Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

I see the forum consensus is for Ember, but I actually like Arara for a girl, Javae' for a boy better. I am apparently in the minority though:)
Ember is a beautiful name.

We were able to meet two very sweet baby greenwings at the breeder's the other day. Now I KNOW I have to bring one home in the future! I fell head over heels. You're VERY lucky!
Buzz! I used to have an English Bull Terrier called Buzz and he was the best dog I've ever known. He was born when me and my family were in disneyland florida, on the day we visited the toy story parade, so he was named after buzz lightyear. Miss him every day.

If you figure out the station training let me know. Zoe is more into recall training.... she recalls that she can fly and does so when I put her on her play stand.

LOL, well you know who I will be asking advice of :)

If you figure out the station training let me know. Zoe is more into recall training.... she recalls that she can fly and does so when I put her on her play stand.

:DSweepea was the same way at that age. Boomerang bird. Set her down, she comes right back to you... :D

Ha Ha Ha, Boomerang bird !! I already have "table" Boomerang bird LOL

So what guide should we be using for station training?
(or should we be doing something else first?)

Guess who is here! :)

I am a nervous wreck. For multiple reasons. All the fears of brining a new bird home with another bird are making me sick. Lol! I am going to take him to the vet next week just for peace of mind.

He seems to be adjusting ok. Everything was scaring him, I felt kinda bad for the little guy. But he started eating immediately. He also comes right to you! Likes to cuddle under your chin. :)

Attached is a photo of him for uncle joe!

Lol! I also am in the same boat with names. I have a real hard time coming up with a boy name!

Don't worry we'll go through the stinky naming game together !!
Very Glad to hear he is eating good

No pic here :(

Here's a baby bird name site I found with several thousand to choose from:

For the Love of Birds: Pet Bird Names

Thanks Mark!! Will Check it out

I see the forum consensus is for Ember, but I actually like Arara for a girl, Javae' for a boy better. I am apparently in the minority though:)

With Rissa, we may be calling the bird BIRD for another month LOL

I like Arara & Javae'
(keep in mind we have to spend some time adding to the list)

We were able to meet two very sweet baby greenwings at the breeder's the other day. Now I KNOW I have to bring one home in the future! I fell head over heels. You're VERY lucky!

Well they are a lot of work (being babies) they Poo A LOT !!
This baby is the center of my life now, The kids are learning to help me as we go forward so for example as we get ready for feeding Justin gets the table covered with a clean towel, Rissa gets the water heated, Joey gets the bird out and holds her till I am done mixing the food and check the temp, ETC...

As she gets older it will be less work and more reward for all of our hard work!!

And now just for FUN :D

Hello Everyone!!

This post features a THREE Subject Update :) Presented in chronological order
(in other words I have been held up getting back here LOL)

First on the timeline, this one goes out to Karen, The Baby fell asleep on me kinda like Zoe for the first time, It was GREAT

[ame=""]First Sleep on Daddy - YouTube[/ame]

Next we have the CRAZY Human Tongue Piercing video made for Marks thread
(Disclaimer : Do NOT stick YOUR Tongue in a Macaws Beak)


[ame=""]Daddy Buzz Saw Testing - YouTube[/ame]

And Finally, The Baby Laid on her back on Rissa's Lap, After the "first" time she kept rolling over and flopping over time after time (like it was a game)
Sorry I didn't get a video of it but I will next time !!



Boy Names:

Amadeo - The name means Lover-boy.

Buzz - Sarcastic. Short for feathered Buzz Saw. On some levels it will work when this bird starts turning 2x4s into toothpicks.

Buzby - Derived from sarcasm, but I kinda like the name.

I've still got to think about hawkhead names. Give me a minute. They are such unusual looking birds.

Here's a baby bird name site I found with several thousand to choose from:

For the Love of Birds: Pet Bird Names

Buzz! I used to have an English Bull Terrier called Buzz and he was the best dog I've ever known. He was born when me and my family were in disneyland florida, on the day we visited the toy story parade, so he was named after buzz lightyear. Miss him every day.


Cute! I LOVE English Bull Terriers! :)
Adorable pics as always, funny! Tonight the vid refuses to load on my iPad.
Ohhhh, can't wait to get home and watch. I'm at the office and the connection sucks :(

The pics with Rissa are adorable!
Those pics are great!
Adorable pics as always, funny! Tonight the vid refuses to load on my iPad.

Ohhhh, can't wait to get home and watch. I'm at the office and the connection sucks :(

The pics with Rissa are adorable!

Those pics are great!

Thanks Julie, Karen, Mark!!

Julie, Karen, I hope you got to see the videos later!!

Anyway, Here is another video, baby has a new thing, she just flops over in your lap at random LOL

I am still feeding her at least 60 CCs once in the morning and once at night as Mark recommended, she LOVES it and demands it everyday, she is hovering around 1150 grams so I'm not really worried anymore, she eats her "normal" food all day and "eats" dinner with us every night, I bought her a stainless dog bowl (the kind with the wide rubber base designed so dogs can't flip it) that she hasn't managed to flip YET LOL

She knows we are getting ready to eat and LOVES the "routine", she sits on my coffee table with a towel and dog bowl LOL, the table top raises up so she is right next to the dinner table

Tonight, in her bowl she had a large clump of very soft boiled Asparagus, 4 baked spicy cajun fries, some shelled Walnuts, and a very small finely chopped "taste" of a SPICY HOT southwestern burrito LOL

To my surprise she LOVED the boiled Asparagus, kept "digging" at it, (although she does not really "eat" much of anything LOL)

She already likes Walnuts, and baked fries of ANY kind, and just guess what was the thing she worked on the most???

Once she found the mushed up southwestern burrito she was in heaven !!
it was about an inch and a half in diameter and VERY Hot, she just kept mushing it in her beak over and over, it was first time she didn't "worry" about her beak getting food all over it and wiping it

Anyway, she is a TON of work right now, just like a real baby LOL sometimes tired and grumpy, other times she can't make up her mind :D

Her latest kick was trying to deny my son Justin his time with her over me and Rissa, So we quickly made the rule that only Justin could remove her from the cage..... Ha Ha Ha she is SO Smart !!!

In the past week I have trained her to poo by holding her over her T stand and saying "poo" then I hug her close to my body and tell her how good she is, When we get her out of the cage she gets on my hand and I keep her in the cage and say "poo" and she poos!!

Tonight for the first time she wanted to get off me and go to her T stand (right next to me about a foot away) she got on the stand and pooed, then turned to me and raised her foot to be picked up <3

I was completely blown away and picked her up and hugged her close rubbing her face with mine telling her how smart she was and how much I loved her, later she started doing the same thing with Rissa !!

She is also starting to talk, it is VERY funny cause she just makes sounds like she is talking, we know she is saying "hello", and "I love you" BUT there are some other things she is saying LOL so we hope she hasn't "picked up" anything from my boys wrestling around, (like any kid) I keep warning them to watch everything they say :confused: they don't really "curse" but teasing each other they do say things I don't want the bird to learn, Rissa keeps scolding my boys, its a fun house for sure !!

Nite Nite !!

[ame=""]Mush Rollover Mac - YouTube[/ame]
Joe, I love this video. Your greenwing (any progress with a name/gender yet?) is an absolute ball of mush! I'm glad to see that things are going so well with his/her integration into your family.

And the degree to which she (yeah, I've decided I'm going with "she") allows herself to be touched and handled by all of you speaks to the quality level of socialization you guys have managed with her. (Especially Rissa, if the videos are any indication.) Nice!

Btw, on a side note, you mentioned how hot and spicy the burrito was that she was eating. No need to worry on that score. (Well, pepper-wise, anyhow. But you did mention that you'd kept the meat portion very small) *Upcoming nerd facts!* In addition to having far fewer taste buds than humans do, (I think the number is somewhere between 100 and 500 for them as opposed to around 10,000 for us) parrots are distinctly insensitive to capsaicin, which is what gives pepper its heat. Just the nerdy kind of "fun-fact" that I tend to find interesting, so I thought I'd share.
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What a sweetie...
Joe, I love this video. Your greenwing (any progress with a name/gender yet?) is an absolute ball of mush! I'm glad to see that things are going so well with his/her integration into your family.

And the degree to which she (yeah, I've decided I'm going with "she") allows herself to be touched and handled by all of you speaks to the quality level of socialization you guys have managed with her. (Especially Rissa, if the videos are any indication.) Nice!

Btw, on a side note, you mentioned how hot and spicy the burrito was that she was eating. No need to worry on that score. (Well, pepper-wise, anyhow. But you did mention that you'd kept the meat portion very small) *Upcoming nerd facts!* In addition to having far fewer taste buds than humans do, (I think the number is somewhere between 100 and 500 for them as opposed to around 10,000 for us) parrots are distinctly insensitive to capsaicin, which is what gives pepper its heat. Just the nerdy kind of "fun-fact" that I tend to find interesting, so I thought I'd share.

Aww, Thanks Stephen, We are working with her as much as possible, she is the center of our world (just like any baby would be)

Rissa is just the one who is on the "other side" of the camera the most LOL

Their LOVE for capsaicin goes back many many years, from before my fathers generation peppers were added to their seed, When I was 11 in 1970 I distinctly remember the large red peppers in the parrot seed LOL, One of my jobs was to feed all the parrots in my dads store, and after you were done you better not put your fingers near your face or eyes LOL!!
Joe, today I was able to load all the vids (one with much difficulty) but it was so worth it! Vids were all AMAZING! Wow. "She" is so incredibly intelligent... That level of trust on her part is so amazing- she is practically human. Doing things they'd never do in the wild, and feeling completely natural about it.

Smart to have Justin take her out if he seems like the least favorite right now. After all, a mature bird of that size needs to be able to go to everyone in the household!

Have you guys gotten closer to settling on a name whether male or female?

Their LOVE for capsaicin goes back many many years, from before my fathers generation peppers were added to their seed, When I was 11 in 1970 I distinctly remember the large red peppers in the parrot seed LOL, One of my jobs was to feed all the parrots in my dads store, and after you were done you better not put your fingers near your face or eyes LOL!!

Joe, I don't think I knew about this... Did your dad own a pet store??
I think we're all still waiting on a name and sex :)

And Zoe is still 95% love bug, but she's also 5% pill and your guy is twice as big so that should be fun :)
Joe, today I was able to load all the vids (one with much difficulty) but it was so worth it! Vids were all AMAZING! Wow. "She" is so incredibly intelligent... That level of trust on her part is so amazing- she is practically human. Doing things they'd never do in the wild, and feeling completely natural about it.

Smart to have Justin take her out if he seems like the least favorite right now. After all, a mature bird of that size needs to be able to go to everyone in the household!

Have you guys gotten closer to settling on a name whether male or female?


Their LOVE for capsaicin goes back many many years, from before my fathers generation peppers were added to their seed, When I was 11 in 1970 I distinctly remember the large red peppers in the parrot seed LOL, One of my jobs was to feed all the parrots in my dads store, and after you were done you better not put your fingers near your face or eyes LOL!!

Joe, I don't think I knew about this... Did your dad own a pet store??

Aww, Thanks Julie, When I say we are very lucky to be able to share our lives with these Magnificent Creatures I'm not kidding, I wish there was some kind of a study I could read about on them like they have done on Dolphins and Chimps.... Such a good point, they do seem practically human, and they would never do any of that stuff in the wild, So you could say they are imprinted on us from birth and learn to trust us and their "natural" instincts never kick in?

When we set the rule that Justin was the only one who could take her out of the cage it took two times before she went to Justin, after that we set a 15 minute timer and Justin would remove her every 15 minutes, play with her for 15 minutes and put her back in the cage, then reset the timer

This morning she has completely forgotten about not wanting to go to Justin.... Problem solved, I really believe people who have major problems with parrots let the problem develop over a period of time, then it is much harder than "nipping it in the bud" and, not using consistent strategies once the bird has a "problem" is just going to perpetuate the problem
(I'm not referring to birds that have been mistreated, just birds with a "clean slate" mentally)

We are closer to finding out the birds sex, We decided that this Sunday night we will get the sample and mail it out Monday morning, we should know next week YAY!!

We wanted to give the bird time to acclimate to her new home and us, we feel she loves us enough to forgive and forget the pain or fear caused by getting the sample :(

We brought her home about 15 days ago, so we feel it is time....

My dad did have a pet store in the Italian market in south Philly in the 70's
He started out working for a franchise out of NY, then he started going all around the county designing pet shops for them, having a pet store franchise had not been done yet so they were in the right place at the right time, my dad's bosses became multimillionaires very quickly, the knowledge and rapport my dad gained with the suppliers gave him the ability to then build his own store, at the time he was the largest pet shop in the tri-state area, it was great right up to the point of my mother and father succumbing to divorce when I was 13, I have been "poor" and working ever since LOL

Two funny stories stand out from that time, The local Mob never took money from my dad BUT they did come in our store all the time, One time they came in (Phil Testa, Nicky Scarfo, Frank D'Alfonso) and told my dad they wanted to buy 3 male Betta fish (little fighting fish that have to be kept in separate bowls)

So they pick out the ones they want and bring them to the counter to pay, my dad rings them up and they give my dad $100 bucks and tell him to keep the change (a lot of money in 1970) so next thing my dad knows they are asking him to lock the front door of the store for a few minutes, talk about a scary moment (my mom and I are watching from the back of the store)

Then they take out STACKS of hundred dollar bills and start putting them on the counter, it was insane, So they take the fish and to my fathers horror dump them all in one bowl, after a minute when the most aggressive fish had backed the other two up to the back of the bowl they laughed, thanked my dad and walked out of the store, while my dad was frantically netting the fish back to their bowls again (the fish were ok, most of the time it takes hours of them picking on each other to really hurt themselves)

Needless to say it was an "interesting" place to live LOL

I think we're all still waiting on a name and sex :)

And Zoe is still 95% love bug, but she's also 5% pill and your guy is twice as big so that should be fun :)

Hi Karen, I know right? Did you feel like as Zoe got more comfortable with you she started testing you more?
Makes sense, just like people getting to know you first and then toying with you once they know you

The Lucky part : She doesn't know she is twice as big :D (hopefully)
Yep, the more she gets to know us the more things she tries. At this point Karen gets all the love and I get any pinches she wants to deal out (though most of the time she's still very sweet with me.)
I 2nd M&D BirdFarm...We got Phoenix there and Tabitha was great and easy to deal with, We to were also impressed by the staff and the store. I've called them with some questions after we brought him home and the service after the sale was also impressive to me. Great looking bird you got there BTW.

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