Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

I thought I had missed something and that maybe there was a special club I wasn't a part of. ;) Whew!
I know they are so excited though and I am so happy for them and for us too.
Just talked to Joe and he said he has to add a key so the video can be viewed before posting.








Seriously, what are you people like on long car trips?! :D
That bit with the synths is too funny, he was just hypnotized! Love that big 'PLAY IT AGAIN' squawk at the end, haha!! <3
YAY!!! Finally!:D The video was great Joe, it made it feel like we were "sort of" there lol.
What a sweet baby too... I can't wait to hear updates of his new life at home! :red:
Waaahhh says it's not available via phone. I'll have to wait until I get to a PC.
Great music choices!

He's so adorable and sweet, and so so pretty. Congratulations :)
That was awesome! Congrats to you all! Rissa's cheeks should hurt from smiling non stop all the way home! Definately worth the wait!
Well my goodness, sorry for the late congrats! This post had gotten so long I didn't realize the magic day had arrived! I am very happy for your family and your new family member!:D
Ratty tail feathers are par for the course with young birds. It generally takes about two years for them to get the hang of protecting them, and preening them....

NOW is a good time to preen them for him, so that he gets used to his tail feathers getting touched. Cuz if he gets to the "protecting them" phase before he allows them to be touched...?!

Well, good luck with that one then...

So preen them for hi,m. and he will eventually start getting it himself.
That bit with the synths is too funny, he was just hypnotized! Love that big 'PLAY IT AGAIN' squawk at the end, haha!! <3

Thank you So Much, It doesn't show up the same on the video, but some riffs make him stop moving and get a funny "blank" look on his face, I know he is studying it, that squawk at the end was Precious !! They all seem to be really fascinated with certain artists, All my parrots LOVED Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan, The Doobie Brothers, The Sax in Supertramp (any Sax riff)

YAY!!! Finally! The video was great Joe, it made it feel like we were "sort of" there lol.
What a sweet baby too... I can't wait to hear updates of his new life at home!
Thanks Julie, I have some pics below of his First Cup Drink (Miss my dear Poe doing that) and his First Blankie Snuggles!!

Waaahhh says it's not available via phone. I'll have to wait until I get to a PC.

Very Very Sorry Karen, There used to be a setting in YouTube to fix that BUT no more, after I saw your post I spent 20 mins. reading and they were stopping you because of the music copyrights....Crazy World....I paid for the song, but can't play it to the world in my unlisted private video
BTW, if the video was not set to "unlisted" they would have PULLED it and deleted it, so if you have a video for your friends that has music on it upload it as unlisted FIRST and see if they "mark it" for copyright, if not you can make it public :)

Great music choices!

He's so adorable and sweet, and so so pretty. Congratulations

Thanks Selestine, We live for good music!! We have a small FM transmitter hooked up to a computer and have radios in every room tuned to that "station" We run over 5000 songs, My son says we should start streaming to "Shoutcast" and I do have a plugin so.... its on my list LOL if you PM me I'll put you on the list of people waiting for the Shoutcast link

That was awesome! Congrats to you all! Rissa's cheeks should hurt from smiling non stop all the way home! Definately worth the wait!

Thanks!! I told Rissa what you said, she smiled AGAIN !!
It is So True !! It was a GREAT Day !!

Well my goodness, sorry for the late congrats! This post had gotten so long I didn't realize the magic day had arrived! I am very happy for your family and your new family member!

Thanks Laura, It feels like we have been waiting FOREVER !!

NOW is a good time to preen them for him, so that he gets used to his tail feathers getting touched. So preen them for him and he will eventually start getting it himself.

Thanks Mark!, You were SO Right man, it took him about 15 mins to start to "relax" in the car, then another 30 mins to learn to anticipate the G force from braking and acceleration, by the time we got home he was a PRO !!

I want to work on shoulder perching and preening, he has been on my shoulder twice and seemed to really like it (but his feet are still weak baby feet), he immediately started grooming my hair and my 2 day scruffies, he would beak each little hair in my beard but not try and pluck it LOL

He also put his face next to mine and rubbed my face with his :)

He is learning very fast, he knows "kiss", "No", "Come Here", "Drink", "Lets Go" (my preferred command over "step up"), He also knows "Ball" but seems kinda "scared" of the ball LOL

What is the most important thing to do now?

Some Bonus "Firsts" Pictures

First Drink from a Cup




First Blankie Snuggles






He's perfect. :) Thanks for posting the video for us.

The blankie snuggle photos are so precious, especially that last one (d'awwww). I can tell he's going to be one very spoiled & happy bird.

So happy that you guys made it home with your baby. I have to say that I watched in horror for the full 27 minutes, 59 seconds hoping that no accidents happened seeing that he was unprotected should there have been even a bumper tap (you were in rush hour traffic and that could easily have happened too) and he would have been thrown backwards and crushed by Rissa's body as even she was not wearing a seat belt. You and your sons were wearing their seat belts, why was Rissa not wearing her's? People seeing this video will think it is perfectly ok to risk both of their lives in such a way.

Mark is right, training started the moment you got him, so when he was put into the cage for that first time, why did you not teach him where the water and food bowls were? This is a baby who just had a huge adjustment in his life, being taken from the security he has known all his short life, having to learn to balance all by himself in the care, not having the opportunity to hold onto something for balance and/or comfort, driven for a few hours and only offered a peanut butter cracker and then when he gets to his cage tired and hungry, not shown where to find food and water.

Ok, might as well get the other rant out on the table and over with. Joe, you need to learn from how your children handle and interact with your baby. The baby is just that, a baby who is more laid back and easy going. He wants to be handled gently, touched gently, he is not rough housing so stop shoving your finger into his beak like that. Maybe when he grows up and he wants to play like that, that would be a different thing, but not at his young age. Gentle Dad, gentle.

My remarks are not going to be liked but seeing how no one else will say it, I will. The safety and comfort of that precious baby is more important than opinions of what someone thinks about me is. You have a very sweet baby there and I don't want to ever see that change. Ease this baby into his life with you, don't just drop him into it. Gentle, gentle
I don't think people would have a problem with your remarks so much as how you say them. I agree with you but the way you phrase things would get my back up.
From what I saw in the video, the bird didn't have a problem with the finger in his beak...

My two rough house all the time... Sweepea will rough house and flop over on her back and play with your fingers with both feet, and her beak, and that stuff started with her almost immediately after we got home. I kinda disagree a bit with that advice, because the time to teach them to play is now, before they start applying bite pressure. Sweepea has played "the claw" game since about an hour after she arrived, just off hand feeding...

In terms of what to do with her, you are already doing it by the looks of things. Interaction and lap time. What you want to do, though, is structure the interaction so that there is play time with people, and time spent playing on her own.... Take a couple of toys and play with them with her on your lap. Introduce her to things like blocks of wood, foot toys, etc. Then, hang up what you were playing with in her cage when you go to put her back. That way, it's not intimidating, and usually they go right to it when you set them down.

Hold them too much, and don't teach them to self entertain, and you create a screamer... People inadvertently train these birds to scream. The level of attention they get now, should approximate the level of attention they will get later on. I know it's hard because everyone wants to hold her all the time right now, but...

So, set the pattern for your daily life. And it looks like she needs a few chew toys.

It's funny to hear baby sequaks like that. Mine are both full on pteridactyl noises... ARRRAAACCKK-AAAAACCCCKK! So, it's kinda strange for me to hear a squeaky toy... (it won't last long.)

Your daughter looks like she's glowing in those phots! He face is all lit up!
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Oh, and by the way, I have five of those useless cages STILL IN BOXES in my garage. We drove 1850 miles with one on my shoulder, one on my other shoulder, two in birdie car seat perches, and one on my daughter's headrest...

Mine have always loved the car.

oh, and I would introduce this bird to the shower in about a week. Just have him perched on your arm, turn the water on, and stick him under. He should readily accept it at this age.
The pics are great! I think he (can't wait for a name here) might be half human?!
He's perfect. Thanks for posting the video for us.

The blankie snuggle photos are so precious, especially that last one (d'awwww). I can tell he's going to be one very spoiled & happy bird.


Thank you so much, he is going to be the center of our lives, this morning I woke him up at 11:30 am after about 10 hours of sleep, he came right out of the cage and started his day on Rissa's lap (pictures below) after a 15 minute time he went to Joey's lap while Rissa made the coffee, He is VERY Happy !!

So happy that you guys made it home with your baby. I have to say that I watched in horror for the full 27 minutes, 59 seconds hoping that no accidents happened seeing that he was unprotected should there have been even a bumper tap (you were in rush hour traffic and that could easily have happened too) and he would have been thrown backwards and crushed by Rissa's body as even she was not wearing a seat belt. You and your sons were wearing their seat belts, why was Rissa not wearing her's? People seeing this video will think it is perfectly ok to risk both of their lives in such a way.

Mark is right, training started the moment you got him, so when he was put into the cage for that first time, why did you not teach him where the water and food bowls were? This is a baby who just had a huge adjustment in his life, being taken from the security he has known all his short life, having to learn to balance all by himself in the care, not having the opportunity to hold onto something for balance and/or comfort, driven for a few hours and only offered a peanut butter cracker and then when he gets to his cage tired and hungry, not shown where to find food and water.

Ok, might as well get the other rant out on the table and over with. Joe, you need to learn from how your children handle and interact with your baby. The baby is just that, a baby who is more laid back and easy going. He wants to be handled gently, touched gently, he is not rough housing so stop shoving your finger into his beak like that. Maybe when he grows up and he wants to play like that, that would be a different thing, but not at his young age. Gentle Dad, gentle.

My remarks are not going to be liked but seeing how no one else will say it, I will. The safety and comfort of that precious baby is more important than opinions of what someone thinks about me is. You have a very sweet baby there and I don't want to ever see that change. Ease this baby into his life with you, don't just drop him into it. Gentle, gentle

Hello Renee,

Ya know at my age, with all the life experiences I have had to deal with I am VERY confident when it comes to driving, remember I started driving in 1974, @ 15 I drove from Philly PA to Miami FL by myself to visit my dad, I then drove back and got a job "jockeying" cars around the country, my next drive was from Philly to Colorado Springs (man Kansas is a LONG State LOL) if that video caused you "HORROR" I think you would really need to see some of my stunt video practicing how to slide car sideways on dry asphalt, and doing 360's LOL some people just "learn" to drive and then there are DRIVERS....

We already talked about everyone's views on the whole seat belting in the cage and not belting in, what the G force will do to the bird in either case (look above for the text if you missed it)

My daughters seat belt was under the towel, just cause you didn't see the shoulder part you should not assume so much, the air bag on that side was turned off...

The bird LOVES the finger in the beak, he touches me with his tongue while I am "shoving my finger" LOL

Another assumption is we didn't show him where the food and water is, sorry I didn't video it LOL but of course he was shown, and he was attached to a perch in the car, as a point of familiarity, and he did VERY well, he learned how to counteract the G force in less than one hour

BTW, I would LOVE to see some Pictures or Video of Your Macs, can you direct me to some?

Why don't we just err on the side of POSITIVITY and say positive things here? I have been that way my whole life and did ok!! For the 55 years I have been on the planet I can tell you it will go a LONG way to making us Happier People, Thank You !

From what I saw in the video, the bird didn't have a problem with the finger in his beak...

My two rough house all the time... Sweepea will rough house and flop over on her back and play with your fingers with both feet, and her beak, and that stuff started with her almost immediately after we got home. I kinda disagree a bit with that advice, because the time to teach them to play is now, before they start applying bite pressure. Sweepea has played "the claw" game since about an hour after she arrived, just off hand feeding...

In terms of what to do with her, you are already doing it by the looks of things. Interaction and lap time. What you want to do, though, is structure the interaction so that there is play time with people, and time spent playing on her own.... Take a couple of toys and play with them with her on your lap. Introduce her to things like blocks of wood, foot toys, etc. Then, hang up what you were playing with in her cage when you go to put her back. That way, it's not intimidating, and usually they go right to it when you set them down.

Hold them too much, and don't teach them to self entertain, and you create a screamer... People inadvertently train these birds to scream. The level of attention they get now, should approximate the level of attention they will get later on. I know it's hard because everyone wants to hold her all the time right now, but...

So, set the pattern for your daily life. And it looks like she needs a few chew toys.

It's funny to hear baby sequaks like that. Mine are both full on pteridactyl noises... ARRRAAACCKK-AAAAACCCCKK! So, it's kinda strange for me to hear a squeaky toy... (it won't last long.)

Your daughter looks like she's glowing in those phots! He face is all lit up!

Thank You So Much Mark, your insight is appreciated, I am going to model myself on your ideology, I feel comfort in knowing Uncky Mark is watching over my shoulder !!

We just started doing what you said about taking toys and playing with them with him and then putting them in the cage, I have a cheap bird ladder and there is a video below of him seeing it for the first time and climbing Right Up It !! What a GREAT feeling !!

I am going to work on this balanced time playing on his own right away, can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to warn me about the pitfalls of Pterodactyl Ownership LOL

My daughter is just about back to the happy person she was before the 17 day hospital stay end of last year, especially since our Zon died the day she got out :( its like we are just getting back to where we were almost a year ago

Oh, and by the way, I have five of those useless cages STILL IN BOXES in my garage. We drove 1850 miles with one on my shoulder, one on my other shoulder, two in birdie car seat perches, and one on my daughter's headrest...

Mine have always loved the car.

oh, and I would introduce this bird to the shower in about a week. Just have him perched on your arm, turn the water on, and stick him under. He should readily accept it at this age.

Ha Ha Ha, I already put it back in the box to be returned to Petsmart Monday LOL You crack me up man

Thanks for the tip on the shower, I was going to ask you that next!! Is it true it should be on the "cooler" side to imitate the rain forest? What temp should it be?


Rissa Blanky Love





Joey Love


Joey Ball Training




[ame=]First Ladder Climb - YouTube[/ame]
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The pics are great! I think he (can't wait for a name here) might be half human?!

Ha Ha Ha, Yep Human it will be (or just maybe WE will be MORE Birdlike LOL)

DNA cards should be here today or Monday!!, I hate to tell you this but knowing Rissa's history "naming" as I do me and the boys just call the bird "BIRD" and expect to be doing that for the next MONTH or so LOL

Thanks Julie <3

Pictures Continued:
Justin The Bird Whisperer !!






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