The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Is it drugged? ;)

cuddly rickybirdette (?) in a rescuecentre, so pardon the not-so neat appearence of the bird.


the dutch RickyBird is a vid that says "thank you" -> the toy the bird is playing with was made by Justin (group 8 are roughly the 10/11 year olds in our schoolsystem), great job!
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Whaddya mean “is it drugged” that’s not very nice! He’s just a birdie who knows what he wants and he wants it now! “Nobody told you to stop skritchin’!”
Thanks, Laura!

Yes, Major TOM, Greys of the world are so often long-suffering sophisticates who must endure the foolishness of other parrots.

Jim... the most positive evolution I notice is that the Rb doesn't have TEETH.

LaManuka, I will indeed look for some DownUnder Patagonians. It's good to know that ScoMo is "in the wings"... yes, I made a pun!

Christa, I was a little mesmerized by the mellowness, too. I must teach the Rb to say "I'll have what he's having!"
Oh, and THANKS for the translation and background. That is so interesting!

Okay, I'm off to YouTube to find the next installment of...

“crikey that’s a ripper bewdy bottla” LMBO!

I always chuckled when watching Steve Erwin when he said "Crikey"!

(R.I.P. Steve :( )

Well, Crikey, Jim! I really MUST find an Australian Rickeybird.

Meanwhile, once again, we have...
This time we visit France.​
Oooh, la la! This sweet little hen whispers her name, Gabrielle. You have to hang in there, through a few squawks and squeaks, but it's absolutely adorable. Clearly, she and her human rooster are in love! She is so cute and flirty.

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Awwww Gail! That has to be the BEST video I have ever seen of a Patti Condore ever! She is sooo sweet and I just love the close-up video :40: and at 2:46 you can clearly hear her whisper Gabrielle!

Thanks so much for the video! I must advice you NOT let RB see that! Crikey! he'd be all over that laptop of yours! :eek:

Well bonjour la gorgeoise Gabrielle, she is tres charming, non?!

I can just hear le Rickeybird now insisting Gabrielle “come viz me to ze Casbah” like Pepe le Pew style, “ooh ze amour, ooh le toujour, mwah mwah mwah!!”❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Jim... yes, I KNOW! She is so sweet. No way the Rb is getting a look at her. I'm the jealous type, and unlike me, she has FEATHERS!
[Note about the Patagonian Condor joke... my sainted mother could never get the difference between Patagonian Conure and Patagonian Condor, and regularly told people I had the latter, and it would sit on my shoulder and give kisses, and... you can imagine the situations that resulted]

LaManuka... Pepe le Pew! That's a great one to add to the Rb's alter egos, along with Zoolander, Quagmire, and Caligula.

Lea... ARGHHHH, the debauchery. I forget if you've been around long enough to know that when the Rb was 5 or so, a houseguest let him drink his fill of a cocktail. Horrifying! He was a pathetic little green drunk. Sick for a day or two. Never again! But ever since then, when he hears clinking ice, he WANTS what is in that glass. If it's tea, for example, I'll give him a taste and MANNNNN, the look on his face: BLECH! Wrong stuff!
OMG Lea!! you have topped yourself X 1000 by posting that video! I was LOL'ing so loud and hard,I scared BB (again :rolleyes:) and he did his usual freak-out flying and Amy poofed up and yelled "huh?"....and I think I hurt my head too :D

Gawd I love this place lol.

Yet again, we have...
This time we visit Poland (I think).
These two guys are definitely a couple of bachelors sharing their pad. Note the bath pail in the middle of the room, stuff everywhere, and the champagne bottle. I can't make the language out, but I guess that background sound is Polish hipster music?

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LOL! That one was so cute too Ms Gail :D "Now I'll go sun myself at the window and dry off!"

Don't know the lingo either Gail..but he vid header looks Polish to me:confused:

A bachelor pad indeed!!

And @0.52,at the bottom left corner of the vid..what the heck was THAT?? :confused: :eek:
Looked like another totally drenched Rickeybird-ski to me!!???

I love the ends,ine yep I'm done with the bath you may clean up my mess servant! I don't know how you find these but I like the world tour RB is on, instead if wheres Waldo it's where's Ricky Bird
The vid header is in Polish but I don't know why this is named 'patagonska ara' because it means 'Patagonian macaw' :smiley5::smiley5::D
An absolutely lovely find!
Ummmm... Jim... uhhh... YOU know how bachelor pads are better than I do, I'm quite sure!

Laura... no kidding... aren't these fun? Planet Rickeybird.

Rozalka... back in history, they were actually scientifically classified as macaws, and some people still consider them as such. That's so cool, to have your translation!

Christa... thank you! I'm hooked on these, and there are tons of 'em.
Once again, we have...
This time we visit the United Kingdom, where we find this fellow with THREE Patagonians... a much more wholesome situation than our last bachelor-pad scenario.
The birds are involved in a bird road-show the guy has, in which he demonstrates the characteristics and needs of various kinds of birds. If you care to click on that WorldOfWings YouTube link, you can see some samples.
They are an impressive trio, yes? They are so obedient and quiet... must be hens!
Check out the Vegas "Rat Pack" music!

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Patagonians Arounnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the World!

I believe this is a Dutch language setting (Christa? Expert opinion?). The Patagonian is predictably hyper and silly. My favorite part... at the very end, take a look at the Grey, who seems, to me, to be watching and thinking "what a fool!"

RockyBoy - YouTube

This may be my favorite so far. As several of you have noted, the Grey at the very end takes the cake. One look is worth a thousand words but a few of them must have been
"what a fool!"
I got a screenshot of it.
Once again, we have...
This time we visit the United Kingdom, where we find this fellow with THREE Patagonians... a much more wholesome situation than our last bachelor-pad scenario.
The birds are involved in a bird road-show the guy has, in which he demonstrates the characteristics and needs of various kinds of birds. If you care to click on that WorldOfWings YouTube link, you can see some samples.
They are an impressive trio, yes? They are so obedient and quiet... must be hens!
Check out the Vegas "Rat Pack" music!

Patagonian Conures - Jay, Cee & Bee - YouTube

Unfortunately,the masses here on this forum are familiar with only ONE Rickeybird...this video shows that there is truly Rickeybirds out there that have class...are obiedient..and..ummm...oh SORRY RB didn't mean to.....:rolleyes:


Patagonians Arounnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the World!

I believe this is a Dutch language setting (Christa? Expert opinion?). The Patagonian is predictably hyper and silly. My favorite part... at the very end, take a look at the Grey, who seems, to me, to be watching and thinking "what a fool!"

RockyBoy - YouTube

This may be my favorite so far. As several of you have noted, the Grey at the very end takes the cake. One look is worth a thousand words but a few of them must have been
"what a fool!"
I got a screenshot of it.

The greys, the satirists of the parrot world!

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