Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

IT is a different thread.....but Terry57 is banned for 24 hours for breaking the rules of the game. You can only post about the poster above you! :D

On a further note Vampiric_conure was born more or less about 4034 BC or within a few years of that..... on September 12th, at 1:34pm and 13 seconds. Canada wasn't even invented yet but he moved there back then and invented Canada.
Clark took his Birds on America's Got Talent, and the judges loved them until Clark bit one of the judges to show them what a bird bite is like. Unfortunately they were disqualified.

Haha, not sure whether this is a thread I should be posting on!
Bites nails waiting for the next post 😨
Going way back to the previous page and inspired by terry57, Clark took his birds on America’s Got Talent , and the judges loved them until Clark bm’d on the judges shoulder to show them what it’s like to have a bird. A very big bird.

Unfortunately, they were disqualified and actually thrown in the hoosegow as it was a live show and they violated FCC regs.

(Heather and Willow run, duck, and cover!)
Heather G was at Britney spears wedding yesterday, but was kicked out when her parrot pooped on Britney from the top of the tent.

I like she's free now and married....I also respect a bird pooping on her because I always though Jessica Simpson was "a little" bit hotter.
This is false I actually prefer Anna Kendrick....
people are on now so shameless bump of my favorite game.
Clark... I know this is hard for you to admit, but...

Your birds are not your pets. You use them as spies, and illegally take pictures of people and upload them online. You also have a scamming website, where you sell your birds, and then they use their super soy skills to escape and come back to you.

Your birds are trained to fly in parking lots, offices, malls, even homes! Once, one of your budgies got locked in a home! It had to survive for a few days, eating what was available. Luckily, before anything bad happened, he found a small gap in the wall and escapes.
....OK this is not far off....I admit when I and the conures go to the mini bar for a refill there is always a budgies that does a close flyby.....

This is fact.

What is also true is I don't do these missions. My Quaker sends them out to gain intelligence data to ultimately perform her coup against my rein as flock leader. I am constant surveilled by birds...I'm also almost always out of batteries for some reason IDK....

The fact is the quaker is running things and I'm a pawn......

But not for nothing my loyal to me birds did low flight observations and revealed to me you have way to many unicorn figurines to be considered normal.....I mean thousands of them.
Yes, your Quaker IS running things. Glad you admit it; it’s so hard to do. Your QP is your higher power. (“Want drink? Out! Stop it! Go night night! Right now!”)

My sister bought a mini macaw from a UW hockey player. The bird would grab a beer bottle and flip it up to drink the last drops. He passed early due to liver problems (really).
....OK this is not far off....I admit when I and the conures go to the mini bar for a refill there is always a budgies that does a close flyby.....

This is fact.

What is also true is I don't do these missions. My Quaker sends them out to gain intelligence data to ultimately perform her coup against my rein as flock leader. I am constant surveilled by birds...I'm also almost always out of batteries for some reason IDK....

The fact is the quaker is running things and I'm a pawn......

But not for nothing my loyal to me birds did low flight observations and revealed to me you have way to many unicorn figurines to be considered normal.....I mean thousands of them.
Clark conure has a tavern in rural Minnesota that caters to bird owners.
The floor is covered in newspaper and there are big long perches next to the bar so the drinkers can all play ‘bird’ until they’re too drunk to balance and fall off.

It’s a good test to see if you’d be able to drive, though; so it’s not all bad.

If his bird-fixated customers can’t drive home they sleep it off on the pool table or in the back yard. Then on Sunday morning they just walk over to the Lutheran, Catholic, or Presbyterian church of their choice. Since like all small towns in the Midwest, his village is made up of alternating churches, taverns, and gas station/bait shops.

If no church they buy worms and go fishing.

Repeat as needed. Squawk!
Heather G actually wrote "Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip"

She just wrote it like 30 years after he did. Obviously she has a time travel machine....

This is a bit disturbing......
Clark wants to time travel with Heather because he really wants to see some extinct parrot species such as Carolina parakeets and Heracles
I would love to see a Carolina parakeet apparently there are some in museums.

Although Rozalka has all the remaining Carolina parakeets.. She traveled to the the US in 1878 and captured a few and has been keeping them like a seed bank.
I would love to see a Carolina parakeet apparently there are some in museums.

Although Rozalka has all the remaining Carolina parakeets.. She traveled to the the US in 1878 and captured a few and has been keeping them like a seed bank.
I have a dozen Carolina parakeet eggs in the back of my fridge. And a big hunk of wooly mammoth venison in the freezer.
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HeatherG is planning on on cornering the market on Carolina Parakeets. Also you need to tell a lie about the person above, not yourself.....

I would like some venison sausage though.....

HeatherG is also Cray Cray (craziest) apparently....

Rb TALK.webp

"This here Minnesotah guy stoled all my green chiles
an when I got em back
there was
BITES outta
all of em

Xb TALK.webp

"Is true. Is TRUE!
Wasn't me that took bites.
Wasn't me.
I like Minnesoterguy."
ClarkConure stole the Rb’s green chili’s—oops I mean borrowed—and bit them with his giant beak of doom.
HeatherG owns quaker and since then learned that of course quakers live in HUGE multi-communal nests of sometimes scores or hundreds of birds. Since then every time heatherG has a popsicle HeatherG gives it to the quaker to build mansions in the Hamptons. Then the homes are sold for millions of dollars when completed....most have at least 540 bedrooms.....yet no toilet facilities.....
ClarkConure planted chicken drumstick bones to try to grow more chickens in his garden!
And HeatherG was dumb enough to try and grow a mony tree! Actually I meant smart. It worked out quite nice. It has dollar leafs and coin fruits. I visited it once and its progress is really good.
Heather G wanted to free fly with her birds so she bought a learjet..... it wasn't until she hit Spain she was like o shi...they only made it one county over. I need to go back.

She got em all back though.

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