Hello Everyone!!
So sorry I am late getting back here, I found a VERY interesting "bug" or "glitch" last week, I was in my User CP and looked at my sig coding
(edit sig, then click the toggle to see coding)
Anyway, when I left the panel and popped back out in the forum ALL my new posts were gone

(and there were a lot cause I had not started my day here yet)
So.... best thing to do is check new messages before any User CP stuff
(not saying there is something wrong with the coding here, just if it happened to me it could happen to another)
He does look different! Thank you again!
Apparently he is hanging on to his 1 feeding a day. so hopefully soon he can come this way! You guys are great with him!
How's the baby greenwing doing? Saw him in the background.
Aww, Marybeth, He is MAJESTIC, seems very much like a "real" Hawk in his head moves, he was more mature, he really wanted the beads in Rissa's shirt and wanted to be on the top of her shoulder
(new shirt rules are now in place

) He stepped right up on my hand when I "saved" him from Rissa's shirt LOL
You have to promise me a video of the pickup from the Airport, that would REALLY make my day
(and it would be the BEST keepsake for you)
And from this point forward I would like to be referred to as "Uncky GW Joe"
Update visit
FIVE on our baby @ 16 weeks old is coming right up, thanks for asking!!
Joe, just wait... You guys are slowly but surely going to fill your household with parrots!!! One of every kind you happen to fall in love with haha! Oh, that would mean 20-40?
HA HA HA..... Very Very Funny, Well I DO know two other types I would take
Marybeth's Hawkie sure is a cutie. Beautiful bird.
Aren't those baby Rose Breasted absolutely precious in person?!! So soft too.
Oh, Marybeth's HH is SO NICE, I LOVE Him
And the Galahs are Just the most loving bird I ever saw
I really wish I lived out by that store it looks like such a great place. How are their prices on drygoods?
Its a really FUN place, They make you feel like family, As a matter of fact for you "older" people here, we are starting to teach baby to "Happy Dance" or Head Bob to an old 70's song
(to be revealed in the next post or so
They were "making fun" of us telling us they wanted to video us, I told them
we have NO SHAME
Everyone in the store was Hysterical with Laughter
Both your babies are adorable. I have a soft spot for macs.
Hi Karen (STILL WAITING for an "ok" on the Baby Sitting job for your Velcro Blue Throat
LOVE that bird)
Thank you So Much, but one of those babies is not mine (yet :54
Before I do the Baby update, here is the CAGE update
Will you guys please tell me if you see something I should change, its hard to setup without having baby home

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZRgfkhMntM"]Getting Our Baby's Cage Setup - YouTube[/ame]