Green Cheek Eggs


Jan 11, 2025
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2 green cheek conures (Miko female pineapple & Duckie male yellow sided turquoise )
I had no plans to breed my birds but now that they have eggs I want to do what’s best. My female Miko 3yrs old Oct 30 mated with my male Duckie 2 yrs old Nov 1 around Xmas . She layed four eggs 1/4, 1/6, 1/9 & 1/10 The last one happened around 7pm and the next day 1/11 both of them started sitting on the eggs so I assumed that she was done her clutch. 1/12 yesterday neither bird has sat on the eggs the only thing I’ve noticed is they’ve been moved. I want to candle the eggs but I believe I have to wait till they been incubated for a few days/a week. Should I be concerned or is it normal for them to not sit right away sometimes? Could it be she’s not done her clutch?
I think four eggs is a complete average clutch for GCC but i'm not sure. She may have ideas of her own. Budgies usually lay about 6 eggs but my hen has laid 11 before stopping, which is excessive. I only let her have three to hatch and raise and tossed the rest as they were laid and gave her dummy eggs. There's no way a budgie can raise 11 healthy chicks! The hen, with budgies, at least, doesn't begin to incubate full time until after a few eggs are laid. I've read that the eggs can sit at room temperature for quite a while (like a week or more) after being laid and still be viable. Once incubation starts full time she rarely leaves the nest and the male feeds her. I have no idea why she started brooding for one day then then stopped for a day but I wouldn't worry. Candling won't show evidence of development until after about 4 days of full time incubation.
Don't worry. If its meant to be it will happen. It's remarkable how these birds, even young inexperienced ones, instinctively know what to do when it comes to making more birds!
I’m also thinking that maybe there’s too much going on in the space they’re in (living room) should I move them to a quieter darker location
I’m also thinking that maybe there’s too much going on in the space they’re in (living room) should I move them to a quieter darker location
Her "nest box" isn't exactly what most parrots lay eggs in
You obviously didn't plan this and that's okay- your birds didn't ask
you! It doesn't have much privacy being a semi open cardboard box! I would hesitate to give her a proper nestbox (wood box with an entry hole) at this stage, but giving her a quiter location would be very good.
Number 5 was discovered this morning.

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