The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Is there a song that just evokes your bird, for you?
There is, for me...

"Time After Time" came out in 1984... the Rb's hatch year. I was afraid to love him too much. I was so scared that I'd kill him. I was still in college, and bought him on such IMPULSE!
And no internet or PF, of course!
As many of you know, I'm retired now.
34 years later, it's still our song, and always will be.

I think I'll post this in a separate thread, just in case everybody doesn't read the scrapbook!

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I saw her in a commercial recently....thirty-four years after that song and she still looks dang good;)

Cyndi DOES still look good!

Now, in unrelated news, I notice that this entry was sadly not included here, but only in a separate thread on Parrot Shaming. As Scrapbook Archivist and Quality Control Officer, I shall remedy ths oversight.

Many of you will be familiar with various dog-shaming or cat-shaming sites.

But are our fids not equally deserving of good-hearted, loving SHAMING?

Let's see.

I know the Rb is VERY shameful.




Is there a song that just evokes your bird, for you?
There is, for me...
Cyndi Lauper "Time After Time" The Tonight Show - March 1st, 1984 - YouTube
"Time After Time" came out in 1984... the Rb's hatch year. I was afraid to love him too much. I was so scared that I'd kill him. I was still in college, and bought him on such IMPULSE!
And no internet or PF, of course!
As many of you know, I'm retired now.
34 years later, it's still our song, and always will be.

I think I'll post this in a separate thread, just in case everybody doesn't read the scrapbook!


I think Amys' and my song go something like THIS....

OR...maybe more like THIS??

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"Tomorrow gonna be National EAT BEANS Day! Y'all hot henz drop by an bring beanz an we have a party!
Mr. R Birrd, PoBox 123, Clevelan, Oh HI Oh!"
Major T.O.M., in this case, the reality is worse than the imagination. The Rb shreds 1-3 chiles a day, and like most parrots, preens himself frequently, thus lacing his feathers with capsaicin. When he's on my shoulder and gives himself a good ruffle, it's like getting maced in the face!!!
Major T.O.M., in this case, the reality is worse than the imagination. The Rb shreds 1-3 chiles a day, and like most parrots, preens himself frequently, thus lacing his feathers with capsaicin. When he's on my shoulder and gives himself a good ruffle, it's like getting maced in the face!!!


"If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the k--...
stay outta... stay outta the...
Stay away from the konure!"
Major T.O.M., in this case, the reality is worse than the imagination. The Rb shreds 1-3 chiles a day, and like most parrots, preens himself frequently, thus lacing his feathers with capsaicin. When he's on my shoulder and gives himself a good ruffle, it's like getting maced in the face!!!


"If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the k--...
stay outta... stay outta the...
Stay away from the konure!"

Rickey...don't you mean the "CONDOR"? :eek: :rolleyes:

Speaking of Patagonian Condors... I got curious and found this.
They have a TEN FOOT wingspan, second only to the Albatross.
And I always love seeing the Patagonian landscape.

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Imagine that Rickeybird perching on your shoulder..producing boon??:eek:

My sainted mother was not a bird person, and never seemed to get the Rb's ancestry correct. She often told me how she bragged to people that her daughter had a Patagonian Condor, and that it sang and talked and danced on her shoulder. She always loved to tell me about the awestruck looks on peoples' faces when they heard what a lovely pet I had.

Yeah, Mother. No doubt.

Sometimes when I would meet her friends, their first questions were to the effect of...
"Is that legal?"
"Does it eat dead animals?"
"Does it come inside the house?"
Major T.O.M., in this case, the reality is worse than the imagination. The Rb shreds 1-3 chiles a day, and like most parrots, preens himself frequently, thus lacing his feathers with capsaicin. When he's on my shoulder and gives himself a good ruffle, it's like getting maced in the face!!!


"If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the k--...
stay outta... stay outta the...
Stay away from the konure!"

That’s a beautiful picture Miss Gail :heart:
My sainted mother was not a bird person, and never seemed to get the Rb's ancestry correct. She often told me how she bragged to people that her daughter had a Patagonian Condor, and that it sang and talked and danced on her shoulder. She always loved to tell me about the awestruck looks on peoples' faces when they heard what a lovely pet I had.
Yeah, Mother. No doubt.
Sometimes when I would meet her friends, their first questions were to the effect of...
"Is that legal?"
"Does it eat dead animals?"
"Does it come inside the house?"

I can vouch for this. Sometimes we had a lot of 'SPLAININ' to do when we met my MIL's friends for the first time.
Just by looking at the picture,you can understand why people say truthfully,that The Rickster has a BIG head! :p


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