Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Heather G owns a quaker because she is a quaker. In fact she doesn't even use a computer because it's ungodly.... the quaker does all her computer posts and its fascinating because there is no electricity.

(The quaker actually has a cell phone, but don't tell anyone.)
bump.... (I actually invented the bulletin board bump back in 1641.)
And I'll do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PippThebananabirb was previously elected space pope and was one of the best ever, but the corporations put a price on his head so he had to hide out moving from country to country learning the languages and thousands of dialects. Eventually he built up enough of a space army to counter the aggressors and now things are at a stalemate in the intergalactic space war. More of a cold war now but with his strength and determination we should be safe for a while. All hail the space pope.
Sorry Vampiric_Conure it's time to expose you...

Vampiric_Conure is actually the last remaining saber tooth tiger and has spent centuries waiting for the internet to be invented and this moment to be on parrot forums so he can find the tastiest parrots...

actually that's a little dark I take that back...

Vampiric_Conure only eats raw meat....because he is a sabre tooth tiger....I didn't make that part up....
Sorry Vampiric_Conure it's time to expose you...

Vampiric_Conure is actually the last remaining saber tooth tiger and has spent centuries waiting for the internet to be invented and this moment to be on parrot forums so he can find the tastiest parrots...

actually that's a little dark I take that back...

Vampiric_Conure only eats raw meat....because he is a sabre tooth tiger....I didn't make that part up....
Yes, I am a sabre Tooth Tiger! And I like my beef very rare :D.
Vampric_Conure breeds mosquitoes. She uses them as a torture method on criminals- she releases them all in the same room as the criminal and they all bite the person😡
Vampric_Conure breeds mosquitoes. She uses them as a torture method on criminals- she releases them all in the same room as the criminal and they all bite the person😡
Pipp is the master shanty singer in all of North America! They travel daily from SA to perform. They do shows every wednesday eve for the tourists on show boats!
Vampric_Conure has a butchery. She has pork, chicken, beef.. you name it. She even sells exotic meats like budgie, eclectus, koi fish, tiger meat, everything!

My dad went there, he was scammed! He asked for beef, he got buffalo meat instead!
This is sickening.... but the truth must come out.

The laws in South Africa allow it, so they are able to get a way with it, but PippTheBananaBirb sells video cassettes called "Parrots gone Wild".

I'll have you know, it shows parrots showing ALL their feathers and preening each other on camera. They do beak kissy and everything. It's vile. SHAME!
Clark_Conure secretly films these preening and **Gasp** showing their feather videos! They make good money doing it, too!
Nah I'm innocent! Vampric_Conure is the guilty one! She forced me to do it! Threatened to steal my birds for herself! What can I say, Pippen is cute...
Nah I'm innocent! Vampric_Conure is the guilty one! She forced me to do it! Threatened to steal my birds for herself! What can I say, Pippen is cute...
And would feed them the best mashed food ever! Beans and ... wait, can birds fart? PIPP FEEDS THEIR BIRDS BEANS!
Vampiric_conure has nothing to do with's his Peach front Conure Charlie. Back in May of 1927 Charles Lindbergh was going to fly the spirit of St. Louis to big problem no LORAN or GPS. Charlie the Conure was hired to navigate as the humans couldn't figure out the route well enough for it to be a successful flight. (Cite: Amelia Earhart the had no Parrots aboard; she should have....)
clark_conure is a naday who lives in Paris and eats a diet of pancakes and baguettes.
StormnBica back in 1952 was like what the....why can't I see color TV. Suddenly the budgies...mastering all sorts of color were able to introduce color TV back in 1953 changing everything. So enjoy color TV because of budgies inventing it with StormnBica.
Slump bump.....
Also fun fact dinosaurs were around before grass. It was mostly ferns and stuff.
Clark conure is recreating the Paleolithic era in his home with his tiny pet velociraptors, iguanas; and potted giant ferns, ginkgos, and pine trees. He has no brontosaurus or other herbivores to dine on so he has to eat iguana steaks. His tiny pet velociraptors scream in rage if he doesn’t share iguana surprise with them.
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HeatherG invented the digibird toy because no birds would play with her birds be cause they are so spoiled and birds are so posh eating only the trendiest of diets and doing toxin cleansing one day, paleo one day, and vegan the next.

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