Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Ha could not pass up the chance seeing Julie!!

Julie secretly was so happy I posted again she is dancing around with a hair brush singing Eminem Lose Yourself....

Aw thanks Jen, but you're supposed to tell a LIE about me!

Prior to grabbing the brush you shaved your head, bleached what was left and put on pants that were 3 sizes too tight..... or dressed up as batman... can't remember which video was which!!
Jen has a pet otter who cooks her dinner every night. While he's cooking, she watches videos of Allee mowing the grass and Julie's Batman adventures.
Jen has a pet otter who cooks her dinner every night. While he's cooking, she watches videos of Allee mowing the grass and Julie's Batman adventures.

Motivated out of jealousy, Terry dressed up as Superman, stole the otter, and mowed Allee's grass, declaring the whole time: "Anything you can do, I can do better!!!!"
Hawkmaid decided she had had enough of Terry's antics, so sent her army of killer butterflies to stop the madness.
The butterflies came and destroyed his favorite socks!!! Terry was in such Grief he sold all his birds and his vegetable garden to Allee and went to live out on the streets.

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Dennis sent the Rickeybird a frozen Cornish Game Hen in hopes that the sight of her naked form would incite him to ribaldry and lewdness. Shame on you!

"oh hey baby you are a pretty girl hey I don't mind you got no head or feathers you got everything you need just come with me we will have a party and I will thaw you out no worries okay gimme a kiss no wait no head no lips no worries hehehehe"

BE ASHAMED! Look what you caused!
Gail mailed Mr. Rival off to Hawaii, and he got lost in the mail and has been living in a post office somewhere in Idaho. Rickey may have put the wrong address on the box before mailing.
After an extreme error by the postal service, the vegetable garden, Jen's Sous Chef Otter and a dangerous horde of butterflies were all mistakenly mailed to Flboy. The Rickeybird is still undergoing intense therapy due to his failed relationship, his Auntie Allee is shopping for an appropriate emotional support animal to send to him. Ronnie has volunteered for the therapy job but so far Allee can't bear to part with him.

Terry is again doing hard time in the slammer, this time for abducting Jen's otter. Not to worry, I hear Dennis and Hawkmaid have joined forces and even now are cooking up a batch of muffins to mail to Terry.
Terry is hoping that Allee will be able to stick a file in the muffins so she can escape in time to help Allee rob the local dump. Allee has bragged for years about the wonderful food found there and Terry is looking forward to a feast.
The reason Galeria gila uses parrot forums is because he has no life and is just pretending to have one by pretending to have birds, in reality he is just a lonely carpetbagger

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Dennis doesn't know how to relate to me because I had a sex change and I'm now a female. He doesn't know whether to ask me out or challenge me to arm-wrestling.

(No, really, I am a female... look at any of RB's videos in my signature, to check! Now everybody is wondering!!!!)
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GaleriaGila original sex change converted her to Chuck Norris and before changing back to a female champion arm wrestler, she used her/his? Chuck Norris Delta Force and Missing in Action skills to break jailbird Terry out of prison and safely snuck her across the border to Canada where otter theft is not a crime.

Jen's sous chef otter is now currently hitch hiking thru Niagara Falls trying to find its way home because Jen is really friggin hungry....
Jen is really hungry because the otter is now living in Texas with Allee, and being waited on by Poppy. I did hear that Gail was going to send you her sous chef baboon soon, though.
Jen is really hungry because the otter is now living in Texas with Allee, and being waited on by Poppy. I did hear that Gail was going to send you her sous chef baboon soon, though.

[I'm sorry, I don't want to eat anything cooked by a baboon!]
Terry found out the hard way that being able to speak Cockatoo is not a valuable skill in Canada, where they all speak Parakeet. She was last seen begging for barrels to go over Niagara Falls in to get back to America without getting the police's attention. (No promises on MEDICAL attention. :54:)
Terry found out the hard way that being able to speak Cockatoo is not a valuable skill in Canada, where they all speak Parakeet. She was last seen begging for barrels to go over Niagara Falls in to get back to America without getting the police's attention. (No promises on MEDICAL attention. :54:)

Nonsense! Everybody knows Canadians keep nothing smaller than Canadian Geese. Terry is perfectly happy in Canada, living in a two story igloo heated by consuming copious quantities of beans. Besides, she's deathly afraid of water and wouldn't dream of even visiting Niagara Falls!
My my, Scott! It sounds as if you have intimate knowledge of the inside of Terry's igloo! Sadly it sounds like Terry has been spinning tales again, not only is she fearless near water she has had a near death experience in a shark cage and not only lived to tell about it but when she does relive the memory she never fails to burst into an enthusiastic rendition of, Show Me The Way To Go Home!
The truth is, the only one that knows anything about igloos is Poppy. Poppy told Early bird that he is 50% polar bear. That's precisely why Poppy is white and not pink or black like other too's.
Poppy's family of polartoo bears grew up in a 2 story igloo. They had a pet norwahl.

"all these peoples is just shining y'alls on the truth is that us parrots have the power to take over hey I can make it happen all you cute hens give me your emails and we'll get together partayyyyyyyyyy hey that cherl cali is a true actual nun she is against all parrots love pay no attention word on the streets is that she wants us all in chastity belts not harnesses whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? xoxoxoxoyourboyyyy the rickeybird!"
OH, NO! He got at the keyboard again!
I have to confess, I was a nun...but I heard about these flockers from Patagonia. I mean...their feathers would just make me quiver. Then I came across this smooth talker, soft spoken, gentleman. Real easy on the eyes too, if I do say so. His beak was smooth as velvet. And his little leathery feet were as gentle as a dove. I knew what I had to do, leave the habit life. I'm RB's true love. He told me so. He's just putting up with Gail in the meantime. We're planning to meet in Hawaii. Courtesy of The Rival. ;)


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