Stupid things People have said?

Yeah, there was a 16 year old boy who caught Pepper and nearly broke his wing...

I wish that boy had gone home with a couple of bruises, just to show him how it feels
Once someone told me they let their...cockatiel I think? - swim in their pool :(
They said they planned on taking her to the actual ocean soon
Yeah... when I got Jeff from a pet store(I'll NEVER recommend that place, never did and never will! The bird cages were soo dirty and they barely had any food, and by food I mean a terrible seed mix), the guy grabbed him using a fish catching net thing AND HE LEGIT PUSHED HIM AGAINST THE CAGE WITH HIS WING STICKING OUT like OMG he was soo scared and he was put in a paper bag when we got him instead of at least a box(like most pet shops in my area) :( poor baby...

Also when I got my budgie breeding pair the guy said that I'll probably never be able to tame him or even get him to sit on my finger since he's a breeder bird... yeah right, in 2 weeks he was already letting me pet his head.
Pet stores love to get you to buy more things, random but I just remembered something:

The lady at the pet store kept trying to persuade us to buy more things. (like the time we bought an axolotl that was dead and lost 80 USD, she claimed it was alive, but anyways, THIS IS ABOUT BIRBS) she kept telling us to buy a 3rd budgie even though we've never owned any before and we were new, (I did research before we got them so yes I am taking care of them well :D (in my opinion..-)) and she also kept recommending us a huge cage, I know birds are meant to fly and stuff but we were still new to owning birds, and the size of this cage could've been bigger than my desk, we only have 2 budgies and we don't plan on setting up a bird room to keep them all in there... but anyways we told her we are looking for a smaller cage and she showed us a good one, but then, she took us to look at toys, she said it's recommended to buy 3 toys and we did, I even bought them a 4th a week ago, then she also told us birds love to play with chew toys (which is true) but the ones there were like 9.99 USD for a small box to shred, I like arts & crafts so I knew I could just make them my own (and save some cash). She also didn't look too happy when my dad said "Nah, I think we can make them, yeahwe can probably make them" lol, her expression changed for the rest of the tips, she also said to get a millet feeder to put in the cage, later found out that; 1, it's hard to reach and eat from, 2, they don't like it. So 1 week later I took it out of the cage to be able to hand feed them and take them. She also told us to buy a swing, and I can tell the birds hated it, they wouldn't even touch it. So my dad made one out of apple wood and they LOVE it. The end.
I only ever go to petshops now to look for sick or injured birds I could possibly take home but so far I've found dozens and my parents have still said now some day I will help them.
I prefer DIY toys/perches! So much cheaper!
Yes, but let's avoid getting sidetracked...
I don't have a chain pet store in the town I live in but there is a huggeeeeee one in Fargo ND not that anybody here even knows where that is but beside the point I've seen people ditch there budgies out on the sidewalk by that place saying free bird! It's horrendous
I jest remembered how my little Striga was treated when I got him, this was before I knew about adopting birds, the used a big net which had a hold in it and his head got stuck. The lady grabbed him out of the net, he was so terrified so he started biting her so she HIT him on his beak 3 or 4 times! Who hits a tiny budgie? I mean, I've felt a budgies bite before, it's certainly not worth that kind of reaction!
it hurts but only for about 30 seconds ive been bit by a budgie before too And They didn't even get a reaction out of me i just gently sat him down of my hand and just sat down on my chair it's really not even that bad.
I jest remembered how my little Striga was treated when I got him, this was before I knew about adopting birds, the used a big net which had a hold in it and his head got stuck. The lady grabbed him out of the net, he was so terrified so he started biting her so she HIT him on his beak 3 or 4 times! Who hits a tiny budgie? I mean, I've felt a budgies bite before, it's certainly not worth that kind of reaction!
For me personally, it barely hurts, sure it leaves a small mark but on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most painful) it's near 5/10
For me personally, it barely hurts, sure it leaves a small mark but on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most painful) it's near 5/10
Seriously. Like budgie bites only hurt for a moment, even if they do break the skin. It’s not even that bad when I get bitten by Jasper. Just biting my own lip is sometimes worse.
My sister is afraid of being bitten by my budgie and she thinks it could tear of her finger talk about misinformation..... I mean he doesn't even bite unless ur provoking him!
My sister is afraid of being bitten by my budgie and she thinks it could tear of her finger talk about misinformation..... I mean he doesn't even bite unless ur provoking him!
Family and birds don't really match. Every time my parents come over, I get the "do they bite" and "is it going to attack me" and of course I say no. But they're still scared of my terrifying little floofballs
Fox I have no idea why people are so terrified of birds dogs are more dangerous than even the biggest bird.
Yes exactly! And if you respect their boundaries they won't touch you.
Exactly! They just want to be loved like every other animal on this green earth.
Yes exactly! And if you respect their boundaries they won't touch you.
So true! Sometimes people come over and stick there fingers in the cage taunting my cockatiels and ask if it’s going to bite! Then when they do they keep doing it and say it tickles! I’m not telling you not to stick your fingers in the cage because I think you will get hurt your stressing my birds out!

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