possibly laying an egg?

ooooh thank you :heart:

well right now she is beyond hyperactive, I need to watch where she flies from/to cause she is navigating like a drunk, almost landed in my face twice... lands on me, climbs on my head and leans down so she hangs on my hair in front of my face demanding kisses.... then yells at me when I try to get her off or maybe cause she didn't get tho 300 kisses she wanted... half way through typing this she waddled to my shoulder, leaned her beak on my ear and I am deaf now... darn she can yell :34:

I feel your pain lol - I have 2 suns that love to sit on my shoulder :eek:
Wellcome to the Rainbow Chicken Caffee!!!
Today on the menu:

* Your Hands will Bleed and I don't know Why
* My Butt in your Face looks so Good
* Let me Under your Shirt, Sexy...
* I want what you're Eating, NOW
* Paranoid Chicken
* Sleep and Preen is my new Favourite
* Fluffy Fluffer and the Fluffs
* I'm annooying and I know it!

Thank you for visitng, hope you come back when the menu is more normal...


the bird is WEIRD... I mean... weirder than usual... no, not like that, even weirder... and I've said that quite a lot in this thread :p today is a serious battle, she always wants to cuddle and be pressed on me or preen me or just about whatever... I swear that bird is stickier than super glue today... I'm beginning to wonder if she will start showing signs that the implant is working soon... I certaintly hope so, it would be so nice to have it work, to see something go smoothly and not get messed up... I'll put the guessing game of ''is it working and she's just weird by nature or did she claw the implant out'' into next week or so... :rolleyes:
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absolute genious that menu :D
aaaand we have a screamer today... she screams for EVERYTHING!!.... apart from the times she sits pressed against my arm with foot under her beak cooing softly (same sounds she does when she is asleep in her cage at night)... what is up with that o_O :confused: this bird is the most confusing thing I've ever met...
today is my birthday, yet the bird got treated with big things haha she got her cage moved back to the original place, a whole new perch setup and lots of new toys (yay the toys are finally back in the cage!) :p she is completelly confused right now cause everything is different haha, whoops

she is a lor more normal today, stiss pushes to cuddle a lot, but her butt is not in my face (at least today), a lot of other hormonal behaviour disappeared or lessened quite a bit, the screaming is down to a normal level since yesterday, she doesn't demand constant attention and things are looking good for now... hope it stays that way too :) :orange:
Happy Birthday SunnyGirl :)

I hope you have many wonderfull years to come (with a lot of cuddles en scritches to and fro).
Happy birthday SunnyGirl, there’s no better gift than a happy healthy birdie, enjoy!
Sorry to be a day late, but... happy birbday SunnyGirl! Wish you lots of safe cuddles :)
3 weeks of implant being in.... got reassured that there's no way she could ever get the implant out and that the remaining hormones that are still in her body are causeing all the weird behaviour :D I'm really releaved! Sunny seems to be doing great, she's a lot calmer and naps more during the day, the molt is still going on, I find pin feathers daily, no wonder she's tired...

I was half-sitting on my sofa watching tv, she was sitting on my shoulder preening and then she just climbed down under my chin, threw herself on her side and fell asleep, it was so darn cute :heart: she was asleep for solid 15 minutes, whoah...

5 weeks with implants...

things are looking very good, but she has been acting a bit hormonal the last 2 days - demanding way more cuddles and attention, trying to get into my shirt again which was not the case for the last 10 days since the last post... we did have a few very warm and extremely sunny days this past week so it is probably connected... other than this I am happy to say that the most obvious hormonal behaviour is not there anymore, chicken is feeling good and acting way more herself again, I'm just hoping it stays this way and that the next weeks kick the rest of the remainig hormones and let the chicko be hormone free and happy :)
Glad to see things are coming along...5 weeks is still not quite long enough for all of the hormones to leave her system, but it's getting there. Once she no longer has any Estrogen, Progesterone, or Testosterone floating around in there you'll know it...
I know and I feel a lot better about it taking time after talking to you about it :) my paranoid self would love to see it be ok in a week, but we know that is sadly not going to happen :p

I just thought I'd keep updating this thread for maybe two months or so about the changes in behaviour cause I couldn't find any similar on the net (about what happens the first month or two), it helps me keep tabs on my own chicken and it might help someone someday going through the same thing asking the same questions :) not really expecting any answers anymore but comments are always welcome :heart:
My bird has been hormonal as well...$160 dollars in vet bills later, the verdict was "no eggs, no blockage, just hormonal" ugh...Keep your bird out of your shirt lol. Glad things are going well! Spring has sprung!
sorry for late reply :) I get your frustration.... I still freak out every time Sunny shows at least a bit of a hormonal behaviour :15: like right now actually, she has been a lot more snuggly these past few days... it started 4 days ago when she say a bird outside and almost crashed into the door, landed on the floor and was so scared, I pisked her up and she hid in my hands and wouldn't move... since then she has started to demand to get under my shirt, for me to hold her more or she just is all 'in your face'.... I think she might have remembered how nice the cuddles were and how she hid under my shirt and all that... worried again...

7 weeks with implants... I would really like to see it get better not worse :confused: but maybe it's just these few days or something... I have no idea...
SunnyGirl, how is with your Sunny's regurgiation? Have you experienced massive regurgitation from her before the implants? I've noticed my Cytrynka to do it more and more. I know it's hormonal, and knowing your story would like to avoid the egg-risk at all cost.
it's been over 2 months ago that she got the implant and we had good few weeks lately... and what does the darn bird do today?.......... drag her butt all over the couch... I'm mad, confused, scared and whatever comes with that.... the weather doesn't help, neither does the fact thatmy mum is off of work this whole week and pretty much went from 'ok I'll follow the new birdie rules' to 'whatever, she needs more cuddles, we've ignored her long enough' :( :mad:

At least we all know who will pay the vetbills this time: your MUM!

Sometimes parents are terrible when it comes to following rules.
Make her reread this topic to refresh her memory how you close to came to losing your Sunny ...
I don't want any vet bills anymore... it's been enough suffering... I mean I quite like my vet but I really hoped not to see him again till end of may/mid june when Sunny is supposed to get her second implant...

it just frustrates me... just this one thing, thise few seconds and my anxiety is through the roof again :52: I hope I'm just overthinking this again...
I’m with Christa - remind your mum in detail about Sunny’s egg and what it took to get it out. It’s funny how bad memories fade a bit with time and some people think that it won’t hurt to do it “just a little” - I’d remind her now before it becomes a habit again. Sunny needs to stay egg-free if she can!!

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