The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

"Incorrrgable, well if that means the hot henz wants me then YEah I am!
Here's some kissez I gots for yas!"

Oh, Rickeybird!
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Hahahahaha! Yeah, Rickeybird. Given the saying about bad boys, that's exactly what it means.

"Yeah Anansi. So n
ow I got a fan club of gigantic feat
herless henz!



Lovely fans................. er................. 'gigantic featherless henz'. You do know how to sweet talk the ladies, Bird. Gigantic featherless hens, indeed. What are the dues to join your fan club.....................or do you have to pay THEM???

"Yes Rival, I pays 'em... with KISSEZSZSZSZS!!!!"

Kirby,Bro..after all these years..I'd a thunk you'd FINALLY realize,that there is NO WAY you're gonna out-wit that little (BIG?) green mtter how hard you try :eek: >sorry dude,but I think you'd just be better off IS what it IS..I feel for ya my friend...REALLY!!

I relayed your magnanimous sentiments, Jim. The Rival says he agrees, and is currently drowning his sorrows in breakfast... coffee, gravy and biscuits!

Meanwhile, back at the Patagonian ranch...
Thank you all so much for the messages and good wishes concerning the Rb's recent incident.
He hasn't had any more problems, and he's seeing his avian vet Monday morning (he was out of town when the Rb had the event, and Monday is his first day back). Hopefully, we'll get to the bottom of this thing.
Anyway, just to show you that our little villain is feeling fine, here's a little performance from this morning's wake-up festivities. He's trying to throw the snack bowl over the edge, but can't quite lift it. Usually I dread such noise, but since he gave me that big scare, I swear I actually enjoy it... it shows me he's his usual obnoxious self. He's yelling "NO!", among other things...

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Spunky character now isn't he? Seems to be feeling much better,thanks to his caring and loving MOM..WTG RB...and Ms Gail :D

Rickeybird, you are so wonderfully obnoxious! Bumble listened to all this racket and says peekaboo and sends you a kiss. [emoji23]

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Rickeybird, you are so wonderfully obnoxious! Bumble listened to all this racket and says peekaboo and sends you a kiss. [emoji23]

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Bumble, have you been sneaking out at night? No kisses!!!

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Thank you. You're all wonderful.
The Rb uses only eyeliner and lip... er... beak-gloss, as far as I'm aware, Lea!
Jim, the Rival thanks you for feeling his pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bumble... I just hope the Rb isn't thinking of YOU when he's kissing me goodnight...

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I posted this in the May POTM thread but since I'm trying to be a kinder, gentler rival, I'll put it here, too (plus I'm proud of the roll in joke). Happy Egg Month, Bird.

And stop kissing my wife.

Just for fun

I found out that May is National Egg Month.


This picture is out of the Bird's scrapbook. I presume it is not the actual Rickeybird, but a stand in. Roll in, rather.

Happy Egg Month, fids and parronts.
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Waiting for the little guy to feel better! His red silk bathrobe awaits him as do the hot henz in the saloon.

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I think that's what got him into trouble in the first place!
Then again, maybe it keeps him young.
To the saloon!
The Rb spends a lot of time preening his beautiful bad self.
1 -wing... 2- belly... 3- chest... 4- tail... 5- back.... 6 - a job well done... *YAWWWN!* [Look at that beak. Looks like snakes when they dislocate their jaws to swallow prey!]






218 pages....I can stop laughing now.

I have laughed and smiled so much reading this thread that I am physically hurting!

I thought about suing the notorious T. Richard Bird but I figure you don't kick a bird when he's down. Besides who would I get to take my case? He is already represented by Yellow Nape Law Offices (with a judge for a senior partner) and him and Nigel are best buds!

Happy belated 34th RB. I will raise a glass to wish you another 34.

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