PLEASE help-my budgie is sick

Re: Urgent please help!!!

hes 4 months old, on his first molt. i dint change his diet-hes been eating it from the past 3 months. do you know what could be wrong? :(
there is absolutely no vet for birds. you only get dog and cat vets, and as you can see, i think the vet we went to gave us something that isn't working, and making him worse
Re: Urgent please help!!!

thanks i'll check it out
Re: Urgent please help!!!

ya okay ive been checking.... looks like something called sour crop.
is it bad?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

if it is sour crop it can kill him. it's a bacterial yeast infection.

please try this....add about 5 drops of vinegar into his drinking water.
take a dropper draw up the water/vinegar solution, and dribble it into the side of his beak.
only give him what he wants.

do this every 2 hours or so.

gosh, I hope it's not too late to get him better, I suppose you don't have any electrolyte solution near you do you?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

no.... whats that???
ive been giving him ginger water, some spinach, an antibiotic, and some other medicine. i suppose that is quite a lot already.
i heard vinegar is bad for birds?
how would putting it on his beak help? is it like he'll lick it off there, or its for the smell or something? ive never really heard of this- will it help him?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

of course vinegar in large doses is bad for birds...I'm talking 5 drops into his drinking water.
you said he is very weak, so I am assuming he is not eating nor drinking.

if he's not drinking he will become dehydrated and pass away.
when birds are ill, they shut down...they will not eat nor drink....all they do is sleep to conserve any remaining energy.

pick him up gently, turn him on his side, and slowly drop in the vinegar/water mixture onto the side of his beak, it will dribble in and he will swallow it.

vinegar has many healing properties, it will NOT harm him, and will help kill the bacteria.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

okay lemme try this out... thanks!
he is eating very little, but hasnt stopped. im quite alarmed about that part. well i make him drink water because ive put some medicine in it...
hes been acting like this for almost 4 days now... is it advanced already?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

I'm afraid so, but since he is still eating that is encouraging.

if a bird stops eating and drinking, their organs start to shut down, it doesn't sound like he's at that stage yet.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

no not yet :( its breaking my heart to see him like that
Re: Urgent please help!!!

Sorry to hear about Bamboo. Crimson gave you some good advice about the vinegar water. Make sure he's kept warm and quiet. He needs rest whatever is wrong with him. Allow him to sleep as much as he wants, with eating breaks in between. Hope he recovers.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

Just asking, but was he vomiting BEFORE he began the medication?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

no. i gave him the second dose today morning, and he vomited 4-5 times in the afternoon. he has stopped vomiting now, but his poop is SOOOOO watery
Re: Urgent please help!!!

I wonder if he's having a reaction to the medication then. Antibiotics will cause runny poop (that's expected), and can probably also cause an upset tummy, especially in such a little guy. What were his original symptoms? Were they GI-involved, or did that only start after the medication was given? If I were you, I would call the vet who prescribed them ASAP and ask what they make of the worsening symptoms and how they suggest to proceed.

And if he will accept food, plain yogurt (just a very very tiny bit for such a small bird) can help ease upset stomachs. It has probiotics that replace the good bacteria naturally found in the gut that have now been killed by the antibiotics.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

rule of thumb is kill the infection first, then introduce the good bacteria.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

Ask your vet to take a fecal sample that they can examine under the microscope?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

This is from Birds with crop problems - (crop stasis, crop infection, "sour crop") - Talk Budgies Forums

How is the crop problem diagnosed?
A sample is taken from the crop and examined under the microscope to look for fungi or other parasites. Special staining of the crop sample is also necessary to determine the presence of harmful bacteria. In some cases, a culture and sensitivity laboratory test may also need to be performed to determine exactly which type of bacteria is present and the drug/s to which it is sensitive.
Blood tests or xrays may also be needed to detect the underlying cause eg heavy metal poisoning, kidney disease.

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