The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

GaleriaGila said:
"Glad you dudes enjoys a reAl rooster's style, playas!"

"An in related newz, Major TOM, you da MAN, for adoptin that damsel in distress hen in need, Anna.
By the way, she looks hot, whats her emailz?
Here is tha thread, yo."
RB I am extremely tired tonight. More drained by emotion than physical exertion. Also RB I'm not giving you her address until she's in better shape. A Don Juan like you could put her right over the edge. LOL

"Okay Major T.O.M. You right about that. Much Respeckt."
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*c o n t i n u e d*

This just in!


Sooo.................... if the Rb is a Don Juan, is a two-headed bird Juan in a million? No, wait, Juan of a kind? Math-wise, Juan plus Juan is two heads?

It took me half an hour to find that picture just to make a few lame puns. Those are puns, right? Okay, I'm exhausted. Rival out.
*c o n t i n u e d*

This just in!


Sooo.................... if the Rb is a Don Juan, is a two-headed bird Juan in a million? No, wait, Juan of a kind? Math-wise, Juan plus Juan is two heads?

It took me half an hour to find that picture just to make a few lame puns. Those are puns, right? Okay, I'm exhausted. Rival out.

LMAO again! :eek: Ok...I gotta know! Who influences whom here? does Ms Gail dig endlessly to find all these little "digs" and funny-isms? or does Mr Rival search endlessly thru The RickeyBird Scrapebook looking for any kind of tid-bits?:confused: All I can honestly say is...however it is accomplished..WELL DONE you two!:p (three??)

Now,as previously mentioned in an earlier post, 'Boat's...BEWARE! NONE of this :44: while trying to read ANY of these threads..Rickeys..HRFluffiness..Ms Bumbles..Fattys..Finley and Ollie's...the list goes on and on! Unless of course that Mrs 'boats has plenty of absorbant materials ;)

Admiral Boats, Major Tom, Mister Jim... the Rival says he is concocting his next installment of merriment, in consultation with his ghost writer, one Samuel Adams.
Today we heard that Nigel is missing.
Lea, you are dear and delightful to me, and always will be.
I can't think what to do or say.
Maybe if we all treasure our fid(s) a little more, day by day, that will be a fitting and forever tribute to you, and to His Royal Highness Nigel.
Nigel, if you can, come back to us. If that's not to be, then long may you reign, wherever you are.
A sad day.
Another sad, sad, sad thing.
Syd the Patagonian has passed.

Oh, Staysee... I treasured her, too. She was a wonderful, beautiful, precious little girl. I am so very, very sorry. She'll live on in my heart, and I'll see her in the Rb every day. Thank you for having shared her.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Patagonia...
These two young Rickeybird roosters are having a break dance (BREAK FLY) throwdown.
It's B-boy Pat versus Grandmaster Fly-fly!


"JUST FOR FUN! I brought flowers for ALLL the ladiez! An' there's plenty to go 'round of them... AND ME!"

Oh, Rickeybird!

The irrepressible RB would never miss a gathering that included any hens, would he? Smooth move with the flowers, Rickeybird!

"My MIDDLE NAME smoooooth!"

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I just watched the video of Rickeybird 'whistling.' He sounds like me when I was child attempting to whistle. Thank you for the video and this awesome scrapbook!
Meanwhile, somewhere in Patagonia...
These two young Rickeybird roosters are having a break dance (BREAK FLY) throwdown.
It's B-boy Pat versus Grandmaster Fly-fly!


Pretty sure this noise pollution constitutes eco-destruction. I'm calling the Nature Conservancy to impound their beat boxes (beaks).
Thank you, BoomBoom! That's so sweet of you!
Not sure which vid you saw, but I'm dedicating this to you. :)

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"Okay now i got mad. June is National FIGHT THE FILTHY FLY MONTH, and I got big problem right there. I not filthy when I fly and when I fly ain't nothing filthy about it. Yeah I poop but everybody gotta poop and mine not smelly and I usually not flying when I do it and this discriminating against birds what flies when they poop and..."

June is Fight the Filthy Fly Month - Boomer Style MagazineBoomer Style Magazine

The Rickeybird often misinterprets national celebrations and humorous festivities.
Concerning National Crowded Nest Day...
Dear Rival, you might want to remember that the Rickeybird was in this particular NEST long before YOU WERE, so if it's crowded...
... sting...
... wing...

This situation could be remedied by an offer of some...

... bling...

... in my jewelry box, Rival!

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