The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Yes, indeed...
If you look back over all the installments of...


... the three constants are...

A - a Patagonian
B - a goofy owner who just can't wait to act a fool whilst showing off "A"
C - a community of like-minded parronts who can RELATE to "B"

Maybe I should notify the United Nations of this international unity movement.

Maybe not.​

I think I've about worn myself (and the World) out with...


The last installment, for now, anyway, "Flight of the Rickeybird", takes place in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, with a little clip that very much embodies the elements of A, B, and C above.
My brother Bob (the Rb's indulgent uncle) provided the musical interlude.

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Yair you go Rickey go, go, you GangStar!!!

"Rickey be good".... sorry don't think so! ;)
Now that the PATAGONIANS OF THE WORLD odyssey is over, it is time for the Scrapbook Archivist (that would be yours truly)
to weigh in on the most noteworthy.
I give you.....................

The Best of POTW, a Review

A typically sweet little hen... French. Too bad all Patagonians can't be girls.
A couple of Polish bachelor roosters. Rickeybirds apparently do come in human form.
This one may be the most.......uh, sensuous of the Italian videos here. These human gigolos are clearly in training for sullying hens' reputations around the world.
A sexy (so the wife declares) French gentleman and his menage a conures. He's even more of a hen-chaser than the Rickeybird, but much better at it. Reprehensible.
This Argentinian rooster fulfills his stereotype. The wife translated his insults for me as well as the gentlemen's indulgent tolerance. I feel this man's pain. In English.
And a final contrast 'twixt the boys and girls. A South American hen shows everything a (female) Patagonian can be, in contrast to the previous rooster. Good temperament clearly triumphs in hens while the roosters are rascals. Whereas in humans, the opposite is...... CAN be..... is sometimes...... nevermind, back to Patagonians. Trouble-makers.
Salutations to the unincluded videos from Greece, Germany, The Netherlands, and the additional French and Argentinan ones. I feel these all fit well within the conclusions and impressions as expressed by your dutiful Archivist.
And in a last contribution (and also to curry favor with my wife after defaming her spectacular, definitive, tour-de-force series of PATAGONIANS AROUNNNNND THE WORRRRLD), I shall offer this time-tested, historic site in a place in the wilds of Ohio, where a delightful Patagonian and a loyal, loving, laudable parront is BEST REPRESENTED!!!
I love you, honey, and your wonderful bird, too. He's a great little guy, isn't he?

Rival OUT​
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Have you raided the Rival's... I mean the SCRAPBOOK ARCHIVIST'S... stash of old videocassettes????
I judt love the series of video's Ms Gail! Especially the one of RB knocking on the walls after you lol.
And Mr R..I can also hear you singing.." Go Rickey gogogo..Rickey be good" your sleep!

I feel your pain Bro..really!..I do!!!! :54:

Oh, Laura, I may sprinkle more PATAGONIANSZSZS AROUNNNND THE WORRRRLD into the Scrapbook when I run across them!

Jim, Rival appreciates all the Bro'-hood he can get, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, back on Planet Rickeybird...


Another awful Limerickeybird Limerick.


Hey, wait a minute.
I don't give a flap how you spin it.
You heard the word?
I AM the Bird!
It's MY WORLD, ohhhh yeah, you just IN IT!!!"

Oh, Rickeybird.
That IS an awful limerick. I always feel it is my duty to follow up with something a little classier.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You think it's your world?
Bird, you da foo'.

I thank you.
That man from Ohio named Rival,
Collects stuff both fun and archival,
He’s such an icon
But Rb wants him gone!
Now he fights for his very survival!
That man from Ohio named Rival,
Collects stuff both fun and archival,
He’s such an icon
But Rb wants him gone!
Now he fights for his very survival!

Rivals was nice but this is divine.

Check out the Brain from Brisbane!:D

Said with nothing but affection:)
Thanx Major TOM & Laurasea you are too kind!

Meanwhile I’m betting that dude in the Santa suit (from over on the Embarrassing Bird thread) is still in therapy to this day! ;)
That man from Ohio named Rival,
Collects stuff both fun and archival,
He’s such an icon
But Rb wants him gone!
Now he fights for his very survival!

Rivals was nice but this is divine.

Check out the Brain from Brisbane!:D

Said with nothing but affection:)

I have a feeling this will never end... :58:

I’m quite impressed by the level of poetic skill on display here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh, wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

LaManuka, NOW YOU'VE DONE IT! That limerick was monumentally funny! High quality 'anapestic trimeter', too! I suspect you of having studied poetry, but I won't hold it against you. Rival is threatening to break his thesaurus out. The Rb is demanding to reply, too, but since he doesn't actually know what a limerick is, and tends to destroy keyboards when given a chance, I will have to help him, of course.

Major TOM, Laura, Jim, Lea, SilverD... your readership is greatly appreciated.

Speaking of anapestic trimeter...


"I got yer annti pasto anti uhhh... ana pet... trimester.... uhhh... antipasto trimonster...
I got it right here.
Putcher finger on that perch an I give you a sample!"

Oh, Rickeybird.
Why thank you, again you are all FAR too kind!!

What can i say ... I know nothing of the anaphylactic trimeter of which you speak, suffice to say the muse of a fine Gartelmann’s Pinot Gris is upon me .... rest assured far worse is to come:)
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