Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Hawkmaid, I actually won the contest and will soon be moving to Hollywood! I think we bought the house right next to your Movie Studio where Cricket directs all the movies.
Scott, Ronnie is quite offended that you consider him delicious!
And you do realize that since this is a lying thread, what you said about Allee being innocent....
For reasons I will never understand, Terry has been hijacking my account and using it to post "messages from the Rickeybird" in which he makes passes at all the hens, makes fun of me, and in general, acts like a complete boor. On behalf of my bird, I demand this stop at once.

"okay hey there you pretty hens whats up yours truly the rickeybird here hows about a picnic ill bring French fries and sunflowers seeds and we can play veterinarian if hou get my drift alrighty then later your friend the one and only rb"

SEEEE???? She just did it AGAIN!!!
Gail owes me 7 Trillion pine nuts!
Wrench is only pretending to have an amazon. Really he's hiding the fact that he's smuggled an Emperor penguin into the US. It lives on some ice blocks in his basement.
ps.. Beatrice's real job is Lion Trainer. She is so obsessed with the lions that they live right there in the house and sleep in her bed. Of course since she has no permit for this, she keeps it on the down low and never mentions it.

Gail - Rofl at the "we can play veterinarian if you know what I mean" comment :18:
Raven can secretly fly with her flock! She ties all of them to the arms of her chair and Away they go. She was last spotted by a flock of witches on broomsticks flabbergasted at the "bird lady" doing her rounds.
RavensGryf doesn't really own parrots either, just a government spy for donald trump.

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Down here, we call them palmetto bugs!

You do know, sooner or later, we have to tell Allee the truth!

Git your hands off those palmetto bugs and send 'em to me. My main source of eatin! Going to make me a palmetto omelet with 7 eggs from my Citron Cockatoo.

And you leave Allee out of this, she is a sweet young innocent lady!

Hawkmaid, I actually won the contest and will soon be moving to Hollywood! I think we bought the house right next to your Movie Studio where Cricket directs all the movies.
Scott, Ronnie is quite offended that you consider him delicious!
And you do realize that since this is a lying thread, what you said about Allee being innocent....

Agreed! Ronnie is offended that Scott would consider putting him in an omelette!

Thumbelina, really? I may have had Scott fooled, you could have let me enjoy it! And framing the Rickeybird? Wow, you have been up to no good and I'll bet Flboy is more involved than anyone knows.
Allee actually wouldn't mind giving Ronnie away just doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Tried to kill him multiple times with her shoe with no success.

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Allee actually wouldn't mind giving Ronnie away just doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Tried to kill him multiple times with her shoe with no success.

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The reason dennisbro uses Tapatalk is because the mental hospital he's in is keeping him restrained, and he must type with his nose.

P.S. this is easier if you guys quote the poster you're lying about so that it's...well, easier. :D
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Allee actually wouldn't mind giving Ronnie away just doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Tried to kill him multiple times with her shoe with no success.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The reason dennisbro uses Tapatalk is because the mental hospital he's in is keeping him restrained, and he must type with his nose.

P.S. this is easier if you guys quote the poster you're lying about so that it's...well, easier. :D
Hawk maid isn't new to birds just a flea market breeder of ravens. Also owns a duck farm and lives on duck butts.

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Hawk maid isn't new to birds just a flea market breeder of ravens. Also owns a duck farm and lives on duck butts.

Dennisbro is really an 8 year old girl who is being raised by a wolf pack. (and somehow has access to the internet lol).
Hawk maid isn't new to birds just a flea market breeder of ravens. Also owns a duck farm and lives on duck butts.

Dennisbro is really an 8 year old girl who is being raised by a wolf pack. (and somehow has access to the internet lol).

Ha could not pass up the chance seeing Julie!!

Julie secretly was so happy I posted again she is dancing around with a hair brush singing Eminem Lose Yourself....
Jen was so happy to see Terry that she kidnapped Eminem so he could privately serenade her while she dances with budgies:)
Terry is only online so much because she's secretly raising a pack of wild hyenas in her effort to achieve world domination.
Jen was so happy to see Terry that she kidnapped Eminem so he could privately serenade her while she dances with budgies:)

There was truth I was happy and felt very special to get your message today.

But the only reason I am back is that Terry bribed me with $50,000 in small unmarked bills.. .. :p:16:
Darn, Beatrice foiled my plans! Looks like her plan of world domination using her opossum pack may work now:(
Ha could not pass up the chance seeing Julie!!

Julie secretly was so happy I posted again she is dancing around with a hair brush singing Eminem Lose Yourself....

Aw thanks Jen, but you're supposed to tell a LIE about me!
Jen was so happy to see Terry that she kidnapped Eminem so he could privately serenade her while she dances with budgies:)

There was truth I was happy and felt very special to get your message today.

But the only reason I am back is that Terry bribed me with $50,000 in small unmarked bills.. .. :p:16:

Very unmarked...not even numbers on them:) I thought your yak may enjoy shredding them.

(You are special! Truth again!)
Jen was so happy to see Terry that she kidnapped Eminem so he could privately serenade her while she dances with budgies:)

There was truth I was happy and felt very special to get your message today.

But the only reason I am back is that Terry bribed me with $50,000 in small unmarked bills.. .. :p:16:

Very unmarked...not even numbers on them:) I thought your yak may enjoy shredding them.

(You are special! Truth again!)
I suck at this game! Terry56 is hoping for her yak will shred the money because he would love to have such money, but it's not possible since he Iives in an underground tunnel hiding from Hitler asumming ww2 is still on.

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