Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

Your pics are too sweet for words! Zoe has one of those balls too, but hers is more football shaped. We put a couple nuts in it for foraging. She loves it and shockingly doesn't destroy it.
I LOVE the pictures of your baby!!! He (or she;-) is huge! I'd love to know his weight.
Does he fly well yet? Our baby is flapping a ton and I hope to see flight in about a week or so! Such an exciting time for you guys and I would LOVE to see video of him flying. Your kids look so happy and in love with the BIRD already. Congrats! Oh yeah and give him a big ol piece of corn on the cob (it's like watching a baby with their first cake) Also, sorry so many q's, but are you going to harness train? I found it to be very easy to get the harness on Spyro and I think it would be fun to flight train. One more thing, I do think babies like to 'play' or rough house, our baby at 12w tomorrow is getting super playful and is like a little puppy.
Joe, your new baby is beautiful. Your kids certainly seem over the moon with him/her. I too, cannot wait for a name. I love the video of you guys teach him/her to go up the ladder. So cute.

I bet you all feel like you have won the birdie lotto.
Your greenwing is beautiful, Joe. And seems to be acclimating quite nicely. Congratulations.
Your pics are too sweet for words! Zoe has one of those balls too, but hers is more football shaped. We put a couple nuts in it for foraging. She loves it and shockingly doesn't destroy it.

Sweepea and Tusk both have those too...

And if it isn't already obvious enough Rissa's the favorite person...

Not that it matters to a mush mac. They'll go to anyone who plays with them.

And again, I have to wonder why they are so often talked about like they were feathered buzz saws...

That "other forum" from the ruby macaw post had nothing but negative comments about how aggressive their macaws were, and I have just never found that to be the case...

Interact with them, and this is what you get.
Don't interact with them, lock them up too much, they get MAD!

And that's all that is...

Seems like we've got NOTHING BUT mush macs on this board...

Mine had a complete stranger come up to us and scratch her head on no less than three occasions when we were out running errands today. (Starbucks, post office,Lowes.)

It's absolutely about interaction and socialization. And when you do the work, what you get back from them is amazing...

They play, they love, they sing and dance, they cuddle... they are just amazing companion animals.

If people would just quit psyching themselves out about that big scarey beak... that bird's gonna bite me I just know it!

Self fulfilling prophecy if you ask me!
Mine like their showers a bit on the cooler sice. Just a few degrees cooler than I generally like mine. I have one of those rain forest showerheads, so they go in and get soaked.

My GW loves the shower...Gets in and goes poofy, puts her wings out, and dances in the water.
Your pics are too sweet for words! Zoe has one of those balls too, but hers is more football shaped. We put a couple nuts in it for foraging. She loves it and shockingly doesn't destroy it.

Thanks Karen, LOVE that ball, don't know if you remember but we had found that video on a baby GW bouncing up and down the hallway with one between him mom and dad, Having that ball is the first step to a dream come true for Rissa, I was SO Happy finding it the day I bought the cage

LOVE the foraging idea !! will definitely remember that !!

I am SO Paranoid about oils and chems from manufacture I soaked it in hot hot water/vinegar bucket for a day, and then rinsed it for a day in hot water :32:

I LOVE the pictures of your baby!!! He (or she;-) is huge! I'd love to know his weight
Hello!! Good to type to you again !!

GREAT Questions !! We weighed him (we think its a him LOL) the day we got him home as a control, it was 1001 Grams, The breeder did warn me that he just fledged and they lose some weight for flying AND being new in my home the first 24 - 48 hours he might not eat right while adjusting
(we are watching closely I assure you LOL)

Does he fly well yet? Our baby is flapping a ton and I hope to see flight in about a week or so! Such an exciting time for you guys and I would LOVE to see video of him flying Also, sorry so many q's, but are you going to harness train? I found it to be very easy to get the harness on Spyro and I think it would be fun to flight train.

I guarantee you there WILL be Video of that !!, he can fly but we just realized the bird farm clipped his first 3 flight feathers :confused: We knew that was the standard procedure (they wait till they Fledge and fly, and then clip for their safety)

We already trained him to get in the harness, we have placed him in it on every visit and now every day at home also

I found a Retractable Dog Leash that is just perfect to attach to my flight harness it is the longest I can find @ 26 feet AND it is the only one that uses a round "cord" instead of a "flat" tape type (much less weight and much more aerodynamic) It is rated @ 26 pounds of dog LOL

[ame=""] : Flexi Explore Soft Grip Retractable Cord Dog Leash, Small, 26-Feet Long, Supports up to 26-Pound, Red/Black : Pet Leashes : Pet Supplies[/ame]

PLEASE, ask all the questions you want, that is what we are all here for!!

Your kids look so happy and in love with the BIRD already. Congrats! Oh yeah and give him a big ol piece of corn on the cob (it's like watching a baby with their first cake) One more thing, I do think babies like to 'play' or rough house, our baby at 12w tomorrow is getting super playful and is like a little puppy.

Aww, thank you SO Much!! We are all walking on clouds over here LOL
BTW, I didn't get your first name? Would you like to share or prefer we call you Spyro? All these young Macs starting out life on this forum together is VERY Exciting !!

Great video and great story. Love it!

Thanks Lisa !!

Joe, your new baby is beautiful. Your kids certainly seem over the moon with him/her. I too, cannot wait for a name. I love the video of you guys teach him/her to go up the ladder. So cute.
I bet you all feel like you have won the birdie lotto.

Aww, Thank You So Much Amanda, Everyone's words mean SO Much to us as family, Rissa reads over the thread and just smiles at all the LOVE here!!
(sneak Pre-release info: We Have a "First time Boing" Video coming up soon)

HA HA HA !! "Won The Birdie LOTTO" YEP !!
We are in Complete Birdie Intoxicating LOVE for sure !!

Your greenwing is beautiful, Joe. And seems to be acclimating quite nicely. Congratulations.

Thank You So Much Stephen !! We are just in a whirlwind watching this Magnificent Creature join our family!!

Ok Everyone, here is a video with some "alone time" with Rissa
(the bird can't see me around the corner at first)
Then he gets his cup-o-drink and comes over to Daddy for a Kiss

[ame=""]Rissa Table Time - YouTube[/ame]
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She doesn't look that small 1001 grams?! My god! I know, between Tusk and Maggie, my size perspective is completely warped. But that just seems so tiny, and yet she doesn't look tiny...

I know Maggie is at the far end of the GW scale, but nearly double?! Am I the only one with a Bolivian GW around here?!
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You typed 100.1 grams, but even if it's 1001 that's on the smaller side for a GW. It's a good size though.
He looks humongous after looking at Zoe :) He's precious with your daughter!
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COMPLETELY Adorable! He is absolutely a bird doll!! :) That face is just incredible.
She doesn't look that small 1001 grams?! My god! I know, between Tusk and Maggie, my size perspective is completely warped. But that just seems so tiny, and yet she doesn't look tiny...

I know Maggie is at the far end of the GW scale, but nearly double?! Am I the only one with a Bolivian GW around here?!

You typed 100.1 grams, but even if it's 1001 that's on the smaller side for a GW. It's a good size though.
He looks humongous after looking at Zoe :) He's precious with your daughter!

Thanks Mark, Karen, She does seem to favor Rissa But they all do LOL
(I am now hedging my bet by calling him her LOL)

I am watching her weight closely, I am kinda worried about her eating, the breeder assures me its just the first 24 to 48 hours while setting in a new home, but it is bothering me, the first night here her poo was large and looked like Feeding Formula poo (like it always did when we visited her), it has gotten progressively smaller and tonight it was very small and darker (no smell though) she also lost weight, I had trouble getting the exact number but it was less than 1000 grams, she was fussy and didn't feel like staying on the scale for me, will try again in the morning

I also think it was bad timing because the last visit we all noticed she was much lighter, and I asked the breeder he said it was fledging and that's why she lost the weight, So that, and then going to a new home I think her weight is not enough

I also noticed her go into the feeding response more than she ever did, quite a few more times than ever before, do you think I should get some Kaytee Exact Hand Feeding Formula and offer her some in a bowl or by spoon to supplement her food intake?

She seems to want to eat her Zupreem and Goldenfeast that the breeder has been giving her BUT she seems to pick at it and drop it, not really eating much of it, I know I'm just coming out of the 48 hours but I don't think its a time thing, I feel like she wants Formula

I am getting stressed about this... :(

And if it isn't already obvious enough Rissa's the favorite person...
Not that it matters to a mush mac. They'll go to anyone who plays with them.
And again, I have to wonder why they are so often talked about like they were feathered buzz saws...
That "other forum" from the ruby macaw post had nothing but negative comments about how aggressive their macaws were, and I have just never found that to be the case...
Interact with them, and this is what you get.
Don't interact with them, lock them up too much, they get MAD!
And that's all that is...
Seems like we've got NOTHING BUT mush macs on this board...
Mine had a complete stranger come up to us and scratch her head on no less than three occasions when we were out running errands today. (Starbucks, post office,Lowes.)

It's absolutely about interaction and socialization. And when you do the work, what you get back from them is amazing...

They play, they love, they sing and dance, they cuddle... they are just amazing companion animals.

If people would just quit psyching themselves out about that big scarey beak... that bird's gonna bite me I just know it!

Self fulfilling prophecy if you ask me!

I agree with you 150% But I don't think most people (not parrot people) are willing to commit their lives to the bird, That's what it takes

When I was talking to the breeder early on I said the bird was very important to my children and I and he said he could tell right away,
He said lots of people come in and try to decide on their Mac based on the colors used in their house :confused: (Trophy birds)

Yeah, The ALL Love Rissa, BUT I am Birdie Momma LOL

They are the Most Amazing Companions we could have, we are truly blessed to share our lives with these Smart Magnificent Creatures

The beak has never really "scared" me, I respect it and I am always ready to react to it, but that just becomes second nature like blinking your eyes, and anyone who knows animals knows you can't show fear around them

I am really proud of my children, they seem to be doing well not fearing being bitten, after having a slightly grumpy Zon that would nip, they all have been bitten and bled from from trying to "love" him LOL

Mine like their showers a bit on the cooler sice. Just a few degrees cooler than I generally like mine. I have one of those rain forest showerheads, so they go in and get soaked.
My GW loves the shower...Gets in and goes poofy, puts her wings out, and dances in the water.

I want to clean her ASAP, she still has poo stains on her feathers from the breeder and she dragged her tail through poo tonight :(

Do you think I should wait till she is really eating before offering her a shower?

COMPLETELY Adorable! He is absolutely a bird doll!! :) That face is just incredible.

THANKS Julie!!
My goodness, this thread got so long, I missed the baby coming home:eek: Congrats on his finally being with you, and looks like he's settling in well (and the looks on your kids faces in those pics is just priceless they look SO happy:D). Sounds like all is going well, and good idea on the dog leash for a flight line. Did I miss his name?

When I was talking to the breeder early on I said the bird was very important to my children and I and he said he could tell right away,
He said lots of people come in and try to decide on their Mac based on the colors used in their house (Trophy birds)

I will never forget someone seeing a pic of Kiwi on my desk at my old job (hey, other people have picture of their kids!) and explained they has a parrot once, but got rid of her once they changed their furniture:52::mad: I just wanted to scream "animals are not decorative"!!! You want a parrot that matches your decor, buy a statue! I have several lovely decorative parrot statues, and I can get rid of them any time I want. The real parrot....not so much. He would hunt us down and eat us as we slept! I'm quite the opposite actually, I decorate all bright and tropical so Kiwi feels right at home:D
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I don't see how it could hurt to offer some formula as a comfort/supplement. Something else you might try is something warm and mashed like sweet potato. That's a favorite at my house.
I love, love, love the picture of her with her head upside down in your son's hand. Precious!

I'll have to pick up one of those rubber ball things for my mac that you all seem so fond of. I've already got the same paper bowls as you :p All my dishes are packed up right now, boo.
I WOULD ABSOLUTELY GET HAND FEEDING FORMULA, AND DO THE SPOON FEEDING TECHNIQUE... TWICE PER DAY. (early morning and just before bedtime.) With fresh foods offered in between. Study after study has shown that abundance weaning is better. So, if she's not ready to give up formula yet, then supplement.

Set her down on your lap and feed her off the spoon. Be sure and check for hot spots!!! We don't want to burn the baby's crop...

And yeah, I knew someone who bought a GW Mac just to match the curtains... it absolutely does happen. And, well, those people were just a tad on the shallow side... they never really did understand what they were dealing with. They just wanted the noise, and mess, and destruction gone. And mercifully that bird went to a bird person... so the bird and the person both lucked out!
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Congratulations on driving for 40 years. I am sure you have learned defensive driving techniques also over those years to help avoid any accidents that would have come your way as I am sure they have. Everyone has. And what are a couple of those actions? Applying the breaks or having to abruptly turn. There are more but let's just focus on those two when you have some idiot who is drunk, high on drugs or just think he owns the road and he doesn't care if your are already occupying the space he thinks he should be in.

Let's say your choice of defense is to apply the brakes. Rissa is sitting there improperly seat belted in because without that shoulder part (which she is definitively not wearing) she will not be fully restrained. Ask any cop or EMT who has had to remove a dead body from a wreckage. Wearing only 1/2 of that restraint will not stop her body from moving forward or sideways. Actually with her weight and those G forces you were talking about, that lap portion will continue to allow her body to move forward until there is no more slack in there which will be a foot or so, more than enough to hit the dashboard and windshield. Seatbelts are designed to activate and prevent a person from flying forward at the point it was currently at before the sensors were engaged. The slack that is there because it is not in a tighter position is the problem. You are only supposed to have enough room between your chest and the seatbelt a distance of one fist, anything more defeats the purpose of the restraint.

Now, as far as your baby bird, he will be smashed by Rissa's flying body at most and in the least will go flying himself into that dashboard, window, maybe the door or ceiling. At that point it will not matter, your baby will be dead because birds cannot with stand much, if any, trauma. My only hope is it is over quickly and not lying there in pain.

Granted, any accident can end up this way but why do you want to play Russian Roulette and not give some sort of protection to your new baby and take away the protection of your other baby, Rissa?

It is hard to sugar coat things and a board that just allows the safety of birds to be glossed over like it is ok should not be doing that.

Regarding the shoving of Joe's finger into that baby's beak: the drive home shot was not nearly as bad as what he did on 2 other occasions when they were visiting.

I say all this for the safety of this baby and all babies out there.

As far as my posting of pics/videos, for my own personal reasons, I won't.
It is hard to sugar coat things and a board that just allows the safety of birds to be glossed over like it is ok should not be doing that.

I must object to this as it appears you are insinuating that we (I am assuming you are referring to the moderators of this forum when you mention a "board") are somehow allowing the safety of birds to be "glossed over".

Your charge is an unjust one. This is a forum. And, as one would expect with any forum, there are differences of opinion. You and Joe obviously differ on this point. As do Birdman666 and a few others. I, on the other hand, would in fact have placed my bird into a carrier.

But these are all opinions. We all have the right to have them. And we all have the right to express them. Freedom of expression, so long as it falls within the realm of appropriate forum subject matter, is a necessity if we are to have a positive and thriving forum.

All that is asked is that said opinions are expressed in a civil manner. And asking that a person give her opinion in a civil and non-confrontational tone is a far cry from glossing over things that are said.

Your points are well thought out and I respect your right to express them. Isn't it equitable for us to also respect the opposing view as well?
Hi GW Joe! Gosh 1000g does seem light to me, our Catalina has been averaging 1100g but of course he hasn't started weaning or fledging so weight loss is to be expected. But your baby looks a lot bigger than mine. When I brought my TAG home years ago I was given monkey biscuits to offer warm and mushy at night. I found the Tropican High Performance Parrot Sticks on-line and have some on the way, they are like a weaning pellet & Hagen seems to be a pretty good company. I know there is other brands of weaning pellets too and maybe that's all you'll need? You could try also soaking pellets like Harrison's or Roudybush and mashing them up and offering them warm with a spoon. Worst case, I have fed a lot of wild birds with just a syringe, baby food, (I like gerber grabbers type with friuit and veggie mix), peanut butter and even finely ground up nuts or hulled seeds and make a gravy type mix. Just barley warm you don't need to check temp if your keep it at like 100. But keeping your birds energy level up will make him actually want to eat more himself. My lovebird quit eating when we brought him home as a baby and I offered formula for 3-4 days and he was then good to go. It's not hard and if he has a feeding response you will not risk aspiration.
Thank for the link to that leash!

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