The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

This just in ---

In addition to the above-mentioned Parrot Career skills of screaming, biting, and throwing food...

Maybe we should add a specialty of knocking over plants.

Who would think that this Dracaena would topple when hit by a Patagonian in a full velocity flight landing in its crown?


Not to worry about the bird. He took off at top speed back into his cage, having learned that it is sometimes best to give the humans time to cool off. And clean up.


I have to admit it. The bird is very good at his chosen vocation.


It didn’t hurt that the conures were sent to pay someone to take care of the mess.

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Where DO you find these??? [emoji33] LOL!


[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] bird memes and gifs are my favorite thing to search! And this one is gold!

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"Hey hey everbody have a happy Labor Day, lot of peeps don't know Labor Day was made after me on account of how I been major force in loggin an bridges an mining an truckin an aggerculture an lots of other macho roosterly stuff! Seee?
Love, the Rickeybird, which am Me."

But... Happy LABOR DAY, everybody!

Can not ONE holiday go by without the defaming of a noble national celebration? The Bird never worked a day in his life unless you consider screaming, throwing food, and biting to be a career.
Happy Labor Day, everyone.

Screaming, biting and throwing food *IS* a career... it's being a Patagonian... expertly executed by the Rickeybird, Rooster at Large. Loud. Rooster at Loud.

Lea and Inger, you have rare insight into the issue. The Scrapbook appreciates your patronage!

Okay all well and good but if being a Patagonian is a career then I would observe that he is paid, in room and board and food and medical care, upon which he has yet to pay taxes. I figure he owes the People (that would be me and the missus) a percentage of our monthly house payments for the last 20 years, a truckload of chile peppers, a portion of the vet bills (I'll figure this out later). If he doesn't pay, can he go to jail? Cage arrest? Little ankle band bracelet?
Most importantly, if he is in fact employed, can he be fired????
Now THAT would be a great way to celebrate Labor Day.
You human roosters all stick together!!!!! lol

The Rickeybird cannot be fired, Rival. He's like a Supreme Court Justice. Appointed to the bench... uh, perch... for LIFE!
The (dis)Honorable Judge Rickeybird will now hear your case.
Have your papers in order and he will consider all relevant documemts.
Be prepared to submit your fingers in the event that he rules against you.
Actually, nevermind. Why waste time?
Just submit your fingers.


"Fingerz! Now!"
Finley and RB should have a debate on which is the best way to bite fingers and and the ins and outs of the techniques. Lol.
The disappearing archives at Greytown 2.0 will be appearing this morning before his honor. Fingers and toes will be supplied for judgment.

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I didn't know Fin was a Paralegal... no, wait, Parrotlegal!

Hear ye, hear ye, Judge Rickeybird is now accepting motions concerning Greytown 2.0. Counselor Finley to the sidebar, representing the Office of the Mayor. Ipso facto, bona fide, pro bono, so forth and so on, etc., etc.

Presennnnnnnt... ARMS! And fingers.
That gif is priceless!!!!!:53: you can


It didn’t hurt that the conures were sent to pay someone to take care of the mess.

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Where DO you find these??? [emoji33] LOL!


[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] bird memes and gifs are my favorite thing to search! And this one is gold!

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That gif is priceless!!!:53: :53: :53:

"Shhhhhh! There's a vast financial conurespiracy!!!!!"

"Okay today National READ A BOOK DAY! This mean we all read books, I just started this one, let you know when is finished. Not sure what is about but tastes little like address book I chewed up few years ago."

National "Read a Book Day" link...

Copy that,RB :D We are currently reading "The Gulf Breeze Sightings" by Ed Walters and Frances Walters.. True events of UFO sightings by not just regular Joes,but also influential people.
It even has photo's,for those who's. :rolleyes:


"Hey JiM, found that book you like an is pretty good, will put it on my readin list! Christa maybe you come over later an help me turn pagez!

Oh, Rickeybird!

"Hey JiM, found that book you like an is pretty good, will put it on my readin list! Christa maybe you come over later an help me turn pagez!

Oh, Rickeybird! sure haz pink feetzies:) Must haz goodly circulation in dem things.

The Bird's feet are a source of a lot of Scrapbook drama lately. lol
It seems there was a debate among the roosters as to the quality of their 'feets'.


"Here is totallyy unreetouchded photo of my excellent large feets!"


"Okay, okay, these my real feets, these my real feets!"

For me, they'll always just be the last thing you see before your eyes get gouged.
I resurrected this old Scrapbook photo for the POTM this month (Just for Fun, of course... these are wild Rickeybirds!) It just followed too perfectly with Laurasea's adorable photo!!!!

A picture of Trust! From left Cloudy (budgie) Penny (quaker) Ta-dah (GCC) Neptune (quaker)

Too funny! The truth is three birds are watching the little white seed mommy is holding, trying to guess if it's their turn to get the treat! One little birdie is looking out the window, watching wild birds at the feeder. At this picture I gave up trying to get the perfect picture. :)

TOTALLY Just For Fun (obviously these are wild Rickeybirds).
I couldn't resist... this photo was from the Scrapbook a while back.

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