds your abdication,
Full of wisdom and love
That we stand in awe of,
You outshine all the bright constellations!

With lotsaluv from moi, Long-Suffering Hubby, Princess Lilly and Fang-Shang-A-Lang❤️
(soooo happy you won’t be too far away!)
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Gail, I'm so sorry to see you go, you've been a great addition to the team. The mod forum will not be the same without your bright light. Thank you so much for all you've done as a moderator, it's been a joy getting to know you and working with you. As sad as I am to see you go, I understand your reasons and fully support your decision. I hope the coming year is filled with sunshine, love and laughter. Hugs and much love. I'm looking forward to lots of updates on RB's thread.
There is a very special moment that some see as common, but is only possible as the Sun rises and sunshine finds its way to warm the Earth. That moment inspired: In each Morning's early light; there is a promise, an Amazon makes! You are part of the formation of that promise that was built long before we became moderators.

Going to miss you on the Mod sub-Forum, but I am so happy that you will be keeping this Thread current with your family activities. Words fail to convey what you bring to each Morning my good friend!
Eternal gratitude and respect for bringing your trademark :smile023:Sunshine:smile023: to the forums! Will miss your camaraderie and sage wisdom generously sprinkled everywhere!
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Oh no!!! I wish you Gail the best!! I hope to see an update on RB and you soon
Thanks, Stephen. You've always been so encouraging and appreciative, but I don't mind hearing it again, not one bit. Oh and hey, it's easy to be sunshiney around a presence as affirming and stimulating as you! People bloom and shine around you.

Terry, I admire you so much. I owe you a huge debt: you were the first to approach me about moderating. I wouldn't/couldn't have tackled it without your help. I wouldn't have been able to quit the Mod Team with composure without your support.
Another thing. I'm still grateful for how you helped reconstruct the Scrapbook after Photobucket began its disintegration!
And ANOTHER thing... the amount of stuff you monitor and keep up with and oversee is astounding. You're one of the strongest, most vital women... PEOPLE... that I know. Thanks for everything.

LaManuka. You are such a natural buddy to me. I have enjoyed our limerick/poetic slams. If we were next door neighbors, we'd be trading raps at top volume over our backyard fences.

Allee, you're such a grand lady. I receive and cherish your praise gratefully and just absolutely hug it to my chest. I was thrilled at your return to the Mod Team, and I'm so happy to know that you will more than fill my shoes.

Steven, or Mr. Boats (hey, I think I can lay claim to giving you that name, before I promoted you to Admiral Boats!), I thank you. You may be my longest-term buddy here, and you're a lot like a big brother. I trust and adore and treasure you.

Scott, gentleman and scholar, great good friend! I do enjoy looking on the bright side, but your ability to catch and reflect rays right back at me, well, you always warm my heart so much, and make me feel so incredibly appreciated and understood.

Rozalka, you're one of my most FUN buddies here. Not to worry, we have plenty of fun times left! I promise.

Okay, I was longwinded, wasn't I???????????????????? But I absolutely HAD to thank you all for your good thoughts.

I guess I'll be going un-purple any minute...

Now I need to go channel the Rickeybird for some good holiday mischief ideas.

"Hey, soon as you not a Modderater we can enter yer PeeeOhTeeeM contess, right?
I be winner fer sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is PRIZE???? Hottt henzszszs?????
Here's our entry, right here!!!

The Rickeybird



Oh, Rickeybird! NO! Just... NO!!!!!
Now that's cute! :)

It was my honour to nominate you for the Mod team, my Friend, and my pleasure to help you after you accepted the challenge. I am saddened that you needed to step down, but completely understand and support you in that as well.
I was thrilled to be able to help you put the scrapbook back together, it is a thing of beauty and a testament to the love you have for The Rb.
I thank you for all the hard work you did and for your kind words as well, they mean the world to me.You are a very special Lady and I am glad to know you.
Well I don’t know how the scrapbook became the love-fest, but I want in. Gail, I hope that whatever is going on, you find the peace you’re seeking. You give so much to so many-kindness, wisdom, humor-that you deserve only good.

I hope you do continue to grace us with your presence. I am a better parront for knowing you, and Bumble is a happier girl. As a side note, she has chomped me about half a dozen times as I write this, so I assume I’m supposed to be giving you greetings from her as well. [emoji3590]

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You know, the more I think about it, the more I think Rickey Rock'n'Roller and Fang-Shang-A-Lang would be a great double act!

To whit I am submitting Fang's audition tape. He loves a good show tune, here he is singing his version of "I Whistle A Happy Tune" from my fave musical "The King And I"... admittedly I have to give him a bit of guidance but he gets it in the end! :)

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Gail...I have no good/right words, so I am just chucking a boatload of very hot peppers in your general direction (distracting the Rb long eough for you to catch your breath).

This forum will definitely change with you not putting a smile on peoples face whenever things go a bit pearshaped-- so don't you dare to abandon us completely and keep adding to the scrapbook plze. ;)
(or make mister Rival do some of the upkeep if you are not feeling up to it, I am sure Rb will de delighted to disagree with him.)

Lots of love and many thanks for your hard work sofar.
Jim, YOU'RE cute! Terry, thank you again, my hero. Inger, you were a great parront from the moment Bumble joined you! LaM (aka Anna, and FangShangaLang, aka Louis), that vid belongs in a shrine someplace, a shrine to love and bravery... wow... heartwarming). Christa, I have a new word in my vocabulary... pear-shaped... thank you! I love it. I intend to use it three times today.

By the way... the SuperModerator Purple should be disappearing any minute now... :)

And now...
More holiday spirit!


The History of Santa and the Rickeybird
~A Seasonal Interlude~






Oh, Rickeybird!
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Noooooo they ought to leave your moniker in royal purple and keep Super Moderator as an honorary title! Or maybe change it to Super Hero.....?!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last six months which have been a very difficult time since losing my baby Baci, all the Rickeybird craziness that made me snigger and snort uncontrollably on public transport, and all the amazing wisdom and kindness you’ve shared with me and everyone along the way!
Noooooo they ought to leave your moniker in royal purple and keep Super Moderator as an honorary title! Or maybe change it to Super Hero.....?!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last six months which have been a very difficult time since losing my baby Baci, all the Rickeybird craziness that made me snigger and snort uncontrollably on public transport, and all the amazing wisdom and kindness you’ve shared with me and everyone along the way!

Wut she said!!


"Oh brother how redickleous!

How I spoze to stay tight wit my peeps like Manooka an Lea which is both hot henz what nose how to party an Jim which is fine rooster, and my twofiftyelevenzillion other peeps??? My ole hen refuzes to post any more until her purples goes away becuz she says it is confuserating cuz she not a Modderator not any more an as soon as the purples is gone she says she will be back on top of this dang old blasterated scrappybook.

Ok well, that is redickleous an so I took matters into my own feets an posted my own self.

Now where was I, oh yeah, hellooooooooooo you hot chicks! Hellooooooo from me which am your Rickeybird right here!"

Oh, Rickeybird!

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