It was great, no matter how short or long!

Brings me a lot of smiles, that's for sure! THANK YOU, again!
Ah, ok! I "talked" to her a few times via email, nice to put a face to the name. They really do seem like a great group over there.
I am not sure yet! when I emailed them a little over a week ago, they said he was on one feeding a day, and could probably ship him last week or this week. I told them, no rush, it's on his time. whenever he is ready, is perfectly fine with me!
So I'll let you know if I hear anything this week about him flying over to this neck of the woods. If not, you may get to see him again, too!
Hope you have a splendid day! Hope little Ra is improving, too! It's devastating to be told such things. Glad he putting on a fight, though!
I lost a hawkhead parrot a few months ago after trying virtually everything to help him. (older bird, taken from a stressful situation). He ended up being ABV+ and all that jazz. Long story short, the vet, in so many words, "wrote" him off, as well as my other bird. Treating ABV like a complete death sentence. Come to find out, the virus, while being dangerous and contagious, is not AS contagious as they said. (Fecal-oral is the current belief for transmission, and it doesn't live long outside the body). Only certain strains cause disease, and my new vet doesn't believe PDD took Kimi's (hawkhead) life. Also, interestingly enough, I had him sent to Texas A&M for a necorpy and histo, and they did not find ABV in his brain, which is usually where the virus is found on higher concentrations. So the whole situation is a mess, it sucked, and I don't wish it on anyone. I've since had Mopar (my blue front) to a different vet, and all his bloodwork and such came back normal. So here's to hoping things are ok!
The point of that is I now have the bug for those little hawkheads. LOL!
And..... also learned to be careful with new birds. I did keep Kimi across the house in a different room.
Ok, back to the regularly scheduled program! Sorry for bringing the thread down!!
We need more Rissa and baby GW photos.
