Stupid things People have said?

His doors and top are open during the day. He likes to stretch his wings and the cage is not very big. He's closed in at night.
I know what you mean. It makes me crazy when they ask if I just let him fly around. It would be like keeping a dog, cat, etc. in a kennel 24/7, same thing.
8 of my budgies are free to fly around my living room all day, even when we are not home, and sleep (reluctantly) in their cages at night. A few of them are challenging to get back in their cages. They've had this freedom for months and would be very unhappy if I kept them in their cages.
Ollie pitches a fit when he's locked up during the day.
My tiels and Connure have free roam 24/7 its so funny to see their entire day routine be the exact same each day, they all end up in their cage to their favorite sleeping spots except Budi who has big platform thing he loves to sleep in. I really don't find poop everywhere how others might think they seem to keep it to certain spots for me.
I'm envious of you who can let your friends out for specific times. Nameliss has to have both my eyes and 100% of my attention when she's out. If unobserved it's a roulette wheel on what I will find. On one occasion my jacket lying peacefully on couch. She carefully unzipped pocket. Removed wallet and proceeded to partially chew all my credit card & debit cards. Then she removed coin purse expertly reduced the bills into confetti. Nameliss is a disassembly expert. I'd live in fear that she would concentrate on ceiling fan blade removal.
I hope you weren't carrying a bunch of 100s! I had a Goffins cockatoo that would unscrew all the hex nuts that held her cage panels together while she was inside the cage and it almost collapsed on her. I had to duct tape the leg sections
I hope you weren't carrying a bunch of 100s! I had a Goffins cockatoo that would unscrew all the hex nuts that held her cage panels together while she was inside the cage and it almost collapsed on her. I had to duct tape the leg sections
Nope it was 20$, 10$, 5$ and 10 ones. Took them to bank 'for replacement '. The teller was shocked then laughed. The bills were reduced to point serial numbers were indistinct. I could've sent to Treasury for undermined time and maybe 0 replacement. But I chose to keep in a small bottle. I used to use it as daily reinforcement for 'do not leave Nameliss out, alone, unsupervised, and especially without both eyes, 100% mental focus, cam corder observation'!
I'm so confused why do people make jokes about deep frying my bird 💀
I (mentally) tell my CAG if she doesn't behave or does that 1 more time she's going to be the main ingredient in Parrot Pot Pie!

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