Radio Free Blue & Gold: All Gus, all the time.

Ha! I made Gus happy this morning. I had a bowl of Kellog's Meusli cereal in milk, and just to see what he'd do I gave him a little bit of the cereal. He ran down to the bowl ... Picked up a chunk and started chewing ... Looked over at me with the side eye ... I put a spoonful in my mouth and started chewing ... This went on for a minute, he would pick up a bite and then look at me and then start chewing ... What a smartie, huh? "You sure this isn't poison, evil stepmother?" ....and then head down, eating as fast as he could. I gave him another couple spoonfuls, minus the milk, and he wolfed it down. The ingredients are whole grains, oats, rye, barley, wheat, some dried apricot and coconot, almond slivers, nothing that seems bad, no added sugars. He doesn't even like nutriberries but he liked this. It will be in rotation! It's tough finding things he will eat. Some fruits and berries, potatoes sometimes, pellets always thank goodness, pizza every scrap will vanish, cashews are the bomb and he likes pine nuts. But really he's picky, rejecting almost every veggie except beans. I found something else he liked now, so today is a victory no matter what else happens.
Do not added it into his normal rotation of food. Provide it only as part of your time with him. You know; Breakfast with his evil stepmom time! :D
Diabolical, Mr. Boat!

If you ever open a reformitory for wayward roosters, let us all know!
Gus is industrious. When he has a job to do, he's gonna do it well. He's gonna give the paper bag HELL! (To the tune of Live And Let Die)

Hmmmm, Evil Bag Loses Big Time!!!

That first rush and attack on the evil bag was clearly practiced!!! Not a single moment of hesitation!

I haven't seen a frenzy like that since the Rickeybird... and Rb is a little guy compared to Gus. That is some HUSTLE from a big fella!!!!!!!
He likes to tear up paper, but paper bags seem to be special. I've given him a couple, and the reaction is the same each time. Recognize! Attack! Destroy!
I bet your heart absolutely SOARZSZSZS when he puts on a good show like that!
More Radio Free Blue and Gold, please!
I do love me a good Gus video. Kill, Gus, kill !!!
Gus wants a nut!

Ever since I read Irene's story of Alex the Grey, I started saying "Want a nut?" to the resident parrot. Oliver never caught on. I continued the tradition with Gus. I'd say, want a nut? and then give him one. Some time in the last few weeks he figured it out! He can be prowling around inside his cage, or hunkered down in his paper bits on top, but when he hears that phrase he perks up, sits up, comes over to the where I am and bobs for his nut. Yesterday he was starting to climb from the cage door to the play top when I said it, and he backed right up and practically jumped to his perch. Today I set up to see if I could video him doing it. He was sitting up on the top of the cage napping. I asked him a couple of times but didn't show him the nut, so it took him a moment to react. When he processed the thought he hustled right over to the nut perch. I love Gus!

It makes me think...he's smarter than we know, and very motivated by nuts. I wonder if he could learn to talk? He makes the oddest little noises, like the Penguin on the old Batman show, little grunts and short moans. His body is very compressed, so every breath looks like a last gasp, but he can yell pretty well when the phone rings. If he could learn a few words it would make a huge difference in the house. Maybe if we focus in on a few key phrases?

Oh, que precioso! He is so so so adorable.

And the pitter-pat of waddling feet as he hustles to the perch.


I know there are some folks here who are pretty expert in tactics to encourage mimicry. I know there are some threads on it.
Aprropos of nothing, as they say...

That is just so wrong on so many levels!

The efforts that some will go to just to force the removal of a recent proclaiment of a newly assigned Amazona Snob had no boundaries!

Clearly, this has been Photoshopped!
I was equally mortified, Mr. Boat.

Wrong on so many levels, and not right on even one.

Sometimes I think that the Rb taints everything he touches, even digitally and metaphorically!
So...the hottest hens are Amazonian? I'm going to see if I can change my username right now. I want to be KentuckienneTheAmazonienne!
Gus is a drunkard!

When he was new here, he was sitting with his Beloved who had a glass of beer. Gus lurched over to plunge his beak in the glass. We thought, ok, he won't like that taste but no...he tried to get more. Hes done that a couple of times. Then last night he managed to get a big beak full of Pinot Grigio and went into full begging mode.

This can't just be a new discovery. A previous owner must have taught him to drink. Since he was confined, I wonder if it was a way to keep him quiet. I'm sorry we can't let him drink because he seems to love it, but it can't be good for his health.

Which reminds me of another drinking parrot, Miguel from a 1927 story called The Devil Headed South that I found on Sally Blanchard's site:
So...the hottest hens are Amazonian? I'm going to see if I can change my username right now. I want to be KentuckienneTheAmazonienne!

Why didn't I check here first when I saw the addition of: The Amazonienne!

With clarity, there in understanding. With vision, all is new and wonderment is joyfully renewed!!! Welcome Back The Amazon Snob!!!
Rb is s drunkard wannabe, Amazonienne. At a party in our early years in New Mexico, I discovered that a guest had been offering him samples of his cocktail. I was horrified. Rb was a MEAN DRUNK that night and had a hangover the next day. I never let that offending jerk back on my house.
EVER since then, the clink of ice in a cocktail glass drives him mad. Somehow he knows when there is alcohol on hand and he is like Ray Milland in "The Lost Weekend" (you film historians will know that one!).

Mr. Boat... you are (adorably) incorrigible.

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