The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

This has gone well beyond my scope of I sit here with a :confused: on my face..but keep it going,for I shall "get it" soon enough!

wow.. LaManuka did it again! :)

If we keep this up a certain bird will be sooooo cocky he will demand his own mansion with play-hens (hen-bunnies?)
Some of the hens coming out of RBs henhouse. There are hens fit for all rooster preferences 🤣🤣🤣



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Like I always say, there's just something about conures... :)
Some of the hens coming out of RBs henhouse. There are hens fit for all rooster preferences ������


The conure-bunny piqued the interest of two tiny roosters...

“Wow Pete, do you see what I see?!”

“Sure do Sludge, sure do!!” ;)


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Oh, the impurity! Where did all this debauchery originate? Who is to blame?
Might the Scrapbook Archivist research the record to reveal the roots of this ribaldry???? Maybe!!!!!
I give you............................................





Oke, you had me laughing so loud the neighbours may just be calling for help now (it's one in the morning!)
Well played Rival! :D
Yes Rival very funny but we both know these are some of your “greatest hits” just repackaged ... you’re gonna have to do better than that!!

Hens are the best
Hens never rest
Roosters may be good at strutting
But we know they're best at doing nothing! ;)
Hens are the best
Hens never rest
Roosters may be good at strutting
But we know they're best at doing nothing! ;)


Rival should consider himself well and truly SERVED! :)

With apologies to Shakespeare (and probably Eminem)...........................
Oh, and I think this picture is from an old Photo Of The Month or something.

The roosters join forces to give you...........................


"Roosters join forces?
Was Rickeybird consulted?
Permission denied!"​
I have some catching up to do!!!!!

Okay, dear Rival, as official Srapbook Archivist, I appreciate your research and throughness.

Oh, the impurity! Where did all this debauchery originate? Who is to blame?
Might the Scrapbook Archivist research the record to reveal the roots of this ribaldry???? Maybe!!!!!
I give you............................................





There once was a rooster named Ricky
who demanded and got his own sticky
but his Rival in turn,
refused 'crash and burn'
and now he is taking the Mickey ...

Whooooohooo Rival strikes again!!!! :D
(sorry you were to fast for me!)

Christa, you are hereby appointed the Flying Dutchgirl Award for Rival/Rickeybird Interface (yeah, I made that up)!!

Yes Rival very funny but we both know these are some of your “greatest hits” just repackaged ... you’re gonna have to do better than that!!
With apologies to Shakespeare (and probably Eminem)...........................
Oh, and I think this picture is from an old Photo Of The Month or something.
The roosters join forces to give you...........................

"Roosters join forces?
Was Rickeybird consulted?
Permission denied!"​

LaManuka, I must herewith and hereby appoint you SCRAPBOOK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CSAR.

Hens are the best
Hens never rest
Roosters may be good at strutting
But we know they're best at doing nothing! ;)
It may be true!
But it stings none the less.;)
Nice One

Laura, I bestow upon you our "Truth in Gender Roles" Award.
Major TOM, you shall have the "Recognition of Truth in Gender Roles Award".

I have never experienced a busier interlude in Scrapbook goings-on! What is this, the Patagonian Poetry Corner????? Thanks, everybody.


"Yehhhhh, thasss right!
All y'all hot henz show up later for private reading in MY Patagonian corner!
Thassss right!"
"Hey Rickey you're so fine,you really blow our minds...(wuts left of dem )HEY RICKEY! HEY RICKEY!!!" :D

While I'm handing out more titles and awards, Jim, this one's for you. You always have an uplifting or cheerful word or thought, often linked to a great classic hit reference. I declare thee to be our YOLO Dude (sure, YOLO stands for "you only live once" but for you, it's "YouTube Originals Live On!" This one goes out to you, YOLO Dude.

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While I'm handing out more titles and awards, Jim, this one's for you. You always have an uplifting or cheerful word or thought, often linked to a great classic hit reference. I declare thee to be our YOLO Dude (sure, YOLO stands for "you only live once" but for you, it's "YouTube Originals Live On!" This one goes out to you, YOLO Dude.

Toni Basil Show Mickey - YouTube

I concur, Jim is our resident mood lifter-upper! So appreciate the good vibes!

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And so say all of us! :)

By the way Lord Jim is that you I spy moonlighting on drums in that Toni Basil video? Your secret’s out!
I was onto Jim all along... not much gets past the Scrapbook Intellectual Property Csarina! :)
Woo Hoo!!! I have a title!! :D :p


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