Stupid things People have said?

“Why did you get such an old bird? “ and “why did you get that one? Is it sick - it’s missing feathers.” Not sick, not ugly. Just a perfect little old bird.
I‘m guilty of adopting every one-eyed, three-legged ancient creature that comes along since they really need a good home. The cute, fuzzy, bright-eyed Fids and Furbabies will do just fine.


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“Why did you get such an old bird? “ and “why did you get that one? Is it sick - it’s missing feathers.” Not sick, not ugly. Just a perfect little old bird.
I‘m guilty of adopting every one-eyed, three-legged ancient creature that comes along since they really need a good home. The cute, fuzzy, bright-eyed Fids and Furbabies will do just fine.
This reminded me:
Friend: Parrots have short longevity, haven't they?
Me: Not really. This depends from the species.
Friend: So, it's better to buy a long living species.
This reminded me:
Friend: Parrots have short longevity, haven't they?
Me: Not really. This depends from the species.
Friend: So, it's better to buy a long living species.
I mean...
Yeah. Stupid. It's all about the personality of the bird and how well they fit your situation
BUT I must say one HUUGE perk of big birds is the lifespans
This reminded me:
Friend: Parrots have short longevity, haven't they?
Me: Not really. This depends from the species.
Friend: So, it's better to buy a long living species.
Silly humans. With an older parrot, I get a whole lot of love in a well-seasoned package! :gcc:
Someone once said to me that their bird was happy being clipped. I don’t exactly along the lines of what they fully said but around there. I just started and began exposing why it important to not chop your birds wings!!
Wing clipping is the worst thing you could do. Like how would you like your legs cut off?
oH wElL tHeY gRoW bAcK iN a FeW mOnThS
a ClIpPeD bIrD wIlL lOvE yOu
My other favorite ( which I heard a lot with betta fish as well) “Why do you need such a big cage (or tank, in the case of bettas.). They don’t need that much room.“
I always answer “Well, you could live in your bathroom, but would you want to?”
You can clip your bird's wings, feed only seeds, and keep it in a tiny cage.
You can also chop your legs off, eat only McDonald's, and live in a closet.
I jest remembered how my little Striga was treated when I got him, this was before I knew about adopting birds, the used a big net which had a hold in it and his head got stuck. The lady grabbed him out of the net, he was so terrified so he started biting her so she HIT him on his beak 3 or 4 times! Who hits a tiny budgie? I mean, I've felt a budgies bite before, it's certainly not worth that kind of reaction!
That's awful! When Sprite got sick a couple months ago, I had to give her medicine through a syringe. She bit me many times throughout that process (mostly in the beginning, when she didn't know what I was going to do), but it's really not that bad. Sure it hurts, and sure you might have a mark afterwards, but it's certainly not worth hitting such a small animal over!
That's awful! When Sprite got sick a couple months ago, I had to give her medicine through a syringe. She bit me many times throughout that process (mostly in the beginning, when she didn't know what I was going to do), but it's really not that bad. Sure it hurts, and sure you might have a mark afterwards, but it's certainly not worth hitting such a small animal over!
I'm so used to biting lol, it feels like nothing
But when a non-bird owner gets a gentle nip they freak out
Ok, so we've also been talking about older birds
Pionus can live to be 25-40 and since Dash was very abused during his life I didn't expect him to live that long
I got him when he was 21 and once someone said "if he's getting old, why don't you just trade him in for a younger bird"
Um...other than the fact that he is literally my child and I would die for him?
Exactly! it A natural bodily function of a bird. I’m sure their bird doesn’t enjoy it☹️
EVERYBODY knows birds can fly. If you don't want that in a pet why do you get a bird? It makes no sense to me
I remember once, while waiting for the vet, I saw a cockatoo with singed tail feathers. Of course I asked what happened and they said it was because the bird touched the stove and acted like it was his/her fault. WHO LETS THEIR BIRD OUT WHILE COOKING

Another time somebody had a GCC that was so tangled up in cotton rope, it was in the bird's mouth and digging into his skin, and he kept trying to flail around but just got more and more tangled :(
I remember once, while waiting for the vet, I saw a cockatoo with singed tail feathers. Of course I asked what happened and they said it was because the bird touched the stove and acted like it was his/her fault. WHO LETS THEIR BIRD OUT WHILE COOKING

Another time somebody had a GCC that was so tangled up in cotton rope, it was in the bird's mouth and digging into his skin, and he kept trying to flail around but just got more and more tangle.
I remember once, while waiting for the vet, I saw a cockatoo with singed tail feathers. Of course I asked what happened and they said it was because the bird touched the stove and acted like it was his/her fault. WHO LETS THEIR BIRD OUT WHILE COOKING

Another time somebody had a GCC that was so tangled up in cotton rope, it was in the bird's mouth and digging into his skin, and he kept trying to flail around but just got more and more tangled :(
Rule number one. Don’t have your bird out while cooking so many dangers. I wrap my rope perches in vet wrap because of that reason of getting themselves tangled and crop impaction if ingested. So sad.
I once went to a pet store and I saw a guy recommending a mirror and a treat bell to an elderly lady... I seriously wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut:/

I also found a bird-care guide on a website from a chain pet store business near me but.... let's just say it wasn't the best.(link's here:

This was the advise:

"essential items for budgies:

  • Good sized cage: at the very least 45cm in width, 45cm in breadth and 60cm in height
  • Bottom grate / grid for the cage
  • Perches of different lengths and textures
  • Cage liners
  • Playthings to hang in the cage e.g. swing / a mirror
  • Variety of toys
  • Ladder for exercise
  • Bird net
  • Food and water bowls
  • Bowl for bathing or mister / spray
  • Grit
  • Tools for cleaning the cage (only use these to clean your birds’ cage)
  • Cuttlefish
  • Mineral block
  • High quality seeds
  • High quality pellets
  • Millet spray
  • Vitamin supplements for water
  • Light cover to put over the cage at night
  • Parasite powder, ask in-store for assistance
  • De-wormer"

    ok, what?? why do they sell cages smaller than their minimum??

    A MIRROR?? GRIT?? VITAMINS?? de-wormer and parasite powder?? like omg

    The other pet advise was also bad :( it said that rabbit diet should be made out of 90% pellets(????!!) and 10% veg (they also recommend hutches/cages :( )
What is this! Unfortunately many people don’t about the negative impacts of the mirror.

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