Excuse my appearance, it's sunday. And I'm wearing my bird poop defense pullover.
So new development, I woke up and took clark downstairs to wake up. Then a bit later decided to swap birds. Put clark on her age and got the quaker.
Hung out for a bit then put the quaker back. When I went to leave with clark...it happened.....contact call....
The quaker didn't want to be left alone. So I said ok and read a bit in bed. Both the cage doors were open. After a bit the quaker came out on the landing ramp of his cage, about ten minutes and it decided I wanna be on my human. And climbed up on my back.
After a bit I put him back in and tried to go with clark again....no dice. So I was like ok I can do this, put one on each shoulder, but kept them apart, then I could come down.
It worked, I could keep them separated just fine. Each being leary of the other.
Then the quaker got curious and decided to try to meet clark. I was like um no. A few more attempts and eventually they got past my defenses.
I was right there ready to stop, but no need. I know this is a break in quarantine but it's not like the bird came from Argentina it was born about 50 minutes away. So they preened a bit then I separated them again. They tried a few more times with no bad reaction so I finally let them hang out will I filmed. Mostly I'm keeping them both engaged but separated.
[ame="https://youtu.be/mgEIfT0en34"]Clark and Quaker meet - YouTube[/ame]
After that I tried to post this thread but the Quaker decided they board looks yummy. So for the last ten minutes I've been dealing with this.....
[ame="https://youtu.be/Mj8w5TCZLYc"]Quaker eats keyboard - YouTube[/ame]
They've both been on me just chilling while I watch my shows and eating, drinking, and pooping. Which is why I am wearing the pullover.
