possibly laying an egg?

stranger: ''So what kind of pet do you have?''
me: ''oh, a fluffy symbiotic parasite. Her name is Sunny, she loves banana and lives in my shirt.''

Don't forget to add to the stranger, that it can bite hard if in bad mood! :D

tell someone it can bite hard in a good mood too ;) or that you get bitten regularly and still own that thing :P dog people will never understand.... (apart from dog owners that own parrots too...)


on the topic of her sleeping tent: I took it out before I went to get her from the vet and it's been 2 weeks... despite my mums protests and worries, the bird is still alive... she made such a drama at first that it really seemed like loosing the tent was ffaaaaaarrr worse than the surgery :34:

veggies are still only eaten when all the other food is taken out of the cage for the short period of time... I sprinkle cuttlebone shavings over pellets as she kept attacking the whole cuttlebone and that seemed like a bad idea so soon after the surgery... maybe it will be better with the mineral block? hopefully... the block and natural pellets are on the way and should arrive in a few days, I'm also putting 2 more perches and a big wooden chew toy in the cage today, she doesn't seem to mind being in her cage as much as she did before, she is calmer, but it's only a matter of time till she gets all hyperactive again... today is an ''try to get into a shirt no matter what'' day :D :eek: :orange: sorry love, bout I'm not letting you...

also loook, her feathers are growing back, fast! :heart:

she has been sleepy the whole day... it is 3.30pm...
[ame="https://youtu.be/nl8FMhZ9KmU"]Sun? - YouTube[/ame]
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Do I see conure holes in the shirt? :D
Great to see the pinfethers in the surgrey area - she's amazingly quickly recovering, and that's fantastic!
She looks sooo lovely in the vid, I just love when the Sun slowly closes her eyes and rests. She seems so comfortable and happy. True joy!
holes? in my shirt? you must see wrong :eek: ;) but yes, my whole 'home clothes' part of the wardrobe is more hole than fabric :p

the poor baby, first the feathers on her belly start to massively grow back, itchy stuff, then I find new feathers on her neck too... if she started molting now then it's no wonder she's all sleepy...

she crawled under my chin and just went limp, not even a sound... it did freak me out for a bit as she hasn't done something like that in quite a while, but then I grabbed my phone to see on the front camera... the fluff just fell asleep :20:
well she was kicking and moving like crazy though.... but I think I'm just a bit too panicky about the whole thing and the bird and.... ugh... don't mind me too much, I'll see shadows everywhere till I know she has the second dose of those implants in and they work like they need to...

she did not stick to me like this for not even 5 minutes in the last 2 weeks so it just seemed a bit weird... but I guess I just got used to her doing things on her own now and not being glued to me all the time like she used to before this whole thing... I'm aware I have a conure, no worries :p

I did hear about Velcro birds, but I can't say I understand the word fully...

today was so tiring for her, she begged to go to sleep an hour earlier than normal and we already started putting her to bed a whole hour earlier than before... poor baby, 2 hours in the car an 1 hour at the vet is so hard... :D

Maybe she was thinking that she was going to be left at the vet again and super happy that didn't turn out to be the case? IDK exactly what goes through animal's heads, but most of my pets exhibit this behavior after their first extended vet visit .... not loving having to go back to the vet and so happy when it turns out they get to immediately come home and mom didn't leave them.
yes, I'm sure she was scared I would just leave her there... she was a mess after I got her back after the surgery, my poor fluff :( but I'll need to drag her in twice a year from now on and I just hope she'll at least get used to the hour long car ride....
yes, I'm sure she was scared I would just leave her there... she was a mess after I got her back after the surgery, my poor fluff :( but I'll need to drag her in twice a year from now on and I just hope she'll at least get used to the hour long car ride....

Don't worry about the ride. Cytrynka went for an 8-hr trip non-stop and was perfectly fine after. Maybe a little bit dazzled, but generally OK. We've just fed her with pellets and juicy apple bits and it did not seem a major trauma for her.
she is doing better and better every day, it's been 3 weeks since the surgery now and yesterday was the first time she could preen her tail normally (the whole take a feather in beak and sliiiiiiide thing), she started to destroy wooden pieces on the couch again (we always have some laying around on the couch haha)...

though I did notice some other changes too that I kind of like but are soooo out of character for her:
1.- we live in an appartement building with an elevator (7th floor) and she always screamed when she heard the elevator stop on out floor even before I got the chance to unlock the door (you can hear her a few floors up and down so I heard the scream while closing the elevator door).... she stopped doing that, now she only screams when I am already in the appartement...
2.- 4.45pm was always the time to get restles, fly to the floor and waddle off to the main door and beg to open it over and over and over and over again, as my mum comes home at 5.10pm and we always had to go greet her at the door... nope, she now chooses to nap on me and doesn't even hear that anything is going on till mum knocks on the door...
- which is weird cause she still goes crazy when it's 9am on a weekend and my mum takes her out and takes her to my room to wake me up (our small weekend ritual - she waddles over to my face and gives kisses till I wake up, so adorable)...
3.- when in the cage, she doesn't scream to get out anymore, just sits there and waits (shreads a toy or something sometimes too)... she is just quiet... and waits... :52: she would always demand for someone to get her and play with her, well not anymore apparently... she got way less demanding overall...

sometimes she's quiet for so long that I could almost forget I have a bird at home :eek:

where is my bird and what happened to her :eek: joke aside... I know she has a long way to go till she heals fully, so her behaviour is different cause she is still not well, but I do think that it's cause of the missing snuggle hut and limiting the scritches to the head/neck only + no constant cooing/talking to the bird, we just let her sit on the sofa and look out of the window for an hour if she wants without talking to her much, I think she likes it like this though...

plus, her molt is coming in hard... she has so many pin feathers on her head already and her belly must itch like crazy.... but it's starting to look so nice with all the feathers (sadsly it makes it so so hard to see if the stitches are still in...)

this is most morning now - I half-sit-half-laydown on the sofa and she comes over and leans on my arm and either naps, preens or holds her beak like she always does when she's content and happy... it's hard to get anything done around the place cause I don't want to move hwe, she's just too cute :P

To me she seems like a perfectly healthy Conure :) Funny thing is we notice the same small things (like the beak-zipping along tailfethers). According to your words, she seems a bit calmer than previously and only time will tell if that's permanent or temporary. But above all, it's important that your sweet fluff is doing well.
BTW, Cytrynka is currently not molting heavily (she used to some 2mth ago), only single pinfeathers here and there but no obvious "hedgehogs" ;)
yup, she is a lot calmer, screams a lot less and just wants to do things on her own, when before she always wanted me to take her around the appartement or flew to me when I just got up from the sofa cause ''omg we're going on an adventure, wiiiii!!!'' and now she just looks at me and continues to stare out the window o_O

and yes, she appears to be a very healthy bird :) with all that we did wrong and messed up, we must have done something right too :D
and yes, she appears to be a very healthy bird :) with all that we did wrong and messed up, we must have done something right too :D

What was most "right" in this case, is that basically you've saved her life! If you didn't acted quick as you did, and if you weren't so determined as you were, Sunny would no longer be with us. I'm pretty sure that inside Sunny is grateful to you for this!
I can only agree... so from now on we're taking a different route with how we're acting and what we're doing (grandpa doesn't understand what and why, but still follows the new routine cause we told hin it was best for the bird and he does understand that, but with his age, it's good enough... now my mum is another story completelly, but we're getting there too)... I should have been more present on this forum than I was, I missed so many things that I'm just now learning... but better late than never :)
Must be a relief to her with all these Pinfeathers
it was, she has so many pin feathers on her head, it's almost impossible to scratch her at all, she's turning into a headgehog :D

her belly is mostly half freed pin feathers now and I can hardly see the stitches and she won't let me take a look if the strings are still in there -_- but I understand, the vet also grabs her and turns her over and she hates that so she won't let me do that anymore either...

it's been 3 weeks since the surgery and apart from the belly feathers still not fully there, you would never even guess she went through something like she did, this bird is just amazing... :heart:
and here I was, thinking I'd be happy to see the sun again after months of clouds and bad weather.... nope... just a few nice sunny days apparently mean that spring is coming and guess who is acting hormonal again... screaming, having an attitude, being waaay too cuddly, even tried to push her bum on my hand twice yesterday... just a few days before the vet visit when we would finally put Suprelorin implants into the crazy bird.... just till wednesday... but nope, crazy chicken is being too crazy again...

so I took her chewing toys out of the cage, rearanged what is still in there and moved the cage to the other side of the room, even took off the cover completelly (it's only going on there at night now, before it was hanging on the back wall so she didn't have too much direct light as her cage was near the window... I have no other idea what to do more... I just need to have her catastrophe free for a bit more, just till those implants start to work...
Try to arrange an uninterrupted and quiet 10-12hrs of sleep to Sunny... if that's possible. I know it may not be easy, but just do your best.
we already started putting her to bed at 7pm and she has quiet till 8am (so 1 hour more than before all this) and even now shut the door to the room to give her more quiet... she has no problem with going to sleep sooner, got prety used to it in the one month since the surgery... no sleeping hut, I somehow did manage to get a cuttlebone into the cage, no petting apart from the head, no cuddling, not letting her under any shirt or under whatever (pillows,...), no paper to shred anywhere, try to give her more veggies (still not liking it though), she gets less fruity pellets... am I missing something? I must be missing something...
Give it time and don't forget that you love her.
She is in hyper-drive right now (probably more-so with the implant (like taking 6 birth control pills at once lol)
Just let her get through it and keep her away from the hormonal stuff as you have been.
she doesn't have the implant yet, I have the vet appointment on wednesday... so a few more days to go till then... that's why I worry again...
will they xray again between now and then? Surely she is experiencing odd hormones, given the fact that an egg was removed.

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