The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Jim... the Truth is the Truth!

Lea... ain't it a fact? The bird's expression is a perfect mix of distaste and amusement.
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Once again, we have...


This time we visit Italy. Warning: Sensuous content!
Friends... this is a very young and impressionable bird who has clearly abandoned itself to the sensual overtures of a couple of Italian libertines.

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Nobody does romanza like the Italians!
The Italians DO have that reputation!
Nobody does romanza like the Italians!

LOL read "the happy hooker" for the truth about italians (this is one of those "adult only" books - it's not porn, but written by someone who knows the trade and with a good sense of humor)- probably out of print by now, but ebooks endure. ;)

Once again, we have...


We return to Italy. This time for some kissing!
La Dolce Vita is alive and well!

The Rickeybird gives kisses, too...
Well, he's trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very trying...

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It's catching! We (and our birds) will all be turning into sensual, massaging, kissing Italians!!!!
I actually have one more Italian Patagonian video coming up later today...
Mais eet ees ze French who are known for zeir kissing no? Where are the French Patagonians?


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Ahhhh, Lea, we DID have that little French hen who whispered her name (Gabrielle), and the other who said 'au revoir'... I tell ya what, though: I found another French clip that is much more romannnnnnteeeeek! Coming up soon...
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Yet another installment of...

We wind up our tour of Italy with this cuddly darling, who is... having a ball...literally!!

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Especially for Lea...
Another adventure with...

Friends... we journey to France now. This clip has it all... low lights, a handsome French man, and two sensual parrots, one of which is a lovely Conure de Patagonie. Oooh la la!

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Hmmmm... what an interesting “birdage à trois”!
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Birdage a trois, mais oui! C'est l'amour, bien sur.
This guy really knows how to set the mood. I have played the video at least a hun... uhhh... a bunch of... ummm... two or three times!
Yet Again...

In Croatia, this mischief-maker Patagonian shows us that laughter is tbe same the world around!! I'm not sure what's so funny, but wiuldn't it be wonderful if we could all communicate so happily?

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a rather impolite question (maybe) but...

are you *the* original founder of the PPPT?
(the Patagonain Parrots Promotion Team?)

I love this feel-good-thread :)

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