Quakers living with GCCs?

well, you are right, i don't think thsts a good idea, and that's not what I found as other ideas... have you come across that as a recommendation?
Guess you never know
Best wishes
I'll keep reading your thread.
no I didn't come across it I just lived it. Clark was ok with the parrot if both were shunned.

Not a long term plan but they might get along for a bit, and build on that.

I can just read a book and be able to cobra strike myself to seperate. It might bring out the clark altruistic side as she did with zod.
There can always be more than one way you accomplish a goal.

Its confusing tho, because you weren't happy with how those two got along, abd now yiu aren't happy with how this new situation is going, yet you are doing the same things you did before.....
Not trying to be sn a$$... I do have birds tgst get along, and it seems I followed the same guidelines that others have shared of what worked...
I just want things to work for you. If that different ways works then I'm happy for you
I didn't do it. Today I left bedroom dark and left quaker in the AM and quaker stays up later after clark has gone to bed. As a single parrot this bird is so awesome....it's just the combination..... they get about 2-3 hours on my shoulders together....mostly peaceful... then usually always clark decides "that is my baby daddy" .

I so want it to work. At least If I have to give her up she will be super tame and an easy sell. She's up now with me till she starts beak grinding and starting to nap.
You know it sounds good, maybe Clark just needs little breaks.
My parrots don't fight, but tgey csn punk each other to move ..
Maybe they can take turns ststioning on a perch set up?, they can learn routines
This quaker really choose you. Abdvi want Clark baby happy to. The bribes and postive association can work.
I have found giving clark a little more juice, which the quaker doesn't like so no sharing... is bringing about a more calm conure.

It's not a bribe.

Ok it's a bribe.
we also forget to praise when they are being good. According to behavior peeps. So when they are being good, tell them!! Like aren't you being good birdies. Plus my GCC can get over stimulated. So I pet her transfer her to a perch right next to me, that has snack bowl, I give 20 minutes then invite her back.
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well clark is queen of the d****d castle and I'm constantly talking to her and petting her and.... and it's her way or the highway (I added astrixs). I have a few more days to make my self imposed decision. If I was alone, the quaker would thrive, even with me she would I bet, but I don't want her to thrive and yet be bullied by another bird that has been my companion for 4 years or so now. I want her to be happy, It's gotta work as a flock or nothing at all. I think she's just to jealous. I bet I could leave cages open and they'd play and allo-preen maybe, but once I enter the room, it's all about the jealousy.
I think I'm going to keep this quaker....

She's developing a personality all her own now....

She's started micking and making her own little laughing noises.

Clark may just have to deal with her jealousy.

They have separate cages it's only a few hours I need to worry about with both on me. And I have them on separate schedules clark in AM and the quaker in the PM after clark goes to bed around 5.

Tomorrow is an all day home thing so that's gonna seal the deal one way or another.

Saturday I need to decide to name her or trade her back.
lex (luthor, even though girl),

egret (game of thrones),

chilly (because yum chilli),

pluto (to remember the planet, that science should say is STILL a planet(stupid scientists)),

sugar (because it would be fun in conversations "my sugar at home is waiting for me")

Comet is appealing not as an xmas thing but an astronomy thing

maybe popcorn. I'll need to make some popcorn and see if she loves it.

Elsa because of the disney queen

I was told before birds like two syllable names. like tik tok, tic tac it's easier to say and interpret. for them to say and us to recognize. Two different tones in sequence is easily recognizable.
all but lex have that two tone mimic for her.

could go for irony and call her raven also from "the 100" which I renamed clark to once i knew she was a she from dna test.
Quilla ( goddess of the moon)
Vanna ( Vanna white)
Venus ( considered a white planet)
Venus is considered to be pure white but it also reflects indigo rays of the spectrum
I like sugar, I knew a dog named this said as shugga
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hmmm venus I like.......I'll consider it. Might come out of her Enus from the dukes of hazzard but IDK
Vega is a whit star, also Vagus is the nerve from the head to the heart
So is Polaris
I love names so its fun looking and thinking
ooo polaris is nice

and vega
The largest known star in the universe is UY Scuti, a hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the sun.
Lixue: This name means pretty snow in Chinese .
Umi Ai. ( ocean of love in Japanese)
now your just hitting on me because we both like astronomy I think. Or you want me to invite you up so you can steal my quaker... mostly to steal my quaker I think, I'm not brad pitt :)

Your a good friend and a great help through all of this, I really really appreciate your insight and help. You've been with me this entire journey.

:white1: + :gcc:
I like scuti it's original and reallly easy for a parrot or human to pronounce an the story of the name is good.
Galaxy Girl

Vesta was the Roman Goddess of the hearth. There is also a Temple of Vesta in Rome.

I so totally want to steal your quaker!!!!!

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