The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

to break his thesaurus out...

Is that anything like his TYRANasaurus???:confused:

e .... rest assured far worse is to come:)

sooooo looking forward to it! :D

(there was a lady down-under
who turned out to be a lyrical wonder
she wrote to this bird
and everyone heard
him take the thesaurus asunder )
Mine is just mumbling... come on LaManuka, give us more!!
I agree with LaManuka!

That was a good one ChristaNL.

Looking for more from everyone.:)
Gimme a break you guys... that last one took a LOT of effort from my teeny tiny brain & I’m quite exhausted!

And all that stuff about anapestic trimeter - crikey now the pressure’s really on!!!
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Jim... Tyranthesaurus WRECKS, maybe!

Christa, you outdid yourself! Truly you did.

Who knew we had limerick conjurers wandering the forum shadows???

The Rival is muttering about having a pack of rhyme-wielding females on his heels.

C’mon Rival, get your LimeRickey out!;)
With apologies to Shakespeare (and probably Eminem)...........................
Oh, and I think this picture is from an old Photo Of The Month or something.

The roosters join forces to give you...........................


"These gals acts like they's out to git us!
But see how they just cannot quit us?
Protestin' too much,
So fancy and such,
They really just wants to get WIT' us!"

Peace. Roosters out.
with apologies to shakespeare (and probably eminem)...........................
Oh, and i think this picture is from an old photo of the month or something.

the roosters join forces to give you...........................


"these gals acts like they's out to git us!
But see how they just cannot quit us?
Protestin' too much,
so fancy and such,
they really just wants to get wit' us!"

peace. Roosters out.

OUTSTANDING! Bravo! Bravo!

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There once was a rooster named Ricky
who demanded and got his own sticky
but his Rival in turn,
refused 'crash and burn'
and now he is taking the Mickey ...


come on guys, no way we can do it as great as LaManuka, but we can still have fun!

(We have this celebration/event called SinterKlaas, the small kids get presents from him at december the 5th instead of SantaClaus december 25 < yup similar names and all> they are usually accompanied with a simple rhyme, once you get older the presents get smaller and the rhymes more complicated and usually a bit satirical or just mildly teasing.. so every year we *have* to makes these things up. Not usually in lymerickform though, most of the time it is a simple A-A , B-B or A-B,B-A. Anyway lots of practise... rhyming stuff together ;) )

Whooooohooo Rival strikes again!!!! :D
(sorry you were to fast for me!)
Who knew such a fuss
Could make such a ruckus
Shakespeare can’t touch
The Rickeybird and his bunch
They have more plans I have a hunch

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Rival does like to dress flashly,
But often is known to act rashly,
One night out of bed,
He fell on his head,
Which now is all squashed up and mashly :)

And Lord Jim, if you're still wondering, there's only one way this thing is going to end and that's BADLY:D

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Christa... now Rival is taking the Mickey???? He has gone off to church, but he informs me that, if he loses his place in the liturgy because he is composing a ribald limerick, he's ratting you out to the powers that be.

Lea... the roosters here like your style. Rival (my ol' man, actually, for you new readers) says you will be treated with deference when he kicks off his new kingdom.

LaManuka... you are a wizardess of limerickness. Were you aware of this gift before now? If not, the Scrapbook is proud to have unleashed you upon the Forums. Rival says his head is indeed mashly this morning, and he had wondered how that had happened.

I myself will require some more coffee, and possibly some leftover pizza (breakfast of champions here on the American North Coast) before I can muster further appreciations... *dabbing tears with pizza-smeared paper napkins*
That man from Ohio named Rival,
Collects stuff both fun and archival,
He’s such an icon
But Rb wants him gone!
Now he fights for his very survival!

Why thank you, again you are all FAR too kind!!

What can i say ... I know nothing of the anaphylactic trimeter of which you speak, suffice to say the muse of a fine Gartelmann’s Pinot Gris is upon me .... rest assured far worse is to come:)

Was just playing some catch-up, and LaManuka? These two posts have had me cracking up over here! A poet AND a comedian! Most impressive!

"Anaphylactic" trimeter! Hahahahaha! High comedy!
A lot of talent in this thread;!! And laughter is the best medicine;;! I come here for my daily dose!
And laughter is the best medicine;;! I come here for my daily dose!

You are SO right Laurasea!

But really Gail and Rival are the true masters here - it takes everything I got just to try to keep up!

Honestly if I couldn't come here to get a Rickeybird fix every now and then I don't know where I'd be... it was a little green angel called Baci who led me here so you can thank (blame?) him... (mummy loves you baby:smile015:)
From Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"
Romeo: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

From GaleriaGila's "Rickeybird and LaManuka"
Rickeybird: But sweeet, what rhymes through yonder forum breaks? It is a limerick, and LaManuka is the hen.

I am somehow compelled to channel the Rickeybird.


Oh, Rickeybird!
So the Rickeybird is penning romantic sonnets now? Or perhaps a loving haiku or two...?

“Moved by Rickeybird,
His plumage and rhymes sublime,
Love is essential” :)


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