Radio Free Blue & Gold: All Gus, all the time.

I guess I take comfort in the fact that he's probably doing exactly what he wants to do, in safety and security, for the first time in his life. :)

You are right. Gus is carrying a lot of fear around, and fear can't be forced out. So many things frighten him, yet he forgives: he forgave me for taking him to the vet. I believe he remembers what it's like to be loved and cherished, and he wants that feeling back again. It's a war inside him, between the need to escape the pain and the desire to be loved. He needs more time to get used to things. I haven't figured out how to balance letting him have his space with keeping him from retreating into himself. He spent too much time locked in a cage. Eight years, what did that do to him? Did he have to shut down for his mental survival? And it's not as if he's totally unsocial, he does let my husband pick him up and preen him. I'm the one with the problem, wanting him to be my friend too.
All I know is... he's getting the best he could possibly get, and I have faith he'll make the best of it that he can.
And I want you to feel great about your whole role in this!
Cuz I know how it feels when, for example, my rooster will always love a green chile more than he loves me.
Little creeps.
That's true. I don't feel like I've done enough, or done the right things, for Gus. I want him to change, to reflect that I did something right. I don't have a lot of experience with the whole feeling great about myself thing. Is this what parents go through with kids, learning to accept that they have done right even if the kids don't turn out OK? Do you think that because parrots so resemble human toddlers in behavior that they trigger some subconscious response from the limbic system?
Rings true for me, yes!
It HAS to. There's plenty of natural reflexive response in us to stimuli of all kinds, live and otherwise.
So if something is little, demanding, smart and getting smarter, and maybe even talks to you...?
We're nailed.

More Gus for your entertainment. I gave him some phone book and he decorated the top of his cage. Is he making a nest, I wondered? Then he began heaving beakfulls of paper over the side. I got a little bit on video. He throws them and we both watch them flutter down.

I was just re-enjoying this. Sir Isaac Guston invents parrot gravity.
Also looks like a game of "I love you, I love you not... oh heck, I love you... IN MY FASHION!"
I was just talking bout you an Gus over dinner. My wife is def second string with Salty, but he is getting better, becasue she will not give up. Admittidly he does not have the mental baggage that GUs seems to be carrying, much less the physical issues, but I think your doing great! Salty back slides with my wife sometimes, not wanting to step up for her, giving a nip, not wanting to heng with her, but she persists and he warms up all over again. Treats are involved, I can tell you that.

8 years is a long time to have to break out of. I think the whole forum is proud of what you have been doing with/for Gus. I know I am.
Thank you for the vote of support. Jeff is the one who really gets the credit..he just doesn't post here. But he found Gus, adopted him, bought him a nice house, changes his paper and fixes his food, scratches his itches plus gives generously to the rescue. He's their main donor. I love Gus - that vid of him tossing the paper, it was one of the sweetest things Gus has done - but I wouldn't have gone and got him on my own, I travel too much. Jeff is exceptional. Maybe one day he'll post something here...
I gave Gus all the phone book he wanted, and he made a giant nest out of the top of his cage. Every now and then he throws pieces over the edge for research.

He has to keep an eye on that pesky gravity thingie. What if it suddenly stopped? A macaw has to be prepared.

He certainly did a good job of shredding. I love seeing him so secure and satisfied-looking.
We had to go out of town last weekend so Gus stayed at my sister's. He has to stay upstairs when the seven cats are out, but it's a good space, a second living room and she sat with him in the evening. We hoped he wouldn't bite her or be too upset, what a waste of worrying. He begged to be picked up, sat on her knee, let her scratch his head, ripped up all his paper and ate way too many pistachios. When he saw Boy again yesterday, she joined me in the Chopped Liver Club and Gus sat in Boy's lap until he absolutely melted. He is such a sweet bird. Makes me feel better about his future - he will love the one he's with.
Loving the one you're with... what a great gift.
Facts About Gus

He likes to be rushed over to the distant perch to make boon.
He HATES the stick perch, and will climb down side of the cage to my arm to avoid it.
He hates being put in the cage but is mollified by nuts.
He forgives the rotten feeling human who had to go out in the middle of the day.
He does not like turnip greens...
He does not like cornbread in turnip green pot likker...
He LOVES bits of ham hock from said turnip green pot. As in pupils vanish.
What mysteries will he reveal next?
K must go out again tomorrow, will Gus fight the cage? Will he forgive again? We hopes.
Oh, I do think there is a faux Gladware object or two lying around...will investigate. I have to leave him again for a while tomorrow, but he forgave me for abusing him today. In fact this evening he summoned me to the cage but wouldn't step up. Bent over. I risked touching the tail feathers, he bent his head down more. He had the biggest pinfeathers you ever saw - those enormous macaw tail feathers, half covered in sheaths he can't get to. He let me scritch his neck and head for a long time. I guess I was being too gentle because he really rubbed his face against my finger. It's been a long time since I got the head rolled back, eyes closed, chin exposed totally digging it macaw experience. Oh, it's so sweet. But his human will be home in a couple days so it may not last. And I'll be gone again end of May which will set me back with him. I will treasure the closeness for as long as it lasts.
Every now and again and sometimes too soon. We have to begin a new relationship. Commonly the first six months provide near zero trust building opportunities as we are stuffing bad tasting stuff into his or her's Beak.

During all of that 'handling' they all have seemed to somehow picked-up on that beside the handling, the other 'things' going on are kind of nice. And once the 'handling' eases, they sort-out the favorite Human and the process begins.

The above gets to this one point. And sadly, if they make that three year mark, that is where all the lights seem to turn on. The fears begin falling like a warm Spring shower and they truly open-up. Like full awareness that all their hopes and prays have been answered - I can trust these Humans. Prior to this point, it is a continuous improvement, but once that point occurs, its more like a Rose opening. There will always be some fear, some holding back that will take even longer.

Point being, keep bring him out, keep working and testing boundaries, keep showing the love. It is all worth it! And: Love The One You Are With!!! Use it whenever offered!

A Heartfelt Thank-You, for what you are doing!
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Every now and again and sometimes too soon. We have to begin a new relationship. Commonly the first six months provide near zero trust building opportunities as we are stuffing bad tasting stuff into his or her's Beak.

During all of that 'handling' they all have seemed to somehow picked-up on that beside the handling, the other 'things' going on are kind of nice. And once the 'handling' eases, they sort-out the favorite Human and the process begins.

The above gets to this one point. And sadly, if they make that three year mark, that is where all the lights seem to turn on. The fears begin falling like a warm Spring shower and they truly open-up. Like full awareness that all their hopes and prays have been answered - I can trust these Humans. Prior to this point, it is a continuous improvement, but once that point occurs, its more like a Rose opening. There will always be some fear, some holding back that will take even longer.

Point being, keep bring him out, keep working and testing boundaries, keep showing the love. It is all worth it! And: Love The One You Are With!!! Use it whenever offered!

A Heartfelt Thank-You, for what you are doing!
I needed that! I picked J up yesterday from his trip. I made him wait in the car so I could come in and say bye to Gus. I opened his door, he stepped up for me, let me scratch his head. In the last couple of days, he had started to call for me as if he wanted a ride to poopville, but wouldn't step up, and what he wanted was preening. So I would stand there and preen his little head. He liked it, in that he pushed his face into my finger as if to tell me "rub harder!", closed his eyes, rolled his head back so I could reach under his beak and above his nares. But then he might snark at me. At one point he turned and caught my bent knuckle in his beak...I froze, thinking oh this could hurt, but he just held it a couple of seconds then let me go. I wondered if he was caught between wanting to bite me, and wanting me to shake his head like he was being fed...

Anyway, once the Favored One came in the house, it was all over with me. Gud demanded lots of petting and arm time. Now when he's back on top of his house, he charges at me. Just now he charged and stopped at the corner, staring at me. I just looked back at him. Something about his wasn't totally aggressive...I think he's confused. He wants to keep me off his spot, but he hasn't totally forgotten the treats and the scritches. I imagined I could see him suspended there between two realities. Can't anthropomorphicize but it sure seemed that way. I went and got him a HUGE piece of brown paper that came in his new crate, and you should have seen him! Rushed to the edge, stood tall as his little hunch would allow, raised those wings like an eagle, saying GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT TO ME NOW...and now he is ripping it up with what sure seems like joyous abandon.

It's only been since October. Your words about the opening up, believing their hopes have been answered and they can trust these humans... that brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me that I'm not the one suffering here, I haven't been living in the shadow of abandonment for eight years + temporary foster home + rescue org + new house with people who come and go. Some day the good stuff will come for all of us, good lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Gus ate some edamame! We gave him some Trader Joe's fried rice last night, and he picked out the edamame and the corn and ate them. This is the very first vegetable I've seen him eat!
Salty loves those. Guess they go on the shopping list.

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