Stupid things People have said?

Ugh, the other day I heard a Petco employee (he's a real jerk btw) telling people, they were deciding between a cockatiel, budgie, and a green cheek, 'Oh, yeah PARAKEETS can entertain themselves, they don't really need space or toys,' then about sexing cockatiels, 'Yeah you can tell this ones a male and this ones a female based on how bright they are (they were probably both under 6 months based on their big eyes and both had barring on their tails, if anything they were both female), he then tried to force the conure to step up, while it was running away from him and trying to bite him. They ended up getting the conure. I resisted the urge to correct him, but of course, I didn't.
omgosh that makes me sick thinking about. I cannot even go into chain pet stores anymore every time I go in there I cry The cages are always small and dirty and the birds always look terrified the last time i went into there 2 budgies were dead on the bottom I am disgusted and terribly sad at what they make those birds go through.
One time a person came over and when she saw my cockatiels she asked “are you ever going to like release them?” I told her no they would probably die if I released them!

I get do they talk all the time

I was talking to someone and he asked if I had big parrots that talk and told me I should trade my cockatiels for one 🙄

and when people find out they are flighted they always try to talk me into clipping by saying they could get really far on these wings! Yes that’s the point they are birds!
omgosh that makes me sick thinking about. I cannot even go into chain pet stores anymore every time I go in there I cry The cages are always small and dirty and the birds always look terrified the last time i went into there 2 budgies were dead on the bottom I am disgusted and terribly sad at what they make those birds go through.
One of the last times I went into a petco there was a green female budgie laying on the floor of the budgie cage, all the other budgies were picking at her and stepping on her, she couldn't walk or really move other than her head, I told an employee and they said the were gonna take her to the vet, I doubt it honestly.
I saw to baby cockatiels in the petco last time i was there they both looks sickly and they had a pleading look in there eyes I begged my mother to let me go yell at the manager she said no i wish i could've.
Yeah it's like poeple ask for the advice and just totally ditch it sometimes i feel like. And then they come to regret it later this was a quote from my father at a certain point " If Julius is sick there's nothing we can do about he is just gonna die" I was so mad i proved him wrong real quick but that kinda stuff makes me peeved. And it's like do you not even care what happens to him like dude care a little bit yknow?
To add to the chain pet store discussion…
Whenever I go to Petco or PetSmart I go to the bird mirrors, happy huts, and dowel perches and throw them underneath the shelves lol
And once I tried stealing a zebra finch from PetSmart…and failed
Ugh, the other day I heard a Petco employee (he's a real jerk btw) telling people, they were deciding between a cockatiel, budgie, and a green cheek, 'Oh, yeah PARAKEETS can entertain themselves, they don't really need space or toys,' then about sexing cockatiels, 'Yeah you can tell this ones a male and this ones a female based on how bright they are (they were probably both under 6 months based on their big eyes and both had barring on their tails, if anything they were both female), he then tried to force the conure to step up, while it was running away from him and trying to bite him. They ended up getting the conure. I resisted the urge to correct him, but of course, I didn't.
This man enrages me, like this guy has no experience :mad:
One time a person came over and when she saw my cockatiels she asked “are you ever going to like release them?” I told her no they would probably die if I released them!

I get do they talk all the time

I was talking to someone and he asked if I had big parrots that talk and told me I should trade my cockatiels for one 🙄

and when people find out they are flighted they always try to talk me into clipping by saying they could get really far on these wings! Yes that’s the point they are birds!
I also hate the types of people who don't know the bond of a bird and owner, who would trade their bird that they've loved for a while to get another parrot??? This isn't a trading game, it makes me sad and upset how some people treat birds (and all sorts of pets) like they are just decoration or use them to impress people. Birds and all kinds of pets are like friends, just like us humans they need to have fun and enjoy their lives, afterall, some pets live a short life.
I once went to a pet store and I saw a guy recommending a mirror and a treat bell to an elderly lady... I seriously wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut:/

I also found a bird-care guide on a website from a chain pet store business near me but.... let's just say it wasn't the best.(link's here:

This was the advise:

"essential items for budgies:

  • Good sized cage: at the very least 45cm in width, 45cm in breadth and 60cm in height
  • Bottom grate / grid for the cage
  • Perches of different lengths and textures
  • Cage liners
  • Playthings to hang in the cage e.g. swing / a mirror
  • Variety of toys
  • Ladder for exercise
  • Bird net
  • Food and water bowls
  • Bowl for bathing or mister / spray
  • Grit
  • Tools for cleaning the cage (only use these to clean your birds’ cage)
  • Cuttlefish
  • Mineral block
  • High quality seeds
  • High quality pellets
  • Millet spray
  • Vitamin supplements for water
  • Light cover to put over the cage at night
  • Parasite powder, ask in-store for assistance
  • De-wormer"

    ok, what?? why do they sell cages smaller than their minimum??

    A MIRROR?? GRIT?? VITAMINS?? de-wormer and parasite powder?? like omg

    The other pet advise was also bad :( it said that rabbit diet should be made out of 90% pellets(????!!) and 10% veg (they also recommend hutches/cages :( )
I once went to a pet store and I saw a guy recommending a mirror and a treat bell to an elderly lady... I seriously wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut:/

I also found a bird-care guide on a website from a chain pet store business near me but.... let's just say it wasn't the best.(link's here:

This was the advise:

"essential items for budgies:

  • Good sized cage: at the very least 45cm in width, 45cm in breadth and 60cm in height
  • Bottom grate / grid for the cage
  • Perches of different lengths and textures
  • Cage liners
  • Playthings to hang in the cage e.g. swing / a mirror
  • Variety of toys
  • Ladder for exercise
  • Bird net
  • Food and water bowls
  • Bowl for bathing or mister / spray
  • Grit
  • Tools for cleaning the cage (only use these to clean your birds’ cage)
  • Cuttlefish
  • Mineral block
  • High quality seeds
  • High quality pellets
  • Millet spray
  • Vitamin supplements for water
  • Light cover to put over the cage at night
  • Parasite powder, ask in-store for assistance
  • De-wormer"

    ok, what?? why do they sell cages smaller than their minimum??

    A MIRROR?? GRIT?? VITAMINS?? de-wormer and parasite powder?? like omg

    The other pet advise was also bad :( it said that rabbit diet should be made out of 90% pellets(????!!) and 10% veg (they also recommend hutches/cages :( )
I was also at a pet store, just last night. There was a guy, very friendly, who asked me what I’m looking for and what pets I have.
Obviously I said “six parrots”.
He asked, “may I give you some advice?” And I said yes.
So this was his “advice”…
-clip your birds’ wings to “show them who’s boss”
-they have to be on a sunflower seed diet. For “parakeets” there are smaller seed mixes that they can eat. Supplement with fruit, bread, and ceral, never feed vegetables.
-birds love toys with tassels made with rope and mirrors
-every bird should have at least one rough grooming perch
Like seriously I’m gonna skin this guy alive one day
Oh wait omg I just remembered something, thanks Pippen.

So there was this juvi budgie at my pet shop that was being sold to an old man (this story is not his fault in any way, he was taught to trust the pet shop and he was like, 80 something years old).

The head of the pet shop whom I know very well (she can be good, she gave me sick fish for free so I could try to rehab them, and she stopped my dad neglecting July). She was grabbing and holding this young budgie, and explaining that's how to tame it. It was TERRIFIED. It tried to escape and did once, oh how I wanted to get it away from there.

So yeah, thats how it goes, always give your budgies a choice to come, please you will have a much better bond than if you grab them or force them to step up by pushing your finger into their belly.
Oh wait omg I just remembered something, thanks Pippen.

So there was this juvi budgie at my pet shop that was being sold to an old man (this story is not his fault in any way, he was taught to trust the pet shop and he was like, 80 something years old).

The head of the pet shop whom I know very well (she can be good, she gave me sick fish for free so I could try to rehab them, and she stopped my dad neglecting July). She was grabbing and holding this young budgie, and explaining that's how to tame it. It was TERRIFIED. It tried to escape and did once, oh how I wanted to get it away from there.

So yeah, thats how it goes, always give your budgies a choice to come, please you will have a much better bond than if you grab them or force them to step up by pushing your finger into their belly.
The same thing happened when I got my birds, the lady who was working at the store grabbed them by hand in the worst way, I literally could see Twitch breathing his lungs out with fear. I'm pretty sure it also gave Twitch a bad impression on me because at the pet store I could see him playing with the other budgies but once she grabbed him out the other budgies were HORRIFIED, like just breathing heavily. This I believe also made him harder to tame, he'd be horrified of hands, unlike his cagemate.

It's so saddening :(
Yeah... when I got Jeff from a pet store(I'll NEVER recommend that place, never did and never will! The bird cages were soo dirty and they barely had any food, and by food I mean a terrible seed mix), the guy grabbed him using a fish catching net thing AND HE LEGIT PUSHED HIM AGAINST THE CAGE WITH HIS WING STICKING OUT like OMG he was soo scared and he was put in a paper bag when we got him instead of at least a box(like most pet shops in my area) :( poor baby...

Also when I got my budgie breeding pair the guy said that I'll probably never be able to tame him or even get him to sit on my finger since he's a breeder bird... yeah right, in 2 weeks he was already letting me pet his head.
The same thing happened when I got my birds, the lady who was working at the store grabbed them by hand in the worst way, I literally could see Twitch breathing his lungs out with fear. I'm pretty sure it also gave Twitch a bad impression on me because at the pet store I could see him playing with the other budgies but once she grabbed him out the other budgies were HORRIFIED, like just breathing heavily. This I believe also made him harder to tame, he'd be horrified of hands, unlike his cagemate.

It's so saddening :(
Yeah, there was a 16 year old boy who caught Pepper and nearly broke his wing...

I wish that boy had gone home with a couple of bruises, just to show him how it feels

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