The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


I ran across this old snapshot of yours truly and the Rickeybird. We were still in New Mexico. I betcha those magazines are BIRD TALKs and AMERICAN CAGEBIRDs.

This is @1995. He would have been about 10 years old, and I would have been about... uh...

Yeah, he would have been about 10!


I ran across this old snapshot of yours truly and the Rickeybird. We were still in New Mexico. I betcha those magazines are BIRD TALKs and AMERICAN CAGEBIRDs.

This is @1995. He would have been about 10 years old, and I would have been about... uh...

Yeah, he would have been about 10!


Looks like you were about five years young there..coz you're only twenty-one now...right?? ;) :p

That smile was still full of sunshine even back then, my friend! And I'm sure the RB was just as full of sass as he is now, too!
Thanks, y'all, all!

Yes, we're pretty much the same in personality as we were then. One of us has gained some wrinkles and about 15 pounds. Not sayin' who.

Okay, it was the bird.
I also posted this in my Bird Art Thread, but it needs to be in the official Scrapbook, too!

People have long asked me if I have portrayed the Rickeybrd. Nope. Probably because he doesn't have PayPal.

But at last, here he is. With a twist.

His favorite toy (made by our own Terry57... and then chewed half to bits by the Rb) is detachable, using a dab of non-drying craft adhesive.
I neglected to crop the second photo so that you can see my toes, which I thought was a nice professional touch.

The toy is called "The Homewrecker", and here's why.

A while back, Terry made a little wiffle ball toy for the Rb. It had beads, straws, cords, paper, all kinds of stuff. It was the Faberge Egg of all wiffle toys.

The Rb didn't care for it, of course, much preferring other toys she had made. Then one day he set upon it with great passion, and destroyed just about everything except for a few "corn row" strings. Suddenly, after his 'makeover", it became the most desirable toy he had ever seen. He fed it, courted it, romanced it... the works... and I do mean the WORKS! He began charging me when I approached it, and lost interest in all other toys, including me.

So I impounded that HOMEWRECKER (aka BO DEREK, corn rows and all, for you vintage movie fans) and actually sent it back to Terry, who then threatened to send it back to ME. No small matter (Canada/America postage). This has become a running joke, so I couldn't resist providing a detachable HOMEWRECKER in his portrait!

This is actually the first portrait I've ever done for myself.
Of course, my ol'man (Rival of the Rickeybird) is urging me to sell it, or if need be, PAY somebody to take it.


Most impressive, my friend.

"Look what I juss found! Turns out Patagonians speaks Frinch!
Like heloooo baybeee, bon joooor, wanna sit in my chaaaaaze lounje, drink some shompayyyyne, wee-wee!"
You sure that's French,Ms.Gail??? :confused: Looks foreign to me! :confused: :p

I actually know French and I really enjoyed reading that. :) And yes RB I'd love some Shompaaaayynee.

"May weee, Sunneeclovair, seal voo play! You are vehhhry joleee, maw belle, je timmmmm!"

Oh, Rickeybird! She's TAKEN!

"May weee, Sunneeclovair, seal voo play! You are vehhhry joleee, maw belle, je timmmmm!"

Oh, Rickeybird! She's TAKEN!

Rickeybird scoping out Hot Henz once up to his rep! :rolleyes:

For those of you who DO speak French... the Scrapbook extends apologies for the abuse of a lovely Romance language.
For those of you who DO NOT... you're *SO* lucking out!

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