Quakers living with GCCs?

Just had a close call went up to tuck clark into bed and the quaker flew again and landed right next to clark on the bed ...I was like oh shiiiiiii... But they both did a jump scare at took air. so.....all is well. Clark is bedded down for the night and quaker on me still bonding.
Ok I'm running low on ideas
quaker started doing some squawking now that it's dark and I figured that means sleepy time so both birds are tucked in now.

Good first day......
I wonder about the morning, I'm glad I bought on a weekend I have all day tomorrow to work with both birds.
Clark will probably need reassuring that she is still loved and #1

I hope things go smoothly. As it's clear your new quaker is very taken with you. I'm finally at that stage with my little Obi( Orbit) as he/she didn't get the great start your little baby got. Yours will need a few extra naps still, and feed breaks... maybe still extra protein as still growing out first big feathers.. snd growing in general. Hope you offer some fresh veggies tomorrow!
my only fear is it is female and it is aggressive... like clark is.... clark is a bad ass bird but the size comparison is kinda big on that scale.
You shouldn't have to worry about that as a baby. Lots of positive reinforcement.
Quaker are bigger, but GCC are fiercer. Tadah us pretty much top bird in my house. Pikachu is close second, but generally quakers are more chill
Its your sensitive diva you gotta watch , and her feelings
You do not want her feelings hurt , gcc seem to be able to carry a grudge
Your quaker has great body conformation, and does seem robust!
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thank you Laurasea
Your quaker will be smarter, yeah I'm saying it. And they watch and learn, even if they look like they arnt paying attention, they are! But they can stop everything and focus on any cool sounds or behavior that they find fascinating. I think they love to copy laughing.

Ohh quakers like to pull tail feathers of other birds, as a joke I think, but your GCC won't see it that way. So watch out and try and prevent that lol
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i can tell it's obviously smart.... i got him out of cage and laid on bed....he snuggled a bit near face then crawled on shoulder that's when I decided he was ready to hang out downstairs....I gave him some Q tips to munch on and he stopped messing with my ear.....Quakers need to have their mouth on something always I have learned.
also he seems to listen to me......like to hard no bite no eat keyboard , the bird kinda sorta gets it
They are plenty smart, and grasp context.
And foraging, and activities, for me its been more so than my GCCs. Mine like foot toys
Just catching-up, clearly you have been busy and life has opened its heart for you and yours.

Clearly, you past the taste test early-on. :D
Clearly, you have a rider, which enjoys riding, plus shoulder time... Lucky You! :D

And, a walk into the cage, eating already, has chosen not to eat or kill you! Sounds like a match made in Heaven there.

Hovering is fairly common in the Amazon World. Our Julio commonly hovers, turns and lands on several of his perches. FYI: The down blast of air assures you know that he is landing very near...

Congratulations good friend, you have clearly been chosen!!!
Gorgeous bird, congratulations Justin!! Let the fun begin!!
GCC still plenty smart, and right now Ta-dah says the most words and phrases of any of my parrots. ( felt like I trashed GCC, before and I love them too) Ta-dah on my shoulder giving me kisses right now, I showed her your video and pictures, she liked.

Have a great fun day
Excuse my appearance, it's sunday. And I'm wearing my bird poop defense pullover.

So new development, I woke up and took clark downstairs to wake up. Then a bit later decided to swap birds. Put clark on her age and got the quaker.

Hung out for a bit then put the quaker back. When I went to leave with clark...it happened.....contact call....

The quaker didn't want to be left alone. So I said ok and read a bit in bed. Both the cage doors were open. After a bit the quaker came out on the landing ramp of his cage, about ten minutes and it decided I wanna be on my human. And climbed up on my back.

After a bit I put him back in and tried to go with clark again....no dice. So I was like ok I can do this, put one on each shoulder, but kept them apart, then I could come down.

It worked, I could keep them separated just fine. Each being leary of the other.

Then the quaker got curious and decided to try to meet clark. I was like um no. A few more attempts and eventually they got past my defenses.

I was right there ready to stop, but no need. I know this is a break in quarantine but it's not like the bird came from Argentina it was born about 50 minutes away. So they preened a bit then I separated them again. They tried a few more times with no bad reaction so I finally let them hang out will I filmed. Mostly I'm keeping them both engaged but separated.

[ame="https://youtu.be/mgEIfT0en34"]Clark and Quaker meet - YouTube[/ame]

After that I tried to post this thread but the Quaker decided they board looks yummy. So for the last ten minutes I've been dealing with this.....

[ame="https://youtu.be/Mj8w5TCZLYc"]Quaker eats keyboard - YouTube[/ame]

They've both been on me just chilling while I watch my shows and eating, drinking, and pooping. Which is why I am wearing the pullover.

:white1: + :gcc:
More pics....
Bird eats like a horse.


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Another interesting development, I heard her repeat "I love you" of course I couldn't catch it on camera but he said it about a dozen times. Recntly he seemed to have forgotten` it but it was definitely a mimic.

Also this bird is definitely a baby. It' so clumsy, except in the air where he pretends he's airwolf.

One encouraging sign though, when he's unsteady on my shoulder cause I get up he takes off but then circles back to me...like it's already recall trained.....
I'm thrilled how well things are going for you all. Seems like it was ment to be!

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