Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

I'm so glad to hear that Ra is doing better, Joe. And it's a happy coincidence that you were just addressing Terry about this, because her circumstances with Chaz should give you some hope in this situation. Chaz's outlook looked quite bleak as well, but the medication helped and he's proven to be a fierce little warrior.

I'm hopeful that the same will hold true for Ra. I'll keep him, and your family, in my prayers.
Dear Joe,
I'm very sorry to hear about Ra. I know I don't know you, and I just started posting on this forum very recently, but you seem to have such a nice family, and I feel terrible that you and Rissa and the boys have had so many hardships to endure this year--it's unjust for all this to happen to such kind and warm people!

I've had some trouble looking at members' photos of their lovely parrots simply because they remind me of Sam and I end up crying even harder. But for some reason, your photos of Poe bring a smile to my face. I'm especially fond of the picture of Poe and Ra; they seem to have some sort of understanding of one another. And I'm very sad that Ra is now ill.

It sounds like you are receiving good medical treatment for Ra, and I'm glad to hear that he is already responding to the medications. My mother had a Maine Coon cat who developed CHF at a young age; it is a very difficult disease, but I think they have made some progress with the kinds of medications they can offer (dogs with the disease actually can live for years and years; I don't think they are quite there with cats yet, but they are learning more every day).

One thing you may want to think about is building your own oxygen chamber at home. If you look on-line you will find many people offering instructions (usually for small dogs, but also for cats). It sounds like Ra is far from needing it now, but some say that it can extend and add to the quality of life at later stages of the disease. It may be tricky getting your vet to give you a prescription for the oxygen; it is dangerous if mishandled and can do more harm than good if not administered correctly. You may decide it is not worth the potential risks even if you can get a prescription. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw that out there for you to think about.

Also, thanks for sharing your tribute to the beautiful--and very long!--Jinx. I'm sorry he was taken away from you by a malignant tumor. It is clear from the pictures that he was much loved.
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I'm so glad to hear that Ra is doing better, Joe. And it's a happy coincidence that you were just addressing Terry about this, because her circumstances with Chaz should give you some hope in this situation. Chaz's outlook looked quite bleak as well, but the medication helped and he's proven to be a fierce little warrior.

I'm hopeful that the same will hold true for Ra. I'll keep him, and your family, in my prayers.

THANKS Stephen, I just went and read the thread about Chaz, just can't imagine having a second one of my animals getting another serious problem at the same time :confused:

The thread ended in late March how is Chaz now?

Anyway Ra seems 95% normal, don't know what to expect? Not knowing is almost worse because of the complete unknown, I told Rissa we would go back to the vet and see if they can do a blood test on the amount of medicine in the cats blood

Thanks again Stephen!!

you seem to have such a nice family, and I feel terrible that you and Rissa and the boys have had so many hardships to endure this year--it's unjust for all this to happen to such kind and warm people!

Aww, thank you SO Much! Most of it is just like a Bad Dream now!!

your photos of Poe bring a smile to my face. I'm especially fond of the picture of Poe and Ra; they seem to have some sort of understanding of one another. And I'm very sad that Ra is now ill.

It sounds like you are receiving good medical treatment for Ra, and I'm glad to hear that he is already responding to the medications. My mother had a Maine Coon cat who developed CHF at a young age; it is a very difficult disease, but I think they have made some progress with the kinds of medications they can offer (dogs with the disease actually can live for years and years; I don't think they are quite there with cats yet, but they are learning more every day)

Yes, Poe and Ra had a funny relationship LOL, the cat doesn't have any natural "mousing" instincts so the cat doesn't look at the bird like he is prey

And since the cat had no fur, the bird wasn't quite sure what Ra was, they would go nose to nose at least once or twice a week and just sit there, very very funny, I would just look at them and say both their names like calm down guys :) Like I said above, if you didn't already know there was something wrong, you wouldn't be able to tell, meds seem to be working wonders, the cat is more active every day, even had a little bit of his spunk today LOL scampering around acting silly

One thing you may want to think about is building your own oxygen chamber at home. If you look on-line you will find many people offering instructions (usually for small dogs, but also for cats). It sounds like Ra is far from needing it now, but some say that it can extend and add to the quality of life at later stages of the disease. It may be tricky getting your vet to give you a prescription for the oxygen; it is dangerous if mishandled and can do more harm than good if not administered correctly. You may decide it is not worth the potential risks even if you can get a prescription. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw that out there for you to think about.

Also, thanks for sharing your tribute to the beautiful--and very long!--Jinx. I'm sorry he was taken away from you by a malignant tumor. It is clear from the pictures that he was much loved.

Great idea, I did say to my daughter that day the cat was doing very bad (his color was Gray, most sphinx cats are normally pink) that we needed an oxygen bottle, I will keep it in mind

Thank you so much for such a heartfelt post, everyone's support here makes all the difference compared to going this alone :)

We did get to visit our green wing baby today, there is some video
(much less than last time)


Marybeth (95talongirl) Mentioned to me she happened to be getting a hawk head parrot from the same bird farm that we're getting our baby Green wing from (small world huh), the difference is us being in southeastern Pennsylvania we can drive to the bird farm four hours round-trip to visit our baby, but Marybeth lives in Chicago and can't visit her baby :(

Sooo :) we got the owner of the bird farm to bring out Marybeth's baby for some Impromptu YouTube video auditions :D

And without further ado, The VIDEO :)

[ame=""]Marybeth's Hawk Head parrot - YouTube[/ame]

TIME TO TAKE A NAP NOW LOL..... Morning Everyone
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I see you pulled another 'overnighter', Joe. :54: Can I please plug in and get some of that energy of yours? :D

How sweet and super thoughtful of you to videotape the Hawk Head for Marybeth!! GORGEOUS baby!! I know Marybeth will be going GA-GA when she sees this. :D
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! oMG!
I cannot express the amount of excitement over this right now! You are AWESOMe!! Thank you!!!! You'll have to send me over your favorite photo of any of your animals, and I will happily make you a drawing! :). It's the least I could do for you taking the time to chat with them with the little hawkie!

They sure look like they did great with him. Even got his little crest to raise! :D

Thank you thank you thank you!!

So....... How's your baby doing!? :).

And also, you and your family are real wonderful people. I hope nothing but the best for you with the new greenwing! Also glad to hear Ra is getting better too!

Get some rest, and looking forward to the updates with the macaw!
I see you pulled another 'overnighter', Joe. :54: Can I please plug in and get some of that energy of yours? :D

How sweet and super thoughtful of you to videotape the Hawk Head for Marybeth!! GORGEOUS baby!! I know Marybeth will be going GA-GA when she sees this. :D

Aww, Thanks Wendy, I just had to stay up to get a few things caught up on the forum, I did splurge some creative time on myself making a logo for FB :o

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! oMG!
I cannot express the amount of excitement over this right now! You are AWESOMe!! Thank you!!!! You'll have to send me over your favorite photo of any of your animals, and I will happily make you a drawing! :). It's the least I could do for you taking the time to chat with them with the little hawkie!

They sure look like they did great with him. Even got his little crest to raise! :D

Thank you thank you thank you!!

So....... How's your baby doing!? :).

And also, you and your family are real wonderful people. I hope nothing but the best for you with the new greenwing! Also glad to hear Ra is getting better too!

Get some rest, and looking forward to the updates with the macaw!

Aww, Thanks Marybeth, it was nothin, the only reason it was so short was the feeding mommy was back in the nursery getting ready to do feedings
The girl in the video is named Tabitha, she is SO NICE, no wonder all Eric's birds are so nice, the place is full of LOVING Birdie people LOL

When are they going to put him on an airplane to you? If he is still there on our next visit I could get some more video of him for you


Joe, Chaz has good days and bad days, but the good ones outnumber the bad. It will have been 90 days since his diagnosis in less than 2 weeks, and he is still holding his own:) Now we just enjoy each and every day with him, and are not thinking about tomorrow...just keeping him on his meds:) I hope that Ra still has a good long time with you, and I am thrilled that Ra is seeming pretty much normal now:)

That HH is gorgeous!!! How sweet of you to record her for Marybeth!
I do love Hawkheads!!!

I am so excited you got to visit your new baby again as well...I bet Rissa was over the moon with joy:)
Joe, Chaz has good days and bad days, but the good ones outnumber the bad. It will have been 90 days since his diagnosis in less than 2 weeks, and he is still holding his own:) Now we just enjoy each and every day with him, and are not thinking about tomorrow...just keeping him on his meds:) I hope that Ra still has a good long time with you, and I am thrilled that Ra is seeming pretty much normal now:)

That HH is gorgeous!!! How sweet of you to record her for Marybeth!
I do love Hawkheads!!!

I am so excited you got to visit your new baby again as well...I bet Rissa was over the moon with joy:)

Yep, Rissa did have a GREAT time, have another video
(much shorter this time :D)

I know, that Hawkhead got to me, I WANT ONE NOW :D ..... oh my.... Maybe in a few years after our GW comes into his/her own

90 days is GREAT News, so GLAD you are getting this time with him, the meds work so well it scares me (like a false sense of security :confused:)

Thank you so much for all your caring thoughts and words :smile015:

Oh how nice and what a beautiful baby!
I see you pulled another 'overnighter', Joe. :54: Can I please plug in and get some of that energy of yours? :D

How sweet and super thoughtful of you to videotape the Hawk Head for Marybeth!! GORGEOUS baby!! I know Marybeth will be going GA-GA when she sees this. :D

Aww, Thanks Wendy, I just had to stay up to get a few things caught up on the forum, I did splurge some creative time on myself making a logo for FB :o

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! oMG!
I cannot express the amount of excitement over this right now! You are AWESOMe!! Thank you!!!! You'll have to send me over your favorite photo of any of your animals, and I will happily make you a drawing! :). It's the least I could do for you taking the time to chat with them with the little hawkie!

They sure look like they did great with him. Even got his little crest to raise! :D

Thank you thank you thank you!!

So....... How's your baby doing!? :).

And also, you and your family are real wonderful people. I hope nothing but the best for you with the new greenwing! Also glad to hear Ra is getting better too!

Get some rest, and looking forward to the updates with the macaw!

Aww, Thanks Marybeth, it was nothin, the only reason it was so short was the feeding mommy was back in the nursery getting ready to do feedings
The girl in the video is named Tabitha, she is SO NICE, no wonder all Eric's birds are so nice, the place is full of LOVING Birdie people LOL

When are they going to put him on an airplane to you? If he is still there on our next visit I could get some more video of him for you



It was great, no matter how short or long! :) Brings me a lot of smiles, that's for sure! THANK YOU, again!

Ah, ok! I "talked" to her a few times via email, nice to put a face to the name. They really do seem like a great group over there.

I am not sure yet! when I emailed them a little over a week ago, they said he was on one feeding a day, and could probably ship him last week or this week. I told them, no rush, it's on his time. whenever he is ready, is perfectly fine with me!

So I'll let you know if I hear anything this week about him flying over to this neck of the woods. If not, you may get to see him again, too!

Hope you have a splendid day! Hope little Ra is improving, too! It's devastating to be told such things. Glad he putting on a fight, though!

I lost a hawkhead parrot a few months ago after trying virtually everything to help him. (older bird, taken from a stressful situation). He ended up being ABV+ and all that jazz. Long story short, the vet, in so many words, "wrote" him off, as well as my other bird. Treating ABV like a complete death sentence. Come to find out, the virus, while being dangerous and contagious, is not AS contagious as they said. (Fecal-oral is the current belief for transmission, and it doesn't live long outside the body). Only certain strains cause disease, and my new vet doesn't believe PDD took Kimi's (hawkhead) life. Also, interestingly enough, I had him sent to Texas A&M for a necorpy and histo, and they did not find ABV in his brain, which is usually where the virus is found on higher concentrations. So the whole situation is a mess, it sucked, and I don't wish it on anyone. I've since had Mopar (my blue front) to a different vet, and all his bloodwork and such came back normal. So here's to hoping things are ok!

The point of that is I now have the bug for those little hawkheads. LOL!
And..... also learned to be careful with new birds. I did keep Kimi across the house in a different room.

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled program! Sorry for bringing the thread down!!

We need more Rissa and baby GW photos. :) lol!
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It was great, no matter how short or long! :) Brings me a lot of smiles, that's for sure! THANK YOU, again!

Ah, ok! I "talked" to her a few times via email, nice to put a face to the name. They really do seem like a great group over there.

I am not sure yet! when I emailed them a little over a week ago, they said he was on one feeding a day, and could probably ship him last week or this week. I told them, no rush, it's on his time. whenever he is ready, is perfectly fine with me!

So I'll let you know if I hear anything this week about him flying over to this neck of the woods. If not, you may get to see him again, too!

Hope you have a splendid day! Hope little Ra is improving, too! It's devastating to be told such things. Glad he putting on a fight, though!

I lost a hawkhead parrot a few months ago after trying virtually everything to help him. (older bird, taken from a stressful situation). He ended up being ABV+ and all that jazz. Long story short, the vet, in so many words, "wrote" him off, as well as my other bird. Treating ABV like a complete death sentence. Come to find out, the virus, while being dangerous and contagious, is not AS contagious as they said. (Fecal-oral is the current belief for transmission, and it doesn't live long outside the body). Only certain strains cause disease, and my new vet doesn't believe PDD took Kimi's (hawkhead) life. Also, interestingly enough, I had him sent to Texas A&M for a necorpy and histo, and they did not find ABV in his brain, which is usually where the virus is found on higher concentrations. So the whole situation is a mess, it sucked, and I don't wish it on anyone. I've since had Mopar (my blue front) to a different vet, and all his bloodwork and such came back normal. So here's to hoping things are ok!

The point of that is I now have the bug for those little hawkheads. LOL!
And..... also learned to be careful with new birds. I did keep Kimi across the house in a different room.

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled program! Sorry for bringing the thread down!!

We need more Rissa and baby GW photos. :) lol!

PLEASE Everyone here IS the "regularly scheduled program" You brought the thread UP, not down LOL

Very Sorry you were not able to save Kimi, we all know that pain :(

I am Hooked on Hawk Heads Now Too (BECAUSE OF YOU :D)

Well, I think I have another "dentist appointment" :D this week.... SO.... I could get you some video of Rissa lovin your Hawk Head if you want?

Going to bed "early" tonight!!

Nite Nite Parrot Peoples
LOL, sorry about that! ;) They are wonderful little birds, arn't they! :) and glad bringing up Kimi wasn't to depressing. He was a very sweet bird, even though I did'nt have him very long.

Sure, I'd love to see Rissa playing with the little hawkie, too! :D I emailed them yesterday, and they said he is still on 1 handfeeding a day, and he acts like he really wants it, so they are going to keep him a little longer.

Have a good time at the "dentist!" ;) Looking forward to those pictures of the teeth. haha!
A BIG Tractor Trailer pulled up in front of our building today.....

(I made the kids stand in the shot for size perspective)

ABOUT TIME it got here LOL!!
Shipping slip say 200 POUNDS (It was HEAVY LOL)
Now to assemble :eek:
Oh my gosh, that is exciting!!! Sheesh, will you hurry and put that together so I can see it?
Thats so exciting for you and the family. Beautiful baby.
Thanks Everyone !!

I don't "know" if our baby is a BOY or GIRL (I do have a feeling though)

I also noticed two things in the video, one the baby's tongue was moving up and down a lot (Like he/she was breathing heavy??)

And also seemed to be "feeling" his/her feet a lot (with the beak)

We drive 435 miles, about 4 hours, to hold the baby for like 30 minutes :confused:
I could tell after the feeding the visit was over, baby needs to sleep now :)

Near the end of the video I put the camera in Macro and you can see the tongue going up and down

So any comments about this would be Greatly Appreciated!!

Any guesses about sex?
Thoughts on the tongue movement?

Thanks Everyone !!


Our Baby Green wing Macaw 2nd Visit Hatched 3-21-14 About 10 weeks old - YouTube

Tongue movement is normal.

If I have to guess, I'd guess female, but I suck at those sorts of things.
I dont understand why you have to wait so long to take the baby home? Do they hand rear all babies themselves? Do you guys not want to finish rearing the baby for a stronger connection or does that breeder not give you that option? The baby is such a cutie btw congrats.
Everything that RavensGyrf said is so correct and just want to add a little more so you can understand why people will try to feed others this line.

It is all about their bottom line. If they can get people to take that baby off their hands THEY don't have to spend the time feeding it, playing with it, socializing it and they can do other things with their time. They are only in it for the $$$. Chances are that if you end up killing a baby because you just don't know what dangers to look for, will that so called 'breeder' care? NO. They will look at it as another opportunity to sell you another baby and make more $$$.

If a baby has a slow crop do you know what the signs are and what has to be done immediately? Probably not. Do you know what a baby should be weighing on any day for that specific species? How do you avoid aspirating the baby? If that would happen, what is the first thing to do? Most people would not have a clue what to do if just one of those things happened and there are dozens more that can and do happen but yet these back yard breeders will keep feeding the line that is it easy and they will sell it to you for a little less because they can still make their $$$.

Now, if they don't take the time to feed out the baby, do you think they are going to be socializing it much if at all? Doubt it.

Better bonding? Stop buying that line too. Kalea came here when she was about 4. I can call her a Velcro bird, she just wants to be on me whenever she can because that bond is there.

If someone ever tries selling you that line I hope you now will RUN when you hear it.

Agreed. It's hogwash. Maggie was 12 years old, and hadn't been handled in 8 years when I got her. Since about day 4 she's been one of my most bonded birds...

So, yeah, that stuff is complete crap, and it endangers the baby.
Oh my gosh, that is exciting!!! Sheesh, will you hurry and put that together so I can see it?

Thanks Terry, will do it this weekend !!

Thats so exciting for you and the family. Beautiful baby.

Thank You So Much Sicily!! And Welcome to the Forum !!

the baby's tongue was moving up and down a lot (Like he/she was breathing heavy??)
Any guesses about sex?
Thoughts on the tongue movement?
Thanks Everyone !!Joe

Our Baby Green wing Macaw 2nd Visit Hatched 3-21-14 About 10 weeks old - YouTube

Tongue movement is normal.

If I have to guess, I'd guess female, but I suck at those sorts of things.

Thanks Mark!!
Hey Joe - when is your next dental appointment? :D See, if you keep going to the dentist every week then you can have a smile like this one. :D But if you don't go you will have this kind of face. :mad: So please visit your dentist on a regular basis.

I'm so excited for you and your family.
Hey Joe - when is your next dental appointment? :D See, if you keep going to the dentist every week then you can have a smile like this one. :D But if you don't go you will have this kind of face. :mad: So please visit your dentist on a regular basis.

I'm so excited for you and your family.

Aww, Thank You So Much Mary Lyn, unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the "dentist" on a weekday this week, work was just to hectic :(

I think one of my guys is going to cover for me Saturday morning, keeping my fingers crossed :)


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