PLEASE help-my budgie is sick

when a bird eats and drinks more than usual, it indicates they are not getting sufficient nutrition....thus wanting to eat more try and improve how they feel.

the watery poops are not normal. It is an indication something is wrong....sort of like when we get the know what I mean?....except with birds it tends to be more serious.
Hi Cassie - the fact that your budgie is eating and drinking does NOT mean all is ok, so you need to see a vet.
yes, i have some news!
he coudlnt fly around properly, so we called the vet. he said he had no idea, and he said there's some senior who would know better tahan him. im taking him today! :)

wish me luck!
Good luck, Cassie..please keep us updated and I hope that the vet is able to help Bamboo.
Is that a senior vet you are talking about?
well yes its a senior vet, but i'll have to see if i can make it in time. he's there only till 30 mins more. if we cant get there in time, i'll take him to another vet i found.
im doubtful about this new place. it has quite extreme reviews on it

this one says its horrible-,d.aGc

but here, it supposed to be nice-,d.aGc
im gonna try really hard to get to the first one in time :(
yeah so we went there. he gave us a medicine for diarrhea, and one for dehydration. hope its gonna work!
Oh I'm so sorry Cassie! I hope Bamboo is feeling a bit better. Even though it's not a sign of complete health, it's still a good sign he hasn't gone off food or water.

I hope he feels better soon!
he's looking so miserable now... :( he had such a crash yesterday. he flew straight into a wll and lid down with a flop from almost a meter high.... im too scared to let him out now.
ive also been wanting to ask you all- the feathers around his beak are sticky and wet, like he has drooling on them, or omeone put gel and spiked them up, s now everytime he eats, there are a bunch of seeds sticking under his beak, and around his throat. he has also been doing this strange hiccup kinda action, opening and closing his mouth.
im sort of worried about the way hes trying to poop- he wags his tail like hes trying to sit.

now, the scariest part- his vent is open, it very red, the feathers are missing there, and his poop is sticking to his tail. it wasnt like that yesterday.he is trying to poop, and he keeps wagging his tail but nothing comes out. his eyes seem to have sunken in, and he has crashed into many places yesterday. he cant even land on the floor- he go stright into the gorund, and one of his wings bang into a chair or something, sending him skidding on the floor him at a really odd angle with one wing open, dragging on the floor
he will just lay on his back, and wait for someone to pick him up. its pathetic :( i cant even loo at him anymore. siiiigh! and to think he used to be such a bundle of joy, hopping around everywhere like a teeny tiny ball of fluff and feathers :(
Cassie, I am so sorry to hear he is not doing well. Do you have him in a warm place?
Did the vet do any testing?
nope. no testing at all. he picked bamboo up, checked his vent, asked how he was behaving, and gave the medicine. i am keeping him covered for warmth, and sometimes i put him in the sun
ive put my hand like a cup, and hes coming and rubbing his head, making soft muttering noises, and grinding his beak:( this is gonna kill me :((
he will be okay right? :(
im making an emergency trip to the vet. now hes literally whimpering, hes not opening his eyes or anything, hes trying really hard to poop but its not working. i cant bear this im going to the vet. i'll tell you what happens
that was pretty long ago, and he got over it pretty soon. do you think its because of the bug spray? it dint cure then, and now its resurfacing again? is that what you mean?? okay, i'll ask him :(
It happened end of January, it was not that long ago....Bug spray leaves residues....
all right, i'll mention that thanks!! :)
oh cassie, it sounds like your bird is suffering terribly, poor thing.
please keep us updated, he sounds like a little fighter.
I'm so sorry poor Bamboo is suffering so! I do hope the vet will do all the necessary tests and define the exact problem for you. ((Hugs))
yeah o i took him yesterday and we got some multivitamin. he became so hyperactive by night, and he kept eating continuously for at least for an hour,and his crop had swollen and become abnormally large, so i took the food bowl out.
my dad found him today morning, lying on the bottom with his eyes open.

o well its over then, he's gone.i know im crying like a 3 year old kid, but i really love him. i suppose that also breaks my dream of taking him out on a harness...?
but im happy for him, hes free now :) hope he'll remember me :( ;( ;( :( ;(
thak you all of you somuch! you'e helped me so much i really dont know how i can tell you that. thank you thank you thank you so much!
well i dint have to see it happen, so it hurts a little less. :( im gonna spend some sleepless nights now

im gonna stay back on this forum , its helped me so much, and im gonna sit and watch if i can return the favor to you all some day

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