Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

Thanks Everyone !!

I don't "know" if our baby is a BOY or GIRL (I do have a feeling though)

I also noticed two things in the video, one the baby's tongue was moving up and down a lot (Like he/she was breathing heavy??)

And also seemed to be "feeling" his/her feet a lot (with the beak)

We drive 435 miles, about 4 hours, to hold the baby for like 30 minutes :confused:
I could tell after the feeding the visit was over, baby needs to sleep now :)

Near the end of the video I put the camera in Macro and you can see the tongue going up and down

So any comments about this would be Greatly Appreciated!!

Any guesses about sex?
Thoughts on the tongue movement?

Thanks Everyone !!


[ame=""]Our Baby Green wing Macaw 2nd Visit Hatched 3-21-14 About 10 weeks old - YouTube[/ame]
He looks to me like he's just panting? I think they just do that when they're hot, thirsty, or a bit stressed. Perhaps all the attention was getting a bit much for him?
Joe I wouldn't worry too much when my baby nape was smaller she loved to cuddle really close up to my neck (she still likes to cuddle but she thinks playing, beaking mom's hands is pretty fun now too) Anyway she would get hot pressed up to my neck falling asleep but would pant like that if she was getting too warm. Next time you visit watch to see if she does it again and then hold her further away from you to let her cool down and see if it stops.
He looks to me like he's just panting? I think they just do that when they're hot, thirsty, or a bit stressed. Perhaps all the attention was getting a bit much for him?

Joe I wouldn't worry too much when my baby nape was smaller she loved to cuddle really close up to my neck (she still likes to cuddle but she thinks playing, beaking mom's hands is pretty fun now too) Anyway she would get hot pressed up to my neck falling asleep but would pant like that if she was getting too warm. Next time you visit watch to see if she does it again and then hold her further away from you to let her cool down and see if it stops.

I think both of you are right, Next time it will be a bit different, I didn't have the right glasses on and didn't see the tongue movement :(

It's kinda rough for us being 4 hours away and only getting to see the bird for about 30 minutes before nap time

Plus it just never ends for us, I had to cancel the weekend at the shore and seeing the bird two times each day, another Very Sad time for our family, my daughters 9 year old cat has feline HCM (causes heart failure) We noticed the cat breathing funny and took him to the vet, three xrays, and one EKG later and we are being told to prepare for the cats death, completely out of the blue..... 2 different vets and an animal cardiologist told me the cat can just have heart failure and die on the spot, The problem is genetic :(

My daughter is really upset saying "its too soon he's only 9 years old"
(its killing me seeing her hurting AGAIN :confused:)

I tried to explain to her that the more she loves, the more pain she will have (like an Empath) People who don't love have much less pain
(I used examples of people we know to show her the type of person who would not have this pain)

She smiled once she understood :)

I also explained that with any luck our baby GW would live as long as she would :)

Anyway the first 24 hours I was not sure the cat would see the next morning, his struggle to breathe was hard to watch, but this morning after the heart meds kicked in he seems much better.... Just take it day by day BUT we can't do more than a day trip now because of the meds AND if the cat were to die while we were "away" it might further mark my poor daughters heart :confused:

So the plan is to drive down again one day this weekend and see the baby

Thanks again!

Joe - I am so sorry. That is so sad for the whole family on both accounts. I hope your kitty gets to feeling better.
I dont understand why you have to wait so long to take the baby home? Do they hand rear all babies themselves? Do you guys not want to finish rearing the baby for a stronger connection or does that breeder not give you that option? The baby is such a cutie btw congrats.

First, it's a myth that hand feeding it yourself creates a stronger bond.
Hand feeding and weaning is better left to experts, or at least people with A LOT of hand feeding experience. It's not as simple as meets the eye, and a lot can go wrong. IMO, and opinion of many others it is the more responsible breeder who WON'T give the option to pet owners.
Joe, precious video... That baby is really a lover!! :) I can't wait to hear what sex you think it is, and what it ends up being ;)

I'm so sorry to hear about Rissa's cat :( that's too bad. So hard to hear something like that and have to go through it when we love our pets so much, and some a little more than others...
Joe, your baby bird grows more beautiful every time I see her/him. Thank you for sharing!

And I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's cat! Is this the same one that you smuggled into the hospital to bring her spirits up?
Aww. Such a sweet baby. I have a feeling it's a girl. :)

Do you have any names picked out yet?
I'm so sorry to hear about Rissa's cat, Joe. :( What terribly sad news!

Your baby GW is looking GREAT!! I agree with Laura, it appears she's just a bit warm, nothing more. :)

No clue as to what the gender is. :o Girlish...maybe??? :54:
I dont understand why you have to wait so long to take the baby home? Do they hand rear all babies themselves? Do you guys not want to finish rearing the baby for a stronger connection or does that breeder not give you that option? The baby is such a cutie btw congrats.
Everything that RavensGyrf said is so correct and just want to add a little more so you can understand why people will try to feed others this line.

It is all about their bottom line. If they can get people to take that baby off their hands THEY don't have to spend the time feeding it, playing with it, socializing it and they can do other things with their time. They are only in it for the $$$. Chances are that if you end up killing a baby because you just don't know what dangers to look for, will that so called 'breeder' care? NO. They will look at it as another opportunity to sell you another baby and make more $$$.

If a baby has a slow crop do you know what the signs are and what has to be done immediately? Probably not. Do you know what a baby should be weighing on any day for that specific species? How do you avoid aspirating the baby? If that would happen, what is the first thing to do? Most people would not have a clue what to do if just one of those things happened and there are dozens more that can and do happen but yet these back yard breeders will keep feeding the line that is it easy and they will sell it to you for a little less because they can still make their $$$.

Now, if they don't take the time to feed out the baby, do you think they are going to be socializing it much if at all? Doubt it.

Better bonding? Stop buying that line too. Kalea came here when she was about 4. I can call her a Velcro bird, she just wants to be on me whenever she can because that bond is there.

If someone ever tries selling you that line I hope you now will RUN when you hear it.
Joe your baby is so precious!!! I wish I could give her(???) some scritches!

So sorry to hear about Ra [emoji17] I hope he starts feeling a bit better
Joe, I am so sorry to hear about Ra:( How is he doing now?
I think oyu made the right decision about no day trips for now. That would be so hard on Rissa if he passed while she was gone. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Thank You Everyone!!

Before I reply to everyone below I wanted to comment on the hand feeding @ 15:40 in the video, I noticed it was green and remembered they told me they make their own formula, any comments on that?

Also the birds "feeding response" seems non-existent, Is it cause they keep to a strict schedule? (I read something about that)

I really liked the feeding Mommy, she had an aura about her, my daughter, son and I felt it (I stay quiet as the control and just listen to them talk about her)

I loved the way she would just feel the crop and know where she was in feeding

Joe - I am so sorry. That is so sad for the whole family on both accounts. I hope your kitty gets to feeling better.

Thanks, we are completely SHOCKED and caught off guard
BTW, did I miss your first name along the lines here?
Thanks again!!

I dont understand why you have to wait so long to take the baby home? Do they hand rear all babies themselves? Do you guys not want to finish rearing the baby for a stronger connection or does that breeder not give you that option? The baby is such a cutie btw congrats.

As others have said here, its not that you can't learn to do it, the question you have to ask is, are you ready to have something go wrong and the bird dies, OR suffers developmentally (maybe permanent) ??

There is a list of things that can go wrong, if you miss the sign of one and 48 hours goes by the bird can reach a "point of no return"

Joe, precious video... That baby is really a lover!! I can't wait to hear what sex you think it is, and what it ends up being

I'm so sorry to hear about Rissa's cat that's too bad. So hard to hear something like that and have to go through it when we love our pets so much, and some a little more than others...

Thanks Julie, We were COMPLETELY Blindsided with this.... Knock on wood, seems to be holding his own, 90% of breathing problem seems to be gone, fingers crossed !!

Joe, your baby bird grows more beautiful every time I see her/him. Thank you for sharing!

And I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's cat! Is this the same one that you smuggled into the hospital to bring her spirits up?

Thanks Stephen, It is funny how things work, We took a LONG time deciding to get the baby, and now in the face of this new pain my daughter can take comfort knowing the bird will be with her for a LONG time, Very lucky the bird will be there to help ease our pain, Yes it is her baby that helped her in the hospital :(
We drove to Michigan to get him in 2005, here are a few shots of that time

The First Picture we saw of Him on the web "Advertising" him

In Michigan, Rissa trying to decide on the Green eyed one or the Blue eyed one
(we pick the blue based on body language)


This was his first night home with Rissa Aug 2005

My 18 & 16 year old boys in 2005

Thanks Again Stephen!!

Aww. Such a sweet baby. I have a feeling it's a girl.
Do you have any names picked out yet?

Thanks Witchy, ok, that's one vote for girl :) NO Name Picked yet :confused:

I'm so sorry to hear about Rissa's cat, Joe. What terribly sad news!
Your baby GW is looking GREAT!! I agree with Laura, it appears she's just a bit warm, nothing more. :)
No clue as to what the gender is. :o Girlish...maybe??? :54:

Thanks Wendy, Just unbelievable !!, hoping for a break here, hoping the heart meds give him a bit more time, XOXOX
That's TWO votes for girl, we have to get a "Parrot Pool" going here huh? LOL

Joe your baby is so precious!!! I wish I could give her(???) some scritches!

Thank You Shirre, I see Rissa must speak the secret language of bird lovers like you, XOXOX

Scritch - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia › CultureTermsActions
Dec 5, 2013 - The term scritch, also known as scritchies, skritch, or skritches, is given to the act of gently scratching someone's back, neck or between the ears ...

So sorry to hear about Ra [emoji17] I hope he starts feeling a bit better

Thank You Shirre, everyones support here means a lot !!

Thanks again everyone!!

Joe - I am so sorry. That is so sad for the whole family on both accounts. I hope your kitty gets to feeling better.

Thanks, we are completely SHOCKED and caught off guard
BTW, did I miss your first name along the lines here?
Thanks again!!

I have probably never posted my first name here. It's Mary Lynn (yep - both names in honor of my mom and dad).
Joe, I am so sorry to hear about Ra:( How is he doing now?
I think oyu made the right decision about no day trips for now. That would be so hard on Rissa if he passed while she was gone. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Thank you So Much Terry, he seems almost normal (if you didn't know something was wrong you wouldn't even notice) he is like 90, 95 % back to what "looks" normal, I can only hold my breath and hope to get some more time with him (in secret he is really MY cat, of course as with most children's pets:)) I LOVE him dearly, Its hard to believe I lost my cat 14 years ago in 2000 ( Tribute to Our Loving Cat Jinx )
My children were VERY young and to protect them I just let them "forget" about him, his name was Jinx

Thanks Again Terry !!

I have probably never posted my first name here. It's Mary Lynn (yep - both names in honor of my mom and dad).

Aww, That is a BEAUTIFUL name, and a BEAUTIFUL reason to have it!!

Thank you So Much for sharin that Mary Lynn !!

Hope Everyone Has a GREAT Weekend !!!

Will have another update this weekend, "same bird time, same bird channel" :D

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Congrats. I will also be getting mine about 8 to 10 weeks.
Oh, Joe, what a wonderful tribute to Jinx:) What a beautiful cat he was as well!Thank you for sharing that.
Congrats. I will also be getting mine about 8 to 10 weeks.

Thank You So Much !! I saw your cute little "Lucky" on your thread today, I thought she was playing "dress up" :) (like the other poster said!)

I wish you all the Joy I am feeling right now :)

Come on August !!

(I asked you a few questions over there :D)

Oh, Joe, what a wonderful tribute to Jinx:) What a beautiful cat he was as well!Thank you for sharing that.

Thank You Terry, He got a malignant tumor in his spine, they could not remove it, was intertwined in his nerves, he lived 30 days from diagnosis, The one picture where I am holding him, and the one in bed, and the one were he is stretched out like a sphinx were from his last days, you can tell he kinda looked different from the healthy pics, When he was getting weaker I started boiling him steak and chicken everyday cutting it up in little pieces so he could get some food in him, my daughter was 8 and remembers sleeping with him but she was so young she forgot about him till she was older and I showed her some pictures of him with her, she was like "I remember him!!"

The one picture he is riding in the back window of my caddy going from PA to FL (1800 miles) to visit my dad LOL

He was a great cat, never did anything bad.....ever

Anyway, Rissa's cat Ra "seems" to be stable, much better color (his skin was gray the day we got the heart meds) they thought he wasn't going to make it through the night

We Are SO Confused about this, Not knowing how long we have with him is starting to weigh heavy on our minds :confused:

It just makes you hopeful "could it not be that bad? Could we have caught it in time to give him a few years?"

Rissa made me take a picture with him last night, since he was a baby he would take my nap with me, he liked to rest his chin on my "Scruffies" and I would move my face back and forth to to rub the Scruffies on his neck and bottom jaw, He was PURRING So Loud last night, finally feeling better from the heart meds, I was Very Happy (the big blur is my big head moving back and forth Loving him LOL)

Thanks Again Terry, sharing our lives really help us through the tough times XOXOXO


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