The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Dang if that’s not THE scariest movie I ever saw - gave me nightmares for weeks!

Looking forward so much to your pictorial explanation I just know you’re working on right meow!❤️

I really gotta send you a bottle of those concrete pills Rival......
Quote=GaleriaGila;768106]Meanwhile... back on Planet Rickeybird...
The Rb likes to "hide" and play in the crate. There he can make wonderful echo-enhanced noises for his toys as he bangs them against the sides and floor. At about 40 seconds, you'll hear me asking where he is and what he's doing. SILENCE. No bird in the crate. Nope. Not a single bird in here. No toys either.

But wait... Surprise! It was the Rb all along!

Oh, I'm cool, I'm cool.
Hey, I knew I had seen this photo someplace before. Lookie here, I went to all the trouble to find it. Here he is with one of his relatives.
Look at those adorable faces. So sweet. I wonder if the Bird could use his crate to go visit his cousin there in that nice aquarium.

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You guys really go at it!

I shall now elevate this discussion to some innocent cuteness!

The Rb is no angel, buttttttt....
Just about the time I think he is beyond redemption, he does something sweet, like giving me an earring from his very own personal jewelry collection!
Awwww Rickeybird you shouldn’t have. No really... you shouldn’t have!

Did he not even get you a matching pair?!

I guess it’s the thought that counts ❤️
LOL! Holy crap Rival!! That is ONE very loud birb!! I just love it when he S.T.F.U. when you asked him what he was doing in there!! LMAO! You GO Rickey!!! :D

LaManuka, he took the earring back!

Jim, yeah, that crate is his own personal echo-chamber (as if he needs one).
The end of an era...
The EvilBounceyBall is no more.

Our dear Al (Wrench13) sent this little bouncing ball to the Rb a couple of years ago. In that time, the Rb has battled it bravely and consistently, banishing it as quickly as possible from his playtop.

[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]SiBbHxvg0R8[/MEDIA]"]rickeybirdproductions - DEMON BALL - STILL! - YouTube[/ame]

Finally, the Rb could take no more! In a rare show of focus, he cornered the evil ball and wrecked it. We will respectfully lay its remaining components to rest in the miscellaneous toy parts basket.

We will miss you, EvilBounceyBall.

I can't post this without giving another shout-out to Al, who is still recovering.
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WOW! That is one mean looking Patagonian Condor!

I’m gonna set up a gofundme to get the RB a new ball [emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hahaha, you guys are great! :D

I just got stuck with one of those super-dry Wimbledon-tennis umpire voices "New balls please".
Quote=GaleriaGila;768106]Meanwhile... back on Planet Rickeybird...
The Rb likes to "hide" and play in the crate. There he can make wonderful echo-enhanced noises for his toys as he bangs them against the sides and floor. At about 40 seconds, you'll hear me asking where he is and what he's doing. SILENCE. No bird in the crate. Nope. Not a single bird in here. No toys either.
rickeybirdproductions CRATE HIDE OUT - YouTube

But wait... Surprise! It was the Rb all along!

Oh, I'm cool, I'm cool.
Hey, I knew I had seen this photo someplace before. Lookie here, I went to all the trouble to find it. Here he is with one of his relatives.
Look at those adorable faces. So sweet. I wonder if the Bird could use his crate to go visit his cousin there in that nice aquarium.

I just had to watch that video again! HOWEVER..I forgot that I had turned up my speaker volumn in an effort to hear another YT vid :rolleyes:
Poor Beebers was sitting on my shoulder when RB started his nonsense :52:
That poor little cockatiel jumped so high..out of his feathers,and flew 200mph around this room screaming his little head off! LOL
It was comical to watch lmao but I bet he aged ten years!

A gofundme would also be helpful for his bail and attorney fees.:D

RB is one active Parrot with a string of Thankful Client that have some how paid his costs in the past. A recent check found that his prepaid attorney fees are still enough to keep him on the streets. But also able to say: If there are no charges filed, there was no recorded crime(s).

I believe that New Mexico thing has still not been released. At least per the last time some heartless person tried to find them using a Freedom of Information Act. See above regarding RB's comment.
A gofundme would also be helpful for his bail and attorney fees.:D

RB is one active Parrot with a string of Thankful Client that have some how paid his costs in the past. A recent check found that his prepaid attorney fees are still enough to keep him on the streets. But also able to say: If there are no charges filed, there was no recorded crime(s).

I believe that New Mexico thing has still not been released. At least per the last time some heartless person tried to find them using a Freedom of Information Act. See above regarding RB's comment.

Curse that pesky Freedom of Information Act! Why isn't it put to better use exposing some genuine conspiracies for a change?Let's go back to the grassy knoll and find out who actually shot J.R.!
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"I like idea of GO
FUN ME account, I like fun, I like hens what nose how to party, I like that lil Beebs too, he is a good lil rooster for sure, an I got nothin to worry on because I got Yellow Nape Law Firm behine me, yep, an no worries about that Feedom of... Freeformation...
Finformation... Freedom of Fin... w
hatever. New Mexico? Was small misunderstanding.
An if anybody got any other issues, then it was't me, I saw YOU do it, it was accidet, was UFO maybe. Now, where my Go FUN ME account at?"

Oh, Rickeybird!
The end of an era...
The EvilBounceyBall is no more.

Our dear Al (Wrench13) sent this little bouncing ball to the Rb a couple of years ago. In that time, the Rb has battled it bravely and consistently, banishing it as quickly as possible from his playtop.

rickeybirdproductions - DEMON BALL - STILL! - YouTube
rickeybirdproductions - quickvictory3 - YouTube
rickeybirdproductions - quickvictory2 - YouTube

Finally, the Rb could take no more! In a rare show of focus, he cornered the evil ball and wrecked it. We will respectfully lay its remaining components to rest in the miscellaneous toy parts basket.

We will miss you, EvilBounceyBall.


I can't post this without giving another shout-out to Al, who is still recovering.

Cue the bagpipes for the Evil Bouncy Ball.

Oh, Bouncy Ball, the pipes, the pipes are calling..........
From perch to perch, and to the cage's floor................
The summer's gone, and you are in the used toy parts.............
It's you must go, for you can bounce no more.

Get well, Al, old sport. We need you here.

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