The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I’m sure the Rb can be trusted to destroy a keyboard;)
LaManuka... well...
As Ben Franklin said, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes"... and destructive parrots, we would add.

I was saying earlier...
The Rickeybird has decided to visit some satire upon the Scrapbook Archivist (aka Rival_of_the_Rickeybird, aka my ol' man). As noted, he 'll need help since he doesn't know what satire is, and cannot be trusted anywhere near a keyboard. So here we go with ---

A Scrapbook Compendium of
The Top Five Photos Showing that the Rb is Superior to His Rival

(P.S. Too much time on my hands? You bet! I'm retired! So's the Rb!)​
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"Top Five Scrapbook Fotos What Shows I Am
Speriorr SPpppereriur Spirioirr Sperioir Sppipeeriyour
Than Rival Who Is Lame."

"Hello an h
ow you all doing?
This me on head of Rival, this the pecking order."


"When Rival hate on me, this what I say."

"This the mean mug he gets."

"This a limeRickeybird limerick I got for him."


"This the tr
uth an the Rival nose its true."

"I am rooster what runs this place, thank you.
Signed, Me which am TheRickeybird."

- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​
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Another day, another pearler from the Rickeybird! You guys rule!❤️
LaManuka... well...
As Ben Franklin said, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes"... and destructive parrots, we would add.

I was saying earlier...
The Rickeybird has decided to visit some satire upon the Scrapbook Archivist (aka Rival_of_the_Rickeybird, aka my ol' man). As noted, he 'll need help since he doesn't know what satire is, and cannot be trusted anywhere near a keyboard. So here we go with ---

A Scrapbook Compendium of
The Top Five Photos Showing that the Rb is Superior to His Rival

(P.S. Too much time on my hands? You bet! I'm retired! So's the Rb!)​
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Top Five Scrapbook Fotos What Shows I Am
Speriorr SPpppereriur Spirioirr Sperioir Sppipeeriyour
Than Rival Who Is Lame."

"Hello an h
ow you all doing?
This me on head of Rival, this the pecking order."


"When Rival hate on me, this what I say."

"This the mean mug he gets."

"This a limeRickeybird limerick I got for him."


"This the tr
uth an the Rival nose its true."

"I am rooster what runs this place, thank you.
Signed, Me which am TheRickeybird."

- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

That first picture is play hen worthy!
Ok Rickeybird & Crew, you think you got the world’s worst limerick? Well I beg to differ!

Hold on to your spleens everyone...

(Parrontal Advisory Warning - contains fowl language - you have been warned!)

There was a young man from St Bee’s,
Who got bit on the bum by a wasp,
When asked “Did it hurt?”
He said “Yes it did,
But I’m bloody glad it wasn’t the Rickeybird!”

Thank you, and goodniiiiiiiiight! :)
Ok Rickeybird & Crew, you think you got the world’s worst limerick? Well I beg to differ!

Hold on to your spleens everyone...

(Parrontal Advisory Warning - contains fowl language - you have been warned!)

There was a young man from St Bee’s,

Who got bit on the bum by a wasp,

When asked “Did it hurt?”

He said “Yes it did,

But I’m bloody glad it wasn’t the Rickeybird!”

Thank you, and goodniiiiiiiiight! :)

Uh. That’s maybe the worst limerick ever. I AM DYING OVER HERE!

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Okay, LaManuka, it is undeniable. That *IS* the worst limerick I ever heard. It may be the worst in the history of...


I congratulate you humbly!
I was saying earlier...
The Rickeybird has decided to visit some satire upon the Scrapbook Archivist (aka Rival_of_the_Rickeybird, aka my ol' man). As noted, he'll need help since he doesn't know what satire is, and cannot be trusted anywhere near a keyboard. So here we go with ---
..........................A Scrapbook Compendium of
The Top Five Photos Showing that the Rb is Superior to His Rival
No need to re-post all those despicable photos, for crying out loud.

Furthermore, I alone am the Scrapbook Archivist and I have not authorized anybody else to rummage through the scrapbook. I demand that my good efforts not be disrespected further.

I would be willing to consign my photograph (MINUS THE BIRD ON MY HEAD) to Playhen Magazine, Laura. It's high time I got appreciated.
Thank you Gail but that one is the work of my LSH. I thought maybe the fowl language might get me BANNED but decided it was worth a roll of the dice! Hubby got it from a book, the title of which would DEFINITELY get me banned from the forum, but there may have been something closely resembling a bustard somewhere in the title.....

Here is aforementioned LSH dealing with Squadron Leader Fang and new recruit Airman ScoMo. Truly he is King of the Fids :)


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Rival... you'll always be in *MY* Playhen Magazine!

Well, LaManuka, we both are blessed with gifted and resourceful LSHs, clearly!
I do imagine that there are many unsung LSH/P/R/F/Ls... husbands, partners, roommates, friends, landlords... out there.
Galleriagila we need your links on bald lutino chicks , ;) ;) happy Saturday to you!
Yes Laurasea I second that, they are very very young indeed!
Meanwhile... back on Planet Rickeybird...

The Rb likes to "hide" and play in the crate. There he can make wonderful echo-enhanced noises for his toys as he bangs them against the sides and floor. At about 40 seconds, you'll hear me asking where he is and what he's doing. SILENCE. No bird in the crate. Nope. Not a single bird in here. No toys either.

But wait... Surprise! It was the Rb all along!
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“Wot I is doin’ is none of your biznizz like!”
Ladies, I think that is EXACTLY what that expression is saying!

On a much, much more serious note... our beloved Al (WSrench13) posted in a new thread that he had suffered a heart attack and had surgery...

He and Salty have been good friends to me and to the Rb. Al sent the Rb this tubular bell a while back, and it has been much enjoyed! Thanks always, Al. Here's an encore performance just for you.

Please join me, if you haven't already, and wish him well!
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Ladies, I think that is EXACTLY what that expression is saying!

On a much, much more serious note... our beloved Al (WSrench13) posted in a new thread that he had suffered a heart attack and had surgery...

He and Salty have been good friends to me and to the Rb. Al sent the Rb this tubular bell a while back, and it has been much enjoyed! Thanks always, Al. Here's an encore performance just for you.

rickeybirdproductions bell! - YouTube

Please join me, if you haven't already, and wish him well!

Oh no! Thanks for letting us know! Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery wrench!!!

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Hang on, Tubular Bells... wasn’t that used in the soundtrack of ... The Exorcist??!!

I think the Rickeybird’s got some ‘splainin’ to do!
LaM, I myself made that observation on more than one occasion. Plenty of splainin to be done.

Wrench, next time you stop by, hail and hello to you. The scrapbook would never have been the same without you and Salty.

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