Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

Aw man!! Some people are just like that. If it puts them out even slightly, they're too selfish to help another person. You can pretty much tell if they're just making up an excuse too!
Even when you said it's your DAUGHTER who will be disappointed to have to miss the chance? What a....... Never mind. :mad:
That's rough, Joe. And I know your pain! There were a few times that I couldn't get to the bird store to visit Bixby before they closed in a given week, and I always felt like I was missing out. They grow so freakishly FAST at that age! There is literally a significant difference in a matter of say 3 days!

Make sure and update us after your "dentist's appointment". Lol!
Awwww man!!! It's a shame when coworkers are like that- if any of us were your coworkers we'd all help ya out lol

I hope your dentist appointment goes well [emoji6]

Rissa sounds like she needs her birdy fix!
Aw man!! Some people are just like that. If it puts them out even slightly, they're too selfish to help another person. You can pretty much tell if they're just making up an excuse too!
Even when you said it's your DAUGHTER who will be disappointed to have to miss the chance? What a....... Never mind. :mad:

That's rough, Joe. And I know your pain! There were a few times that I couldn't get to the bird store to visit Bixby before they closed in a given week, and I always felt like I was missing out. They grow so freakishly FAST at that age! There is literally a significant difference in a matter of say 3 days!

Make sure and update us after your "dentist's appointment". Lol!

Awwww man!!! It's a shame when coworkers are like that- if any of us were your coworkers we'd all help ya out lol

I hope your dentist appointment goes well [emoji6]

Rissa sounds like she needs her birdy fix!

Thanks Julie, Stephen, Shirre

He doesn't do it "on purpose" he just never follows through on anything he says he's going to do, (is one of those guys that just games on his Xbox everyday) every time he tells me he's going somewhere at a certain time I talked to him three hours later and he still hasn't left yet, EVERY TIME...

So the reality is if he does end up going instead of leaving at 1 PM he might not leave till 3 PM (just enough of a time differential to make my visit impossible)

SO FRUSTRATING that my life depends on the inconsistency of this guy

When I go on my "DENTIST Appointment" Wednesday I'll bring the video camera LOL

On a BRIGHT note CONGRATULATIONS Stephen on winning the POTM, I saw late last night it was still 7 votes with you ahead by one and then MUCH later it went to 8 votes before the close of voting

It was truly an "up close and personal" GORGEOUS shot!!

I decided to make a POTM "year in review" of all the winners
(to post in like January every year)

Here is a SNEAK PEEK preview:

Which logo do you like better (or if you don't like the logo PLEASE be frank), left logo is fast, middle one is slower, right one is the slowest

My son Joe thinks we should use all three at once like you see it cause the colors get out of sync because of the speed difference






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Nice logo Joe! So I see you ARE the PF's "graphics guy" :D

My vote is for the slowest one.
I think at some point you need a "mental health" day. The only cure will be mac snuggles.
I think at some point you need a "mental health" day. The only cure will be mac snuggles.

I agree. Some places(usually big companies) offer PTO (paid time off, or personal time off.) and where I worked id always let them know I have anxiety problems, so if I'm having a day where I just can't work for whatever reason I could take a personal day.

Which I know isn't the situation here, but hey, I think birds are very therapeutic animals. :)
Did you know that when you saw your dentist you had 2 cavities along with needing a root canal and they are all in different areas of the mouth so it is not like you can even get 2 done at the same time?????? :rolleyes:

That should take care of a few weeks for you
How disappointing. Too bad they don't have a webcam room.
Nice logo Joe! So I see you ARE the PF's "graphics guy" :D

My vote is for the slowest one.

Aww, Thanks Julie, I LOVE this place and hopefully will be here to help out for awhile :)

I think I like the "slower" one too
(they look a little different speed from a phone or computer)

Will someone else please weigh in on this?
Which logo do you like better (or if you don't like the logo PLEASE be frank)
The Left logo is fast, middle one is slower, right one is the slowest

BOSS IS GOING AWAY... "DENTIST" Appointment Rescheduled for TUESDAY
(I've never been SO HAPPY to see the "DENTIST")

Video and pictures to follow :D

Did you know that when you saw your dentist you had 2 cavities along with needing a root canal and they are all in different areas of the mouth so it is not like you can even get 2 done at the same time?????? :rolleyes:

That should take care of a few weeks for you

That is VERY Funny..... ALSO ! My son is graduating high school.....
So I think next week they will be having "Graduation Practice" :D

How disappointing. Too bad they don't have a webcam room.

Well it's funny you say that, they do offer a Skype visit!! LOL
But I think that would just be a tease (and we're trying to get the bird to know us, so going home with us is less stressful)

Thanks Everyone !!

Hi Joe - I like the one on the right.
Is this the right place to vote?
We Are BACK from a GREAT Visit to the "DENTIST"

First of all this Bird Farm is only about 6 miles from Rehoboth Beach Delaware
Soooo... This weekend I told the kids we could drive down on Friday night, and get a room, visit our baby Saturday morning, then go to the beach, then visit our baby in the afternoon, then REPEAT Sunday YAY !!

I got some GREAT Video of me and the kids with baby, (I will edit and post Wednesday) I was playing the "I'm gonna get that tongue" game with the baby, so cute but not sure how it looks on video

(It was my turn to hold baby first, my boys are in the video tomorrow)
And now without further ado.....Our loving baby Green wing










Ohh just look at that!! Really awesome pics Joe :D Such adorable photos!
Just look at his eye expression especially in the 2nd and 4th pic... Absolutely precious!

I'm so glad you guys had the best weekend too... So much fun :D:red1: Thanks for sharing the wonderful time you and your family had.
Joe - that is so wonderful. What a cute time cuddling. I'm glad that you and your family got to go and visit and hope you have a great time this weekend.

So cute!!!
On a BRIGHT note CONGRATULATIONS Stephen on winning the POTM, I saw late last night it was still 7 votes with you ahead by one and then MUCH later it went to 8 votes before the close of voting

It was truly an "up close and personal" GORGEOUS shot!!

Missed the past few days, so here goes: Thanks, Joe! Much appreciated. With everything that happened with Bixby that same night, I barely had a moment to enjoy!

Great idea about the POTM Year in Review! My vote is for the slower logo, as well.

And what breathtaking shots with your beautiful baby bird! It is simply insane how swiftly they grow at that age! And it's great that you made a weekend of it! Best "dentist's appointment" EVER! Lol
I'm also glad that the socialization seems to be going so well! Keep the pics and videos coming!
Such a cutie!! Been following and enjoying the posts/photos for a bit. :)
I'll also vote for the slower logo.
Looking forward to the videos!!
Glad all is well with the baby. He/she is growing fast! already looks bigger than the first photos.

O and I like the middle logo.
Not a much better weekend than that!! Your babe is sooooooooo cute. I love the baby-faces when they are that young. Thanks for letting us enjoy the experience vicariously.

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