Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing


My College roommate drove a motorcycle. Motorcycle breaks down off PCH near Beach Blvd. Calls me to come get him. We have the GENIOUS idea to stick the motorcycle INSIDE my bus and transport it home... [No, I was NOT a physics major!] We tied it off really well, too. Tied it to off to the back seat in two places. Tied the front forks, and handlebars off to the handle on the sliding door. My buddy sat in the back seat and held it... thinking that oughta hold it stable... AND IT DID!

NOW KEEP IN MIND that Beach Blvd. is a six lane highly traveled roadway with a 50 mph speed limit. It's the main drag from inland to the beach. So, we're talking not lightly traveled, very congested roadway...

But, of course, the inevitable happened. The motorcycle tipped over and fell against the door. (Which significantly exceeded the weight capacity for the sliding door to the van!)

So, you can imagine my shock and surprize when the door to my van, suddenly flew off and went sliding down the road into traffic. BUT THAT WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE LOOK ON MY BUDDIES FACE... because we had done such a good job of tying off the motorcycle that it remained attached to the door...

And my back seat...

That my buddy happened to be sitting on at the time...

Sliding door gone. Gasp! Gaping hole in my van. Gasp! Motorcycle down. Gasp! BACK SEAT OUT THE DOOR! GASP! JON STILL SEATBELTED INTO THE BACK SEAT, OUT THE DOOR AND INTO TRAFFIC...


Fortunately, everyone avoided the accident. To this day I don't know how no one got hurt killed, or even fender-bended.

There were two guys at the gas station who witnessed the whole thing happen, that nearly peed themselves laughing...

In retrospect, I kinda wish we had that one on video.
I haven't laughed so hard in years. Thank you for that.

You don't want to use a large carrier either but a smaller one. If there would be an accident, the first thing a bird will automatically do it spread the wings so if they are contained in a smaller space the wings will not spread wide open and be really messed up.
Well, I was just informed that the hawkie will not be coming home tomorrow. He lost a little weight, and seemed to revert back to wanting a hand feeding, so they are going to keep him a little longer
Have a very safe trip tomorrow to get your baby!! Looking forward to the videos/pictures of "him" at home!!
"Auntie" loves to live vicariously through you as well! :)

Sorry to hear it Marybeth :(
Well, it just goes to show you how much they care at M & D, Eric is a pro, everything is done to unwavering standards, very clinical

We will have a GREAT video of the bird in the car for Auntie!! I just got done cutting him a perch for the dog crate, water bowl is ready

Zoe is getting very sleepy waiting for her new cousin to come home. Uncle Joe better plan on posting pics ASAP.
PS this was right before she rolled off my shoulder.

OMG Karen, She almost looks like a cat sleeping there I LOVE Her !!!
Thanks for Sharing that Karen

The "red front roll"... it's not just for red fronts anymore. In fact, some birds even do it in their sleep!

Haha, reminds me of when I had my Eastern Slender Billed. She'd roll (somersault) starting behind me at the top of the chair, and end up in my lap. I'd never seen anything like it!
Today is the day!!! Whoohoo! I'm excited for you and your family, Joe! Looking forward to your pics and videos!
Well, technically, in five hours it becomes around 80 years to go...

Sarah says she's only keeping Maggie. Then hesitates and says "and Tusk... But if she keeps Tusk, she'll have to take Lila cuz their bonded and that wouldn't be fair to them..."

So, we have her committed to keeping three of five at the moment. So, the Grandkids will have to fight over the other two I guess...
Before we bought this bird we had a family meeting, The only way I would agree to buy the bird was if they promised to keep the bird once I am gone, My children want the bird as much as I do so in that respect I am lucky :)

My boys shoveled snow all winter and kicked in over $800, My daughter kicked in another $500 from her 4Rissa eBay store, I am VERY Proud of them !!

Getting close now, getting butterfly's in my stomach LOL
Well Sarah loves Maggie almost as much as I do...

She used to be just as bonded with Sweepea, but pea pod tends to be a handful at times with her.

Sally is, and always has been, bonded with me. Sarah can pick her up and handle her, but she's not Sally's person.
Wellllll?????????????????? How is baby doing??? Where are the photos, Joe??????

I'm fairly certain a boatload of us here and eagerly awaiting the ultimate update. :D
Wellllll?????????????????? How is baby doing??? Where are the photos, Joe??????

I'm fairly certain a boatload of us here and eagerly awaiting the ultimate update. :D
I agree, where are they? Kept checking yesterday and still none :11poke:
Sarah actually plays a NAUGHTY little game with Maggie... that some folks might not appreciate the humor of. Especially non-bird people who misunderstand that this is a GAME to both of them...


Here's how the game is played. Either Maggie, or Sarah can start it with just a simple look. MAGGIE immediately goes big bird, eyes pinning, wings open, and does her best "EVIL LAUGH." (The evil laugh is different from "normal" birdie laughter. And it means "I'm coming for you!")

As soon as she hears the evil laugh, Sarah screams, as if she were afraid... and starts to run away. Maggie, of course, then chases her around the living room...

THE TWIST OF COURSE, is that it ends with Sarah either sitting down, or laying down on the floor, and Maggie curling up in a mushy pile of feathers right next to her. BECAUSE TRAINING THEM TO CHASE PEOPLE AROUND THE ROOM IS A VERY, VERY BAD GAME TO TEACH YOUR MACAW.

She used to play this game with my ex-girlfriend occasionally as well.
Wellllll?????????????????? How is baby doing??? Where are the photos, Joe??????

I'm fairly certain a boatload of us here and eagerly awaiting the ultimate update. :D

I'm pretty sure he's kinda still playing with this bird, soooo... umm... sometime when he comes up for air, we will hear all about it.
I already harassed him. He assures me a video will be posted ASAP!

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