Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

FLboy just accidently shot Grace's (his girlfriend) pet rhino while hunting amidst his butterfly farm.

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dennisbro3112 buried the rhino, and decided to blackmail Flboy, receiving all the butterfly dust that could be packaged.
dennisbro3112 buried the rhino, and decided to blackmail Flboy, receiving all the butterfly dust that could be packaged.
Blackmail lol

Then terry56 wanted to join in on the fun by sending him his dead dog but was surprised it go to jail for mailing a murdered dog.

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Terry56? I lost a number? I didn't know we were deducting points!

I'll do better, promise!

Dennis deducts a number and makes Terry a year younger:)
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Terry 'says' she rescues birds, but she really doesn't have any birds... instead, she's a Madame and runs a large brothel. (Where Flboy is her best customer). :D
Julie works for Terry, and gets paid in bird seed while wearing a feather boa:) And Flboy is her best customer too!

Terry's favorite food is liver and onions with a side of raw chicken brains... :32:
Until the business really got going and the girls joined us , wrench13 an I had to run everything by hand!

My thinks this thread gonna be shut down soon!
Getting cleaner now...ahem...

Flboy was once an astronaut, and was the first man on Mercury where he opened up a Taco Bell.
Well, liver and onions IS my number one meal, and Taco Bell is my number one eatery! But it was Mars!
Mars, Mercury, both need a Taco Bell.
When is your next flight? Jupiter is craving a Krispy Kreme, I hear.
Hey, hey, hey! Forget the brothel! Tell me the secret!

Of course, I still have dear Ronnie! He prefers to be called a palmetto bug, being called a roach gives him anxiety issues! He's very fragile! such a thoughtful gift.
Allee, I will confide in you...Flboy is really my father and is 157 years old. He also installed a tiny camera, attached to Ronnie's back.
You are now famous!
No fair! You live somewhere out in the future! I just tried to find the time zone for Spruce Grove, the friggin app is still laughing at me! Gnight!

Gonna be scary to log back in in the morning, may be banned!
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You're right! The truth IS more than I can handle!
Spruce Grove is located right next to Xanadu.
We are timeless here and only go backwards in age.
Allee, I knew you would be devastated. There are videos of you...dare I say it? Mowing the grass. You have a million views so far.
Holy Cow this took off!!! Good idea going clean, guys, we're being watched by Ronnie....

Terry57 has been living in Spruce Grove much too long - she is now 6 months old and can ride her cockatiel. She now goes by the name "Thumbelina" and is trying out for the Cutest "Baby" contest in her county.
Down here, we call them palmetto bugs!

You do know, sooner or later, we have to tell Allee the truth!

Git your hands off those palmetto bugs and send 'em to me. My main source of eatin! Going to make me a palmetto omelet with 7 eggs from my Citron Cockatoo.

And you leave Allee out of this, she is a sweet young innocent lady!

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