Radio Free Blue & Gold: All Gus, all the time.

ive been trying to weasel my way back into Gus's good graces after another short time away. I bribe him with food...I gave him a pistachio nut, he took it suspiciously, mouthed it distrustfully, then something clicked. His pupils got tiny and his head starting popping up and down. Then he went into full on begging,squatting and dancing side to side. Anytime he tastes something he likes for the first time he does that double take.

Then I started wrapping a towel around my arm under the sleeve so I could pick him up without apprehension. He danced and looked like he might bite but he didn't, he came around the house with me. He didn't like it...he was antsy and nervous...but he even let me scratch his neck a little.

Then last night he was sitting on his human...looked at me...stepped down into the couch and took a step in my direction. We both watched him. "Look what he's doing" "what does he want?" " is he going to come to me or bite me?" Gus didn't look bitey, didn't have that let-me-show-you-who's-the-boss-around-here look...he looked me in the face and started walking very slowly toward me. Feathers smooth, head upright, wings really looked like he might walk over to see me! I put my forearm down on the couch, thinking he'll open his beak if he doesn't want to be fooled with, but he kept walking...then stepped on a piece of paper that was too close to the edge and slid right onto the floor. Pooped the paper on the way down. He ran back to Boy, I washed off the paper (kitchen layout, need it) and the moment was over. But oh, for a moment I thought he might be warming up to me!
Clearly, it was a plot by that mean group of paper product taking revenge for the use that some members of the group are faced. Bad Paper!
Sailboat nailed it.

You're wonderful, Ms. K.
I have complete faith in your weaseling skills. Weasel on!
We had a little setback today. I put the small towel under my sleeve and asked Gus to step up, and got the worst bite yet. Through the sweater and the towel, he managed to scrape a good chunk of flesh off my arm. I thought...I have to pick him up now, he can't learn that he can avoid a step up by biting me. So I went and got a thicker towel. But he was pretty mad...I gave him a nut, he went crazy begging, gave him another nut, then made him step up. He squawked and tried to bite, but this time the towel was too thick. We just walked around a little, then Boy came back in so I put Gus back on his cage.

I figure its mostly my fault for being hesitant, even with the towel. Even though the bite only hurts for an hour, it makes me reluctant. So no more cheating: I will make myself a good arm protector to velcro on under a shirt and wear it every time until there has been a long time without a bite or a hesitation. I hope today wasn't too much of a setback. And maybe I shouldn't ask him to set up just to practice. I'm making him a new playstand, and I can ask him to step up when there is a reason: like to move back and forth between cage and playstand or to come for training in another room.
Your dedication to him is inspiring to a lot of people. My wife Geri for one, who is def not Saltys person, but who feeds and waters and talks to him all day, but I come home and he ignores her. She is resolved to at least become a member of his flock to the point where she can step him up and give scratches, much the same as yourself. I always say you can not beat a woman for stubborness. Thank God, cuz she would have given up on me a long time ago.
Your dedication to him is inspiring to a lot of people. My wife Geri for one, who is def not Saltys person, but who feeds and waters and talks to him all day, but I come home and he ignores her. She is resolved to at least become a member of his flock to the point where she can step him up and give scratches, much the same as yourself. I always say you can not beat a woman for stubborness. Thank God, cuz she would have given up on me a long time ago.

Ah, but I bet you step right up and give good scratches.
Let me just say... I LOVE THIS THREAD!
For so many reasons.
If I could invite you over for a drink, I *SO* would.
Meanwhile, weasel on, my friend.
Your dedication to him is inspiring to a lot of people. My wife Geri for one, who is def not Saltys person, but who feeds and waters and talks to him all day, but I come home and he ignores her. She is resolved to at least become a member of his flock to the point where she can step him up and give scratches, much the same as yourself. I always say you can not beat a woman for stubborness. Thank God, cuz she would have given up on me a long time ago.

It took me three years to come to a peace treaty with Goofy. Tell your wife it can be done, she's just gotta keep being patient.
Today I set up a lasagna dish on the counter with water dripping in. Gus was afraid of it. So I floated a pistachio nut in the water. He stood on the edge of the dish an reeeeeached for it. So I put a cashew in. He fished it out. I put another pistachio on the far edge, out of reach. He had to step into the water to get it. Got right back out. Then got a drink. Then started slinging water from his beak. Eventually got all the way in the dish and splashed and flapped. We got out the spray bottle, but he is afraid of that too, so I hid behind J and sprayed a mist over his shoulder. Gus was as wet as he could get! So he got taken into the shower where he got pretty soaked, then set up in front of the woodstove to warm up. Gus has always hated bathing, so this is a big step forward.

His hump really shows when he's wet. It's bony and bare and sticks up through the feathers. I took some photos.


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I am impressed.
You are a smart cookie AND a fine weasel.
I have gone to a smaller size 'misting' only type of unit. It puts a smaller but fuller ball of mist into the air. It works wonders with my Amazon who 'hates' the spray bottle. I am guessing that in his past life, someone used a spray bottle, hence the attack mode whenever he sees it.

As you know, never in the face!

Thanks, Sailboat. AND RadioFreeBlueAndGold!
I have gone to a smaller size 'misting' only type of unit. It puts a smaller but fuller ball of mist into the air. It works wonders with my Amazon who 'hates' the spray bottle. I am guessing that in his past life, someone used a spray bottle, hence the attack mode whenever he sees it.

As you know, never in the face!

I bet you are right about that. He just straight out hates the spray bottle, no matter where it's aimed or how strong. But when I hid behind a big non-see-through human, he loved the mist falling on him. As I understand it, he spent the last eight years in a cage with a smaller macaw, and I am sure they were noisy at times, and they could have been sprayed. Or maybe the person was trying to give them a bath? For now, I'll find a way to disguise the bottle. What is the misting unit you have?

Signed, the desperate weasel.
Dear, the desperate weasel,

The secret to a cleaner Parrot is; Bayer Mist, Springrove, with the misting head set near closed. Wide open is a hard spray, which will assure continued disconnect from your heart's desire.

May your heart find contentment!

Sailing On! :D
Gus let me hold him again! I was worried because I took him to the vet yesterday and he hated that so bad. He's been keeping far away. He wouldn't even come over to his perch to get a nut two days ago because he didn't want me to pick him up. I thought, well, back to square one, get the clicker and start target training and maybe in a long while he'll trust me again. But Human put him on his new play stand, where he's not yet comfortable, and he let me take him up. I sat on the screen porch with him and he let me scratch him for the first time in months. Even did the head bend and picked up my hand with his beak to get more petting. I never get used to having my fingers in the feathers of a BIRD.

I wonder if he will ever become cuddly? He sits on our knees, maybe on a shoulder if going for a walk around the house. But he never gets all the way into a lap, never snuggle so pop to a shoulder. That would be a gift beyond measure. I'm going to keep up with the treats and food and giving as many toys and play areas as I can. I guess he'll go wherever he will go in his own time.
I guess I take comfort in the fact that he's probably doing exactly what he wants to do, in safety and security, for the first time in his life. :)

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