Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

When I see a situation that can potentially endanger the life of a bird or any animal I will speak up for that animal, whether others are offended by it or not.

The problem that is here is that there are a lot of new pet owners, even the lurkers, that will see this and think this is perfectly ok to do, not even thinking how dangerous it is. Even someone who has owned birds for a long time might think this is a fun thing to do with their bird because they see others doing it.

It is an extremely sad day when a bird forum does not uphold the safety of birds first and foremost and to be it's number one defender. Maybe this forum needs to reevaluate it's ethics.
When I see a situation that can potentially endanger the life of a bird or any animal I will speak up for that animal, whether others are offended by it or not.

The problem that is here is that there are a lot of new pet owners, even the lurkers, that will see this and think this is perfectly ok to do, not even thinking how dangerous it is. Even someone who has owned birds for a long time might think this is a fun thing to do with their bird because they see others doing it.

It is an extremely sad day when a bird forum does not uphold the safety of birds first and foremost and to be it's number one defender. Maybe this forum needs to reevaluate it's ethics.

"The forum" doesn't get to decide what's best and/or safe for our birds. You don't get to decide that either. You get to decide what's best for your own birds and express your thoughts and opinions, which you've done and can continue to do. My guess is if you told us everything you did with your birds we'd find something that we thought was wrong and we could give our .02 about it, that's what the forum is for.

As a parent of humans and birds I think it's ridiculous to think that an experienced bird owner is going to be swayed one way or another by what someone else does. I have friends that allow their children to drink before they are 21, but that in no way influences me as to whether I'm going to let my own children drink. The opposing viewpoint of the OP has been expressed so that has as much or as little influence as what was originally done/said.

The mods are here to make sure the forum guidelines are followed. They are not here to slap the hands of those they disagree with or those they think are being stupid, as much as they might like to.

Again, I agree that it's irresponsible to ride without a crate and restraint. I also agree that you need to be very gentle with baby macs, but I don't get to try to enforce that on others anymore than I get to force others to raise their children the way I think it should be done. All I and you get to do is express our thoughts and experiences no matter how passionately we feel about it.
When I see a situation that can potentially endanger the life of a bird or any animal I will speak up for that animal, whether others are offended by it or not.

The problem that is here is that there are a lot of new pet owners, even the lurkers, that will see this and think this is perfectly ok to do, not even thinking how dangerous it is. Even someone who has owned birds for a long time might think this is a fun thing to do with their bird because they see others doing it.

It is an extremely sad day when a bird forum does not uphold the safety of birds first and foremost and to be it's number one defender. Maybe this forum needs to reevaluate it's ethics.

And perhaps YOU need to reevaluate your approach. It is possible to speak TO people without speaking AT them. You may intend to help, but has it ever occurred to you that more people might be willing to listen to what you have to say if you weren't being condescending with every uttered breath? A forum run by moderators who jumped at the chance to smite every differing opinion that came along would soon find itself without any members.

And a member who attacks everyone he/she is trying to help will soon find him/herself without an appreciative audience.
Safety is... relative. It's a personal opinion, which you are allowed to express. Are seat-belts safe? Yes! Agreed. But they don't guarantee a life either even if worn properly, which I can personally account for.

Whenever we choose to welcome another animal or child into our homes, they are subject to what WE personally think is best, is safest, etc. I let Avery use a snuggle hut. Is it unsafe? Yes! Completely. But she will cry all night for nights on end if she can't sleep in one. So we take precautions. Or we don't. It's our choice, not everyone else's. You can advise, believe, and choose to act however you wish. Just as you would never ride without restraint for your bird while in a carrier, others find that doesn't work for their birds.

I think, if anything, we should just all be happy for Joe safely returning home with his family and new baby, regardless of how it happened. You can always positively suggest to him - and consequently others - why choosing your methods makes YOU feel better, and how new bird owners should take such a perspective into consideration. It would be a great opportunity to inform others, definitely. And there's nothing wrong with standing up for an animal's welfare, but there is a time and place... I assume this thread will indeed be closed soon because such opinions can get out of hand and cause unnecessary tension in the forums.

At the end of the day we are all members of a community that passionately love and care for birds. We may do so differently, we may have different techniques, and we may believe some things work better than others (re: Old World Training vs. New World). But we are all ultimately united by our love for our birds. Let's keep that in mind.
When I see a situation that can potentially endanger the life of a bird or any animal I will speak up for that animal, whether others are offended by it or not.

The problem that is here is that there are a lot of new pet owners, even the lurkers, that will see this and think this is perfectly ok to do, not even thinking how dangerous it is. Even someone who has owned birds for a long time might think this is a fun thing to do with their bird because they see others doing it.

It is an extremely sad day when a bird forum does not uphold the safety of birds first and foremost and to be it's number one defender. Maybe this forum needs to reevaluate it's ethics.

You already made your opinion known. Now, you're kinda crossing the line here... in my opinion. You made a well reasoned argument, and obviously have a strong opinion on this issue. But intelligent minds can agree to disagree... Your point was well taken, and considered. Just not necessarily agreed with.

Transport your animals differently.
As to the bath question: Just turn on the water and stick her in... No reason to wait if she needs one. It's not going to traumatize her, and I'm sure she got formula all over her feathers more than once, and got one at the breeders, so she probably already knows what water is.

This is part of your new normal, bird. Baths included. Get used to it. If she freaks out the first couple of times, she quickly won't...

Mine get weekly baths.

And yeah, mashed sweet potato and/or warm oatmeal are also warm comfort foods that they will readily eat. The more foods you gradually introduce them too now, the more readily they will eat what ever you give them later.
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I was not going to comment on this particular issue, as this is a "happy" thread about Joe's new baby bird, but I can bite my tongue no more! I am [respectfully] inserting my opinion here that I *personally* do not want to live in a padded bubble and am not going to have Kiwi living in one either.

It's an inherent risk of driving is potential death or injury of ANY occupant of the vehicle, and while belts (or for pets, carriers) can be safer in many instances, they aren't always. I personally don't see how it would be any less risk of injury for a bird to smash full force into steel bars then tumble around in a cage or carrier than to be "loose" during a crash. Heck, your bird could fly into a wall while at home or run under your feet and it's all over. There's risks everywhere in every circumstance. Taking precautions is one thing, but we all have our OWN thresholds of what we feel is safe and unsafe. My mom was horrified to hear I took Kiwi on the train into downtown to hang out at an outdoor concert. Naturally there were risks, but he LOVED it and I will probably do it again. He'd be so sad to be cooped up all the time, and I *personally* find the benefits of taking him out and about outweigh the risks. Her birds have never left the confines of the house except to go to the vet and that's her personal choice of how she chooses to handle her birds. I don't look down on her for it, but that's not how I deal with my bird.

If you want your birds in strapped-in carriers and your kids in car seats until their 18, no one is saying you shouldn't. But it is Joe's bird and daughter here, thus is HIS responsibility to determine what he feels is safe and right for them. There was no abuse or neglect going on here, just a difference in his opinion and yours. Neither you nor Joe is "right" or "wrong" here...
When I see a situation that can potentially endanger the life of a bird or any animal I will speak up for that animal, whether others are offended by it or not.

The problem that is here is that there are a lot of new pet owners, even the lurkers, that will see this and think this is perfectly ok to do, not even thinking how dangerous it is. Even someone who has owned birds for a long time might think this is a fun thing to do with their bird because they see others doing it.

It is an extremely sad day when a bird forum does not uphold the safety of birds first and foremost and to be it's number one defender. Maybe this forum needs to reevaluate it's ethics.

Ethics?! Really?!

This isn't about ethics. You have a strongly held opinion, and that's fine.

BUT this is about forcing those opinions on others. That's not so fine.

And for the record, I've been taking birds out with me in the car, without crates for 15+ years... Does that make me an unethical person, in your opinion?!

There are those who say it's unethical to keep them in the first place... There are those who say it's unethical to clip their wings. There are those who say it's unsafe and therefore unethical to NOT clip their wings, for safety reasons. There are those who say you should free flight them, and it's unethetical not to. There are those who say free flighting them is dangerous and could kill them and therefore it's unethical...

I could go on, but you get my point. ETHICS in many respects is a personal choice, based upon personal opinions. As long as the bird is not being abused, or starved, and is well loved, and cared for, in a clean place... it falls within my definition of ethics. Feel free to make your own choices, and express those opinions, but belittling others who make different choices is neither helpful, nor appreciated, nor called for in this circumstance.

Everyone got home safe. Drunks, and druggies, and the criminal element exist in this world. That doesn't mean we need to cower in fear. (But when the car in front of you is weaving, you might want to leave a little extra room!)

Put in another perspective, many years ago I had a client who was agoraphobic. He hadn't left the house in 10 years, because bad things happen to people out there... A Muni bus lost it's brakes on the hill he lived on AND HIT HIM IN HIS LIVING ROOM!

Bad things can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Chances are they won't, but they might... It's a fact of life.
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Hey Kiwi, believe it or not, some friends of mine actually rode one of those inflatable bubbles out the back of a skyvan at 15,000 feet. Got it spinning pretty good too - until it popped - apparently the seams couldn't handle the weight of four skydivers, at those kinds of G-force loads...

I don't think they even made it down to 10,000 feet before it blew apart.

OTHER THAN THAT, I HAVE NO USE FOR A PLASTIC BUBBLE... and actually, inflatable rubber ducky's are much more fun...

Just thought I would lighten the mood here. Things were getting a bit tense.

We now return to you our regularly scheduled baby greenwing thread...
My goodness, this thread got so long, I missed the baby coming home Congrats on his finally being with you, and looks like he's settling in well (and the looks on your kids faces in those pics is just priceless they look SO happy). Sounds like all is going well, and good idea on the dog leash for a flight line. Did I miss his name?

I will never forget someone seeing a pic of Kiwi on my desk at my old job (hey, other people have picture of their kids!) and explained they has a parrot once, but got rid of her once they changed their furniture I just wanted to scream "animals are not decorative"!!! You want a parrot that matches your decor, buy a statue! I have several lovely decorative parrot statues, and I can get rid of them any time I want. The real parrot....not so much. He would hunt us down and eat us as we slept! I'm quite the opposite actually, I decorate all bright and tropical so Kiwi feels right at home

Thank You So Much April, DNA cards should be here today or Monday!!, I hate to tell you this but knowing Rissa's history "naming" as I do me and the boys just call the bird "BIRD" and expect to be doing that for the next MONTH or so LOL

Ha Ha Ha "He would hunt us down and eat us as we slept!" I know about Zons, there is no doubt !! (not even sure he would wait till you were sleeping)

It is terrible that someone can think of these Magnificent Creatures as an "accent" to their home :(

I don't see how it could hurt to offer some formula as a comfort/supplement. Something else you might try is something warm and mashed like sweet potato. That's a favorite at my house.

Thanks Karen, Sweet potato is on my permanent list for sure !!
(We figured out the "problem" text is below)

I love, love, love the picture of her with her head upside down in your son's hand. Precious!

I'll have to pick up one of those rubber ball things for my mac that you all seem so fond of. I've already got the same paper bowls as you All my dishes are packed up right now, boo.

Yep the Dixie ULTRA are the BEST LOL!! Being a single parent I keep them around !!!!

Thank You So Much!! My son Justin has some strange power over all animals, it is really weird, not sure if it is a "smell" in his skin or what but they just collapse in his arms!!

Those pics are incredible. I am touched. Thank you for sharing this

Thank You Mrs Kay, sharing them means everything to me!!

Hi GW Joe! Thank for the link to that leash!

Thank You so much Amanda, I copy buffered all the food info to a file I am adding to every day, Much Appreciated !!

I just found out only the SMALL retractable leash uses a round cord, I would not buy it at Amazon !! They sell them in person at Petsmart, just make sure you know what you are buying!!

I WOULD ABSOLUTELY GET HAND FEEDING FORMULA, AND DO THE SPOON FEEDING TECHNIQUE... TWICE PER DAY. (early morning and just before bedtime.) With fresh foods offered in between. Study after study has shown that abundance weaning is better. So, if she's not ready to give up formula yet, then supplement.

Set her down on your lap and feed her off the spoon. Be sure and check for hot spots!!! We don't want to burn the baby's crop...

Ready for this Mark?? it was a height issue :confused:

I got the formula, mixed it well, digital thermometered it to 105, she ate it up with a VERY strong and vocal feeding response, I about 1/2 filled her crop, put her to bed....

I get up in the morning and check her crop, it is completely flat and empty so I feed her again and I got the feeling she really didn't want "baby food"

We have been doing what you said about getting her use to play and entertaining herself in the cage, it is working out GREAT !!

So anyway I put a video camera on her for 4 hours and then watched it in high speed to see what she did over that time.... She never went below the highest perch.... BINGO!!

I remove everything from her cage and put her "main" perch back in right at the level of her bowls.... Guess what she did for the next two hours ??

ATE HER FOOD !!! I am SO Relieved, she has been eating ALL DAY LOL

So.... Now I put her stuff back in for "play time" and then remove it till she eats enough food (every time I put her stuff back in she goes to the top of the cage and swings on her boing all day and won't come down for food) Talk about "baby" sitting !!

Tonight she STILL Very Much wanted Me (referred to now as "Birdy Momma") to feed her baby formula LOL

And yeah, I knew someone who bought a GW Mac just to match the curtains... it absolutely does happen. And, well, those people were just a tad on the shallow side... they never really did understand what they were dealing with. They just wanted the noise, and mess, and destruction gone. And mercifully that bird went to a bird person... so the bird and the person both lucked out!

CRAZY !! Thank goodness at least that story ended well I never knew of such a thing till the owner of the Bird Farm told me it happens

As to the bath question: Just turn on the water and stick her in... No reason to wait if she needs one. It's not going to traumatize her, and I'm sure she got formula all over her feathers more than once, and got one at the breeders, so she probably already knows what water is.

This is part of your new normal, bird. Baths included. Get used to it. If she freaks out the first couple of times, she quickly won't...

Mine get weekly baths.

After the MESS I made feeding her she had her first real shower (kept her feathers tight though) didn't really freakout but didn't really understand it either, then she also had a quick "poverty bath" (just poured a few small cups of water on her front and feet and dried her) at the kitchen sink to remove the formula before bed, she didn't mind!!

And yeah, mashed sweet potato and/or warm oatmeal are also warm comfort foods that they will readily eat. The more foods you gradually introduce them too now, the more readily they will eat what ever you give them later.

I will be introducing her to as much food as possible, No Different than children !!

Thanks Mark, I'll know in a day or so but it looks like first emergency is now under control !!

And Now Some Daddy Lovins

She Just LOVES Rubbing Scruffies on my cheek




Fell Asleep !!


She LOVES to use my finger as a Pacifier LOL
She moves her mouth putting small amounts of
pressure on and off my thumb the whole time
(she falls asleep this way)

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Oh my gosh, Joe! What a little sweetheart! Many congrats over and over! Glad he is finially home! :)

The video was great!
Aww...all the pics and videos of your new baby are soooo awesome! Keep them coming!
The height thing doesn't surprise me all that much. Baby birds aren't all there yet mentally. She probably just didn't realize they were there. An adult would have just explored a little and climbed down when she got hungry.

That birdie pacifier stuff doesn't go away either... Maggie is 16 years old, and she does it all the time. THIS is what macaw ownership is supposed to be. They absolutely stay this way with the proper discipline, and interaction. With this kind of interaction, this is the kind of bird you end up with... it isn't rocket science. Pretty amazing to have a bird that big and powerful lay it's head down sideways on your shoulder and talk baby talk to you, eh?! Play with the kids like a puppy...

Maggie is very much a head under the chin bird. Always has been...

They really are amazing birds! Give it a few weeks, and you'll begin to wonder how you ever lived without her.
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I love love love the feel of a macs cheek patch. Very sweet!

I have not shaved because of this bird LOL, She LOVES rubbing my scruffies against her cheek !!

Oh my gosh, Joe! What a little sweetheart! Many congrats over and over! Glad he is finially home! :)

The video was great!

Thanks Auntie Marybeth!!, any date on your baby yet?

Aww...all the pics and videos of your new baby are soooo awesome! Keep them coming!

I don't think we will have a problem doing that for you :) Thank You

The height thing doesn't surprise me all that much. Baby birds aren't all there yet mentally. She probably just didn't realize they were there. An adult would have just explored a little and climbed down when she got hungry.

I did get that impression, But I did put her down at the bowls many times a day, I just think her instinct to be higher was over powering her

That birdie pacifier stuff doesn't go away either... Maggie is 16 years old, and she does it all the time. THIS is what macaw ownership is supposed to be. They absolutely stay this way with the proper discipline, and interaction. With this kind of interaction, this is the kind of bird you end up with... it isn't rocket science. Pretty amazing to have a bird that big and powerful lay it's head down sideways on your shoulder and talk baby talk to you, eh?! Play with the kids like a puppy...

Maggie is very much a head under the chin bird. Always has been...

They really are amazing birds! Give it a few weeks, and you'll begin to wonder how you ever lived without her.

Thank You Mark, I intent to spend the rest of my life Loving this Bird :)
Wait a minute?.. You're saying SHE?! Did I miss something :confused: Well congrats on your GIRL Joe!!! :D

So, what's the name??? Hurry and give us a name!!! I'm dying to know :D
Wait a minute?.. You're saying SHE?! Did I miss something :confused: Well congrats on your GIRL Joe!!! :D

So, what's the name??? Hurry and give us a name!!! I'm dying to know :D

We're guessing at this point, but she is on the smallish side for a GW.
Wait a minute?.. You're saying SHE?! Did I miss something :confused: Well congrats on your GIRL Joe!!! :D

So, what's the name??? Hurry and give us a name!!! I'm dying to know :D

We're guessing at this point, but she is on the smallish side for a GW.

Ohh, I see... That cute face and head sure looks large tho ;). Can't wait to hear official results. All of my males are on the really small side for their species.
So adorable! You must be over the moon with "her". When will you find out the gender again? We're all waiting....

The finger braking is an affection thing. Kiwi does that to (my) Joe. He could play with his daddys hand for hours:) You've lucked out with this beauty/sweetheart!

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