The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Oh Rival. That was so beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye. *sniff*

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The end of an era...
The EvilBounceyBall is no more.

Our dear Al (Wrench13) sent this little bouncing ball to the Rb a couple of years ago. In that time, the Rb has battled it bravely and consistently, banishing it as quickly as possible from his playtop.

rickeybirdproductions - DEMON BALL - STILL! - YouTube
rickeybirdproductions - quickvictory3 - YouTube
rickeybirdproductions - quickvictory2 - YouTube

Finally, the Rb could take no more! In a rare show of focus, he cornered the evil ball and wrecked it. We will respectfully lay its remaining components to rest in the miscellaneous toy parts basket.

We will miss you, EvilBounceyBall.


I can't post this without giving another shout-out to Al, who is still recovering.

Cue the bagpipes for the Evil Bouncy Ball.

Oh, Bouncy Ball, the pipes, the pipes are calling..........
From perch to perch, and to the cage's floor................
The summer's gone, and you are in the used toy parts.............
It's you must go, for you can bounce no more.

Get well, Al, old sport. We need you here.

Oh Rival. That was so beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye. *sniff*

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Yes, Inger, the Rival has a soft spot for the Rickeybird's OTHER enemy combatants!
Too funny! The action shot of death rays being sent from RB eyes to destroy the evil ball is priceless!! :)
Laura, isn't it a hoot? He hated that ball so much he couldn't even tolerate it long enough to destroy it, until recently.

Meanwhile, as we all pause a bit from the Rb's antics...
I have a few videos of...


Here's the first installment. This French Patagonian is saying goodbye in French, plus a couple of other things I can't quite decipher.

[ame=""]Au revoir - YouTube[/ame]
Soooo funny! A good stress relief for him to tear the ball up tho.

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And, the second installment in...


This one is in Germany. A Patagonian is a "Felsensittich" there. I do not speak much German, but this is clearly a love story. 'Gut, gut, gut!"

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Those are some seriously scary fingernails!!

So all RickyBirds are notoriously brave ?
( I would not go near a full set of those.)
True dat, Christa!

By the way, I have a Dutch Patagonian video on the way soon!
World conquest has been the Rickeybird’s plan all along! Be afraid, be very afraid!!
Yup ... she knows her parrot ;)
World conquest has been the Rickeybird’s plan all along! Be afraid, be very afraid!!

Rickeybirds of the World Unite! :eek:

A rare photo of the long extinct Patagonian conures ancestors. (Or are they the mosquitoes of Burundi?)


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A rare photo of the long extinct Patagonian conures ancestors. (Or are they the mosquitoes of Burundi?)


A rare and beautiful example of Crocodylus Rickeybirdii captured by LeaKP on a long telephoto lens - how do you do it? :)
Imagine an army of those little horrors a la mosquitos or gnats!
They WOULD take over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay... let's all relax a bit and take another kinder, gentler look at...

Patagonians Arounnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the World!

I believe this is a Dutch language setting (Christa? Expert opinion?). The Patagonian is predictably hyper and silly. My favorite part... at the very end, take a look at the Grey, who seems, to me, to be watching and thinking "what a fool!"

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Imagine an army of those little horrors a la mosquitos or gnats!
They WOULD take over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay... let's all relax a bit and take another kinder, gentler look at...

Patagonians Arounnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the World!

I believe this is a Dutch language setting (Christa? Expert opinion?). The Patagonian is predictably hyper and silly. My favorite part... at the very end, take a look at the Grey, who seems, to me, to be watching and thinking "what a fool!"
RockyBoy - YouTube

That is the exact same look Gracie gives Anakin. As if to say CLOWN:)
A rare photo of the long extinct Patagonian conures ancestors. (Or are they the mosquitoes of Burundi?)


A rare and beautiful example of Crocodylus Rickeybirdii captured by LeaKP on a long telephoto lens - how do you do it? :)

OMG that IS terrifying! Thank God Rickeybirds have evolved to what they are now! I think? :confused: Ms Gail would know better than I ;) :rolleyes:

Hej Gail I hope you’ll be able to find an Aussie Patagonian ex-pat for us. If not I will have to teach ScoMo to say something like “stone the flamin’ crows” or “crikey that’s a ripper bewdy bottla” or the likes.... but that may take a while.... he’s currently working on “birdie goes cluck cluck” .... :)

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